1. Betrayal

1086 Words
"David!" Caitlyn had just gotten off work from a public library in Los Angeles. She was shocked to see David–her boyfriend, having s*x with Bianca–her best friend. "What the hell are you doing!" Caitlyn's emotions were in turmoil. She was tired from working late into the night but was getting such a painful sight. David and Bianca woke up. They don't even feel guilty at all. "I'm tired of you," David said. "You're too busy working. You can't fulfill my wishes anymore, either." Caitlyn snorted. "I work for us. I pay for everything you need, David!" Bianca was seen putting on her clothes and approached Caitlyn. "I'm sorry, but David loves me more than you. You're unattractive and gullible." David and Bianca laughed at Caitlyn, who was so stupid to have been deceived by them. While David was dating Caitlyn, Bianca was also dating David. They took advantage of Caitlyn's hard work to finance their lives without Caitlyn knowing. "We are friends, Bianca. How could you be so mean to me? What is my fault!" Caitlyn was still in denial about the situation. "You're a fool. That's your fault. David never loved you. I love David. Even though I know he's dating you. Don't judge me. Love is never wrong, Caitlyn. Maybe you're just unlucky." David took Bianca's hand. "We should go. I'm sick of seeing that innocent Caitlyn face," David said. "David, you're so cruel!" Caitlyn screeched. David didn't care about Caitlyn's tantrum. He and Bianca left Caitlyn's apartment without saying anything. Instead, they looked happy that they had betrayed Caitlyn. Caitlyn burst into tears. She couldn't understand why David would do this to her. She stared at the bed where David and Bianca were making out. Caitlyn was getting more and more helpless. That night she cried bitterly. A little while later, she got a message from the bank that her debt was past due. "One hundred thousand dollars?" Caitlyn was astonished. She didn't think she ever owed the bank anything. Caitlyn had always saved money. She never had any debts with anyone. Caitlyn suddenly realized that David had borrowed her ID card a few months ago. David owed the bank using Caitlyn's name. "One hundred thousand dollars? I have to pay right now?" Caitlyn didn't have that kind of money. David had been living with Caitlyn like a parasite. He lived in Caitlyn's apartment. Caitlyn was confused. She looked at her account balance. She only had five hundred dollars. How did she get that much money? Her money had been spent on pleasing David. Caitlyn was stupid. She was too stupid to realize she was just being used by David. **** The next day Caitlyn woke up in a state of chaos. She heard the sounds of people in her apartment. Caitlyn immediately came out of the room. She was surprised to see a stranger in her apartment. "Who are you?" Caitlyn asked a man and a woman. They seemed to be a newly married couple. "Hey, Miss. We are new owners of this apartment. We bought it a month ago. The previous landlord said it was vacated," the man said. Caitlyn was speechless. Her body suddenly went limp. David was the culprit. He deceived Caitlyn. Now, what should Caitlyn do? She has no one. Her mom and dad died two years ago because of COVID. They just left her this apartment. Now Caitlyn is homeless. Caitlyn walked out of her apartment. She was carrying nothing but a backpack with some clothes. What should she do now? She has no place to live. Caitlyn tried to meet Bianca at her boarding house. She wanted to hold David accountable, but the landlord said Bianca had moved in with her boyfriend a few days ago. "I thought you were friends. She should have called you," the boarding house owner said. "Oh, she hasn't said anything to me," Caitlyn replied. Caitlyn was confused. She then left Bianca's boarding house. She walked alone while carrying a backpack. She headed to the library where she worked. Today was her day off, but she didn't know where else to go. Her mind was in turmoil. She didn't have any money either. "Caitlyn, do you want to come to the beach?" Joseph asked. He was one of the library staff. "Oh, I don't have any money. ...." "Oh, come on. Just come along. You don't look excited," Joseph said. Caitlyn followed Joseph to the beach. Joseph invited his friends. They took a car to Cabrillo beach. When they arrived at the beach, Caitlyn was silent. She couldn't get excited even though Joseph and his friends were having fun playing in the water. "Why are you so quiet?" Joseph asked. He realized that Caitlyn didn't look happy. "Nothing," Caitlyn replied. She didn't want to share her pain with Joseph. She didn't want others to know how stupid she was to be deceived by her boyfriend and best friend. Joseph touched Caitlyn's shoulder. "Keep the spirit." After encouraging Caitlyn, he rejoined his friends. Caitlyn chose to go out alone instead. She was very down at the moment. She had no place to live and had to pay off debts. "What should I do?" Caitlyn muttered. She walked close to a cliff area. She sat alone and stared at the sea. Caitlyn was crying. She remembered when she first met David. David was very sweet to her. He was kind and caring. They had been dating for three years. Caitlyn was twenty-three years old. She didn't go to college because COVID made her stay at home. When her parents died, Caitlyn couldn't do anything about it. Luckily her father's friend, who works at the library, offered her a job even though the salary is not great. "I don't want to live anymore," Caitlyn told herself. She was too stressed and couldn't handle the situation. "I'd rather leave this world." Caitlyn stood up. She put her phone on the ground, then e walked closer to the cliff edge. Today's waves were not too big. But if Caitlyn jumped, the chances of survival seemed minimal. Caitlyn was still staring down the cliff. Her mind was not right now. She just wanted to jump and forget all her sorrows. Caitlyn closed her eyes. She imagined her dead parents. "Mom, Dad. I'll see you soon," Caitlyn said. Caitlyn was about to jump. Her legs were already set forward, but a child's voice suddenly called out to her. She heard that child is crying.
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