Chapter 4 - The Wrong Seat

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Chapter 4 - The Wrong Seat Lucille's POV Waking up in this God forsaken place is even more difficult that I would have thought, because there's not more Camille to help me get ready in the morning, do my hair or even prepare me my breakfast. I am already late, having overslept because I took ages to fall asleep last night, so I have to skip the most important meal of the day. My mind kept going back to the monumental error I made which made me walk in on a naked boy in his room. I have decided not to complain about the confusing way this campus is divided, mainly because the more I thought about it, the worse it made me look. And I rather not look like a stupid moron on my first full day here. Reluctantly I leave the comfort on the plush duvet and move to the bathroom to get myself ready and ensure I look at least half human, given the large bags under my eyes. Despite the deluxe facilities in this place that would rival those of a high end hotel, I could not, for the life of me, figure out how to turn the heating on. The highest setting the damn thermostat has is 25 degrees Celsius, but the darn thing kept blowing cold air my way. Now, this, this is something that I can complain about. But first I'm going to give it another night or two, just to make sure I'm not being an i***t again and failing to notice what's right in front of me. I feel better after I have put some light make-up on, creating my signature sophisticated look I usually wear in school, which makes me look just a little older than I am, but in a good way. I'm sporting the cat eye look that made most boys in my previous school get into fights over who will be the lucky one ask me out even if they knew I always rejected them. I had made it my unspoken rule to hold off on dating until I got to my senior year, which means I have another year to wait, but hey, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy male attention, right? Pleased with the way I look, and happy that the mandatory uniform is somewhat flattering on my body shape (it helps to be tall and slim, with just the right amount of curves to make any other 17 year old girl jealous) I take a few blank notepads, as well as the schedule that I received during orientation yesterday, and get going. As I walk briskly to make it my first class, and to get away from the cold that is biting into my skin so early in the morning, I curse my decision of not taking a jacket. Nevertheless, it's the perfect time to go over my plan. It's rather simple, really. Not to go over board with the prison analogies, but I intend to find the girl that looks like she's the queen B, befriend her and get in her close group.  Eventually, I would be able to dethrone her; taking her place would happen rather naturally, due to my personality and based on previous occurrences. I smile to myself feeing rather confident. This is boasted by the fact that I was able to find the room I was meant to have my first class in quite easily.  I walk in, oozing confidence and scan the room before sitting down quietly. There's only 3 other people in here, none of which bothered to even look my way, since it's very early and the class doesn't start for another 15 minutes. Choosing my seat was a rather calculated affair also. It's imperative than I state my position from the first day, be seen front and centre without being front and centre, if that makes sense. To me, it does, that's why I chose the best seat for someone going after the Queen B title.  The room has 3 large sets of benches that usually sit two people. I obviously went for the row in the middle, but didn't chose the first double bench, not even the second one. Because I am rather tall and I do stand out, the best seat for me in the third bench, which only leaves another one behind me. If I am correct, that's where the most popular boys usually sit, and that would only help my plan to get in the popular group as soon as possible. "You're in my seat." Ten minutes after I sat down, and a lot of smiling to the curious faces that greeted me as they walked in through the door, an overly nasal voice startles me. It's show time. I tell myself as I look up with a big, sweet smile plastered on my face. "Oh, sorry, I didn't realise the seat was taken." I innocently say as I scoot over to allow her to take her seat. She is tall, not as tall as I am, and looks a little imposing, commanding even, but definitely not Queen B material. This will be good. The girl takes the seat I was previously occupying and I smile sitting next to her, waiting for class to start. There's only a couple of seats left, and less than 2 minutes before the teacher is due to walk in. I was right about the seats behind us being occupied by what look like two of the most popular boys. All three of the double benches in the back are occupied by what can only be described as the jocks, but boarding school style. A quick glance at the six guys and I see that they look like they are polo players rather than the sports you see in teenage dramas. "I'm Lucille, by the way." I extend my hand to my new desk mate. The girl watches me with a displeased look, before her eyes look up past my head. I suddenly feel a presence behind me, and before I manage to turn around, another girly voice, full of poison this time, speaks the same words as my current desk mate. "You're in my seat!"  The teacher choses this exact moment to enter the classroom and shuts the door behind him. This spark anger in the girl that spoke, so she rudely proceeds to lift me up from the chair by dragging me by my blazer. I was not expecting anything like this, and the laughs that echoes through the room are not helping me either. I can't even move to pry her claws off me. She brushes my things off the desk, and I find myself needing to pick them up from the floor while everyone whispers and laughs at me.  "Alright everyone, take your seats. We have an new student joining us today, let's greet her properly." The teacher asks everyone to settle down, and by doing so makes everything worse for me. It's like he was blind at what just happened. The snickers and name calling are a harsh slap on the face, as I find the next available seat and plop on the chair with a thud. f**k, that was not the chair that my ass hit and nearly shattered my coccyx. I look at myself being on the floor, feeling more embarrassed than I have ever felt in my life. "Mr Rawley, that was uncalled for. Please find your way to the headmaster." In a rather bored tone, the teacher calls out the boy who pulled my chair just as I was sitting down, making me fall on my ass and be laughing stock of the classroom. "Totally worth it!" the boy, Rawley, gets up and marches triumphantly out the door, while sharing a pleased smirk with the girl that started everything. I have a feeling Rawley won't get anything more than a verbal warning and a free period, seeing as he won't stay for the duration of this class. So yeah, I get why it would be worth it for him, that prick! "Are you OK?" A concerned voice asks. I look around confused, not knowing where the whispered question came from. The goth looking girl next to me seems like she couldn't care less about my wellbeing, therefore I don't think it was her. The b***h could have very well warned me to watch out for Rawley behind me, yet she didn't, probably feeling glad that the guy has a new target and won't picking on her anymore. I can't imagine being goth in a preppy school like this has been kind to her. As the class progresses, and the whispers about me die down a little, the guy in front keeps shifting. Eventually he turns around the slightest and then a folded note magically appears on the notebook in front of me. I pick it up, half expecting some crude joke about me falling on my ass, yet I smile when I see the words scribbled inside. 'I'm Alaric, and I might be your best shot at avoiding what just happened earlier.'
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