Chapter 9

1484 Words
“Listen I drove three hours to come and see my friend. I am tired and hungry. So, we are going to have a problem if you do not call Emma this instant!” Taylor did not want to call her friend herself because chances are Emma will not answer and she definitely didn’t want to lose face in front of uptight Guard number #1 over here! The guard gulped worried that he might be offending his Luna. After giving Taylor one last look, he grabbed his phone and moved to the side making sure Taylor cannot hear him. He talked for a few seconds before hanging up. Taylor did not get a chance to question with him because her smartphone started ringing. It was Emma! “Taylor, are you really at the gates? Why did you come?” asked Emma with an alarmed voice “Well hello to you to Emma. Yes, I missed you too. Yes, I was sure you were going to like my surprise” replied Taylor playfully. “Yes of course I missed you too... I am just surprised. I did not believe the guard when he told me you are at the gates! I had to called you directly to confirm that it is really you” “Yep I noticed your soulmate runs a tight ship over here.” “I will tell Ray and Charles to let you in. Then you go to the big house, follow the road sign « pack house »”  “Ok will do. See you in a jiff.” said Taylor before hanging up. This Silver Moon gated community is huge.  Taylor passed over six low rise buildings before reaching the pack house and she estimated that this community hosted a minimum of 30 buildings. Taylor was stunned as soon as she laid eyes on the pack house which looked like a resort hotel and could fit hundred residents on its own. As Taylor parked her car, she noticed a group of heavily armed people coming out the main entrance of the pack house. “Quite a welcome party” thought Taylor “Taylor! Taylor! I am so glad you are here” Emma was screaming as she ran past the welcome committee and landed in Taylor’s arms. “I missed you so much! I cannot believe you are here” continued Emma. “You can give your car keys to Clive he will pack it for you and get your luggage” Taylor turned around following Emma’s gaze and saw Car Lover standing there. “Oh! he is a Clive? I know him as Car Lover” smirked Taylor “Car Lover, are you a vengeful guy?” added Taylor Clive looked at Taylor intensely for a few seconds then he burst out laughing. Emma was confused looked at Clive and Taylor laughing “Back in Dallas I keyed his car, apparently a vintage car, because he was following me… So, I want to make sure he will not do the same with my car now.” “I would not dare upset you nor my Luna … I mean Ms. Emma” said Clive taking the keys from Taylor’s fingers “Come let me show you around” said Emma walking hand-in-hand with Taylor back to the pack house. The lobby of the pack house was spacious with panoramic windows providing a breath-taking view on the surrounding mountains. Lounge areas were scattered here and there and a large wooden, yet modern bar was the focal point on the right with different beverages available to grab on-the-go. Taylor noticed on the left a large dining hall decorated with long wood tables and contemporary velvet chairs. While Taylor is still looking around amazed by the beauty of the place, Emma was giving orders to prepare a guest room for Taylor. Then she grabbed two cup of coffee and they crashed on a couch in the lounge area to talk. Unfortunately, they did not get the chance to talk as Emma suddenly became tensed looking at something in front of her. Taylor did not need to follow her look, she immediately guessed that Lover Boy is coming their way. He looked handsome and composed as ever but Taylor noticed that he was not alone. A tall handsome man was walking by his side. He had blond short hair, a strong jawline and a light stubble. But what captivated Taylor were his forest green eyes. He was staring intensely at her as he approached with Liam. Taylor was completely lost in his eyes and felt a shiver go through her spine. She could not understand why his stranger had such an effect on her. She noticed he smiled as if aware of his power over her. Arrogant much! thought Taylor to herself silently. She forced herself to look at Liam and try to ignore this man. “Good afternoon Ms. Smith. When did you come? WHY did you come?” said Liam “It has been a month; so, I am doing a quality control to make sure you kept your word” “Seriously? Do her parents know that you are here? Or Derek?” “No, I don’t need their permission to come and see my friend. I don’t need anyone’s permission!” Liam looked at Taylor as if he is processing her answer and trying to contain his disdain at her passive-aggressive response. He then looked at Emma and asked her “Emma were you aware that Taylor was coming?” “What, n … no… no of course Not!” replied Emma stuttering Taylor furrowed her brows: Emma’s body language and voice depict fear and Taylor did not like that one bit. “Emma, I am starving. Do you think you can get me a nice chocolaty dessert? I didn’t see any at the bar” “Yes of course, I will check with the Chef. He makes a killer chocolate mousse. Will see if we have any left and bring you some” replied Emma as she left to the kitchen after looking cautiously at Liam and Taylor, wondering whether it is a wise decision to leave those two alone. “Lover boy, we need to talk... Privately” said Taylor seriously “We can go to my office” “After you.” gestured Taylor As they reached his office, Taylor noticed that the handsome guy is following them “Excuse me this is a private conversation” “This is my brother Dean Carter.” said Liam “Nice to meet you, Miss…” “Taylor, Taylor Smith” “Oh! you are the Taylor from Dallas? The one who screamed at my brother in the middle of the Ball?... I am definitely NOT leaving” smirked Dean “I see my reputation preceded me. Nice to meet you Dean. But still I prefer to have a private conversation with Liam “ “I have no secret from him” snapped Liam. “Oh really! Do you discuss s****l position with him?” “Taylor! I have no time for such childish behavior” huffed Liam angrily while Dean was hardly containing his laughter. “OK… Ok.. If you have no problem to be scolded in front of your brother, as you wish.” said Taylor raising her hands as if she is giving up. Liam closed the door, and they all took a seat in his office “Lover Boy, it seems to me that you broke your promise. So, I am here to collect something that you do not deserve” “What is that?” “Emma of course” “Are you f*****g kidding me! She is my mate, and you cannot take her” yelled Liam with his fists clenched hardly containing his anger “We had a deal Liam. You were supposed to take care of her” “And I did! How dare you pretend otherwise. I was always extremely polite with her, provided her with everything… never raised my voice on her ... Why am I justifying myself to you! I do not have to!” “Her smile disappears as soon as she saw you coming towards us when we were in the lobby. She was scared when you asked her whether she knew I was coming. She hardly talks with me on the phone while we used to talk for hours on the phone even though we used to live together!” “Taylor, this is my brother, and I can reassure you that he never hurt a woman and definitely not his mate” intervened Dean “Well you know you can hurt a person without raising your hand. it does not need to be physical it could be emotional. Something is wrong here. I know it, I feel it, I know her!” “Get off my back Taylor! You are unbelievable! Why do you put your nose where it doesn’t belong?” hissed Liam. “Emma is my sister, and I am worried about her. I am sure you would have done the same for your brother” “you are not her sister by blood” “Family isn’t only about blood.” “You will not take my mate Taylor.” Warned Liam “You want me to believe that you never lost your temper with her? That you never yelled at her like you just did with me!” “Of course, I did NOT yell at her. She is a kind and lovely woman… Unlike YOU” he spitted Before Taylor could reply, Dean tried to mediate again. “Ok Liam and Taylor, you both need to calm down. Taylor why don’t you stay for a few days with us and you can see firsthand how happy Emma is here” “What? no she will leave immediately!”
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