8. Debate with Evans

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Evans drove Caitlyn to a house not far from his neighborhood. The house is quite simple, with white paint and a simple design. The distance was not comparable to Evans' home. "Here are the keys to the house," Evans said as he handed a key to Caitlyn. Caitlyn accepted it reluctantly. Actually, she was not the type of woman who would take help from others for any reason. Moreover, the service of a house was quite large for her. But this meant a lot to her. At least she can be calmer thinking about her future after her work as a surrogate mother is over. Caitlyn opened the door to the house. She sighed as she entered the unfamiliar place. She will be staying here for a while. "You can bring your things here," Edward said. "But don't ever bring Daphne into this place. I don't want you taking her out of the house without my permission." Caitlyn sat on one of the chairs in the living room. She sighed. Something was bothering her. "Why do you have that expression?" Evans asked. "It looks like you don't agree with what I said." "You're too possessive of Daphne. That's not good for her development, Sir," Caitlyn replied. "That's none of your business. Caitlyn is my daughter. I will take care of her life. All you need to do is do what you should as her mother." Caitlyn felt this was unfair. Even though she had no experience as a mother, she wasn't Daphne's biological mother, but she didn't want to take Daphne for granted. "Then what does it mean for me to be around Daphne if you won't let me do anything? You think of me as nothing more than a six-year-old nanny," Caitlyn argued. "You should at least think about Daphne's happiness. She's not happy in your mansion. She's ...." "Please." Evans looked at Caitlyn so seriously. She begged Caitlyn not to overreact. "Don't interfere with how I take care of my child. You're only allowed to look after her. You have to play with her. And your role is to be a nanny for Daphne." Evans rubbed his head. He didn't look too comfortable with this situation. He seemed very uneasy. Caitlyn noticed how Evans was behaving. Why was he like that? He was even sweating. "Are you okay, Sir?" Caitlyn asked. "Can you get me a drink?" Evans sat down immediately. But suddenly, he fainted. Caitlyn widened her eyes. She panicked when she saw Evans faint. "Sir! Sir!" Caitlyn didn't have her cell phone with her. She was at a loss as to what to do. Caitlyn quickly reached into the pocket of the suit Evans was wearing. She took Evans' phone. Unfortunately, the phone had a security code. Caitlyn could not use it. Caitlyn rummaged around in Evans' suit pockets again. She wondered if there was anything that could help. Instead, she found a pill bottle. There was white medicine in the bottle. "Is he sick?" Caitlyn muttered as she looked at Evans. Caitlyn immediately rushed to the kitchen. She wanted to get some water for Evans. She filled a glass with water, then returned to Evans. Caitlyn also put one of the pills in the bottle in Evans' mouth. "Come on, please, please. Caitlyn is very panicked. She was afraid something bad would happen." *** Evans opened his eyes when he felt his body was so cold. Evans woke up in a bed he did not recognize. Instead, he saw Caitlyn sleeping, sitting on the edge of the bed. Evans felt something sticking to his head. He picked it up. There was a wet cloth used to compress his head. "Damn," Evans muttered. He immediately got up. He was only wearing long pants. "Where are my clothes?" Caitlyn woke up when she heard Evans' voice. She immediately touched Evans' forehead to check his body temperature, but Evans brushed her hand away. "What are you doing?" Evans grumbled. "Why am I sleeping here?" "You should at least thank me, Sir," Caitlyn grumbled as Evans became angry. "You fainted, and I don't know what to do. I couldn't get to your cell phone. So with all my effort, I carried your heavy body to this room." Evans cleared his throat. He felt terrible, but he was too proud to apologize to Caitlyn. He quickly got up to stop this awkward situation. "Where are my clothes?" Evans asked. "I'll be home soon." "I washed them," Evans replied. Evans' eyes widened. She could not believe Caitlyn had done that. "Why? You didn't have to. How could you undress me and then wash my clothes without permission? Do you know that those are expensive clothes?" Caitlyn stood up immediately. "I dragged you to get to the room. And your clothes get dirty. How could I have allowed that?" She then picked up some objects on the table and gave them to Evans. "These are all the things on top of your clothes pockets. I didn't do anything." Evans looked at her wallet, cell phone, and a few other small items she usually had in her pockets. She also saw the pill bottle that Caitlyn had used earlier. Evans quickly put the pill bottle into his pants pocket. Caitlyn saw how Evans just hid the pill bottle as if he didn't want anyone else to know. "Are you sick?" Caitlyn asked. "Don't interfere," Evans said. "These are just vitamins." He immediately called someone to deliver the clothes to him. Caitlyn was increasingly convinced that Evans was suffering from some kind of illness. His behavior was strange. He shouldn't have panicked so much over a bottle of pills. "Don't tell anyone that I fainted. I am a businessman. I don't want my business associates to think I'm incompetent. Do you understand?" Evans warned. Caitlyn nodded, although she was actually curious. She wanted to know what this cold, rich man was going through. A few moments later, Evans' secretary arrived. A man was carrying clothes for Evans. "You fainted again, Sir?" asked the secretary. "Watch what you say. I don't want a big mouth," Evans warned. The secretary dared not argue. He then handed a folio-sized folder to Evans. "This is the revised contract you requested. Why the need to re-contract, Sir?" The secretary asked. "That woman made me do it," Evans replied. "For Daphne's sake. I'll do anything."
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