Rebirth of the Legendary Player

1244 Words
James opened his eyes and felt that the sunlight was a bit dazzling. He stretched out his hands to covered his eyes, but there was still sunlight leaking from between his fingers. He frowned and sat up from the bed. He has a handsome face, and his beautiful emerald eyes are staring at the scenery outside the window. Outside are the emerald green leaves, becoming more and more delicate under the sunshine. The breeze blew from outside the window and moved the white curtains, which swayed slightly. He sighed and suddenly received a call. He took out his mobile phone from the bedside table and glanced at it. It was Derek, his close friend. He hesitated slightly, looked at the caller ID for a few seconds before answering. "Why are you so slow?" A dissatisfied voice sounded, "You didn't just wake up, right?" James made a haha, and said, "As you guessed, I just woke up." "I am really convinced" he sighed, "Do you forget, what day is today?" "What day?" Jamy asked casually. He got off the bed, walked to the sink, and started to wash his face with water. "Bro! Do you forget today is the launch of [Alternate Dimension] James opened his eyes in an instant. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. 'No, what's the matter? Why did I suddenly become so young?' He looked at the mirror and become confused. 'Even my shaggy beard is gone…' He fell silent. The hand holding the phone was shaking slightly. "Hey, are you there? Why are you not talking?" James's voice trembled slightly: "What, what year and day are today?" "September 26th, 2062" Derek said, "Did your lost your memory." Although he was joking, he has not teased him anymore, and he can hear his concern. "No." After giving the answer, James took a deep breath, his expression returning to normal. He cut off the water in the sink and walked to the living room. He looked at the almanac, and yes, it was Sep 26, 2062. Obviously, he passed through the tunnel and died but why us he in his bedroom. And the reason why he hesitated when answering the phone was that he and Derek had not been in contact for three years. After an argument with him, Derek left disappointedly. To this day, he will still not forget Derek's disappointed eyes. He let out a sigh of relief. 'It's great to be back. This time, I will hold my destiny firmly in my hands.' As he finalized, he ended the call with Derek after few greetings. He walked to the door of another bedroom and tried to open the door, but failed. The door is locked. He pulled out the keychain from his pocket and found the key to the bedroom door according to long memory. He opened the door, and the long-lost scene appeared before his eyes. James doesn't know why, the corners of his eyes are slightly moist. His eyes were first attracted by the game pod in the center of the room. 'If I remember correctly, this should have been bought by my own savings and borrowing a sum of money from Derek' The main body of the game compartment is silver-gray, and the hatch is made of black glass. The overall look is very beautiful. He checked the time, it was about ten. There are nearly two hours before the server starts at 12 o'clock. He first turned out some bread and a bottle of milk in the refrigerator and started to eat. Then, while the game was out of service, he started to browse the game forum on his phone. 'As I thought, there are only some basic materials and analysis conjectures on the webpage.' But despite this, those posts that don't say anything have amazing popularity. Just like the post he was reading now called "What is a duplicate legendary skill" James frowned and looked at it for a little while before rolling his eyes and closing. Then he saw that this post had more than two hundred thousand in popularity. James is very familiar with the profession of mage, even for other professions, such as warriors, summoners, knights, thieves, priests, etc. have very unique insights. And if these insights are translated into words, it is enough for a player with good qualifications to become a high player. You must know that in his previous life, he was a famous magister of level 190. Although… did not change his destiny. His eyes are drooping and his thoughts are flying. Time passed quickly, and soon the twelve o'clock bell rang. James put the phone aside and entered the game warehouse. There was pitch black before his eyes, and soon a dark blue meteor flashed past, and the entire field of vision lit up, but it was still a deep ink blue. He chose the profession of a mage easily and chose Berux Town as his birthplace. 'There is a piece of equipment that I must get.' That piece of equipment is unique to Beaux Formation. The equipment is called "Ring of Chaos" and the output is extremely low. Even many professional players don't even know its existence. James knew the existence of the ring of chaos because of accidental hearing. Why did he miss it? The reason is that this piece of equipment comes with an extremely rare skill that even James has not seen again after ten years of playing. This skill is called "Elementary Magic Chaos". The effect is that players will be buffed with 50% attack damage when their HP reduces below 5%. What's even more defying is that this piece of equipment is one of the three pieces of equipment which can evolve. After, He collected a lot of information and finally learned that the drop rate of this piece of equipment decreased as the game progressed to zero. In other words, if James is the first to complete the task, his success rate is undoubtedly the highest. He named himself a name, Eclipse. Just changed his name to a random one. Well, we can't say it as a random one. The blue screen turned black, and then suddenly lit up, like dawn piercing the darkness. He is already in the game of [Alternate Dimension]. White lights are constantly lit up around, and virtual characters appear in the field of vision. It won't be long before the place will be overcrowded. He glanced at the situation before him, then noticed that he was wearing brown linen and his hands were empty. As a mage, not even a staff, it is really a very embarrassing thing. He turned left and right, speeded up his pace, and walked to the weapon shop. Without any hesitation, James had a conversation with the smithy owner Galen. Then got a rough staff. He cast a glance, this staff only had 3-5 attack power. "Hurry up…" he whispered to himself. Then he walked into the tailor shop. After the same conversation, he got a white robe. After putting it on, his magic defense increased by 2, and his physical defense increased by 1. 'Finally, I am not too embarrassed.' He then walked towards the hall of skills. There, he can learn the skills of his profession, which was very large. He had 20 free skill slots for now, 'I have to quickly obtain a skill and acquire the item'
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