Chapter 16 EGAAT SIX O'CLOCK IN THE morning of the 20th of July, Yaquita, Minha, Lina, and the two young men prepared to leave the jangada. Joam Garral, who had shown no intention of putting his foot on shore, had decided this time, at the request of the ladies of his family, to leave his absorbing daily work and accompany them on their excursion. Torres had evinced no desire to visit Ega, to the great satisfaction of Manoel, who had taken a great dislike to the man and only waited for an opportunity to declare it. As to Fragoso, he could not have the same reason for going to Ega as had taken him to Tabatinga, which is a place of little importance compared to this. Ega is a chief town with fifteen hundred inhabitants, and in it reside all those authorities which compose the administra