Exchange System

1198 Words
He forgot the time because he was so happy to spawn monsters. Suddenly an announcement appeared above the horizon. [Dear player, it’s 12 o’clock in the night. Ten minutes later, the system will be maintained, please prepare for offline.] The appearance of this announcement means that the highly anticipated exchange system is about to open. James was silent for a while before choosing to go offline. It is late now and he needs a rest. He quit the game. Of course, before that, he put the two bronze-level equipment exploded by the water element into his bag. There are still three whiteboards, which James didn’t pick up. He originally thought that he would be able to upgrade to level five today, but now it seems a bit unrealistic. There is still a very long distance from the fifth level. Then he stood up and walked out of the game compartment. He did not turn on the light in the room, but walked into the bedroom in the dark. He fell on the bed, curled up into a ball and fell asleep quickly. 12 hours of gaming has exhausted him. He fell asleep like a lonely and proud cat.There is a deep and secluded starry sky outside, and most creatures have also fallen asleep. James face was quiet and beautiful when he fell asleep, but his teeth were always biting his lips, his brows were frowning, and he looked sad and melancholy. The stars flickered in the dark night. Then it gets bleak over time. The sky gradually became white and then brighter, and the sun gradually rose.    The deeper the night, the closer to the dawn. It’s dawn time now. He got up from the bed and glanced at it. The time is now around six and forty, just in time to have breakfast. He went downstairs and went straight to the unmanned supermarket. James actually likes this supermarket very much. He would come to visit when he was in a bad mood and depressed. Then the mood will gradually become more cheerful. At this time, his gloomy mood gradually improved. He bought a bunch of foods, most of which were snacks with more delicate packaging. The rest are staple foods that supplement carbohydrates and protein. He spent about 150 credits on this shopping, which is less than 75 silver coins for one gold coin. Now let’s talk about the exchange system. All currencies in the world of [Alter Dimension] can be directly exchanged for credits. This avoids offline transactions and underground black markets among players. Because offline transactions are risky and time-consuming, the black market is even more so. Therefore, when the game operator releases the exchange restrictions, bad situations can be avoided.    The operator behind [Alter Dimension] is Apocalypse Information Technology Company. It is a bit too small to underestimate Apocalypse. This is also a guarantee for players. At the very least, you don’t have to worry about the operators making a fortune and running away. This is the outline of the entire exchange system. After eating a staple food, he put the rest of the food in the refrigerator. Then walked to the second bedroom, walked into the game compartment and started the game.    He opened his eyes, and he was still in the map inside the tree. He looked into the distance, and there was a light array about eight hundred yards in the distance. To leave here, you must pass this light array.    But at this time it is so suitable for leveling, why are you leaving in a hurry? He waved his staff and hooked a low-level water element. When it started to walk slowly, another fireball hit the water element directly in front of it. Then there are two water elements slightly left and slightly right.    He attracted a total of four wild monsters. Then he released a [cryofreez] calmly. There is no pause in the technique, everything seems right. He continued to release fireballs and wiped out the low-level water elements one by one.    After releasing three freezes, his experience increased by 2%. Then he took a bottle of magic restoration potion from his backpack. The magic power was restored at 10 o’clock.    He maintained a super-high speed while practicing, completely ignoring the passage of time. His look is so serious, and his frost robe adds to his majesty and noble temperament.    The flowing frost robe is light blue, and the light gold pattern is dotted on the robe, giving a feeling of exquisite and noble air.    He leveled up leisurely. Of course, it is not always possible to hook up to four low-level water elements, and he sometimes has to avoid long-range damage from the water elements by virtue of his flexible walking position. But compared with other players, his leveling speed is still like riding a rocket. He remembered that it took a little more than three days to reach the fifth level in his previous life.    He exhaled. Although these water elements are ridiculously slow, their attack range is not much different from their own.Therefore, he cannot be careless and must be careful. He plans to spawn monsters in this way until he reaches level five. There is a lot of strange experience here, no one robs the blame, no one spies on the dropped items, and no one kills or overpowers. This is simply a place of geomantic omen. Time passed without any haste, and soon three hours passed. Crazy leveling is like the end of the forest, and 'I feel a little tired at this time.    He drank a bottle of HP recovery potion, and then clicked on the ranking list. It is still Noxus master in the highest position. Still a knight of level five.    “At this time, they should have been preparing the first copy. Then they won’t succeed until five o’clock in the afternoon.” James sat on a rock, his calm tone seemed to state a fact.    After a while, when his health was slowly recovering, he whispered: “It seems that this time I still can’t surpass him.” Although he went back to the beginning of the game, it is extremely difficult to change anything.    He was covered with a haze when he thought of this. “No… I must change all of this!” He muttered to himself, “It starts with obtaining the [Ring of Chaos] for Destiny Items!” He knows, or that many players in the previous life know that Noxus Master really sits firmly on the throne of the overlord starts from obtaining destiny items. But… the real purpose of destiny items may only be explored by him alone.    He slowly closed his eyes and began to recharge his energy. When he opened his eyes again, fifty minutes had passed. His eyes are shining with spirits, and the temperament of his whole person is like a sharp sword out of its sheath.    He stood up and walked towards the distant water element group. His confidence and determination finally revealed for the first time. “Pave the way for me to reach level five, water element.” He muttered softly with a victorious smirk.
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