Chapter 7 - The Rough Night

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Chapter 7 - The Rough Night Warning! This chapter might be triggering to some readers!! It depicts someone having a seizure. Franco's POV "It's alright, Franco. I've got you, I've got you." I can hear Gianni, but I can see only black, even though I think my eyes are open. They must be, they always are, because this is one of the things Gianni always writes in his notes. Eyes deviated to the left. I can't think, there are only fragments of coherent thoughts, as I drift in and out of consciousness, struggling to remain in control. It's so frustrating. but I can't even be mad. I'm not me. "It'll all be over soon man, it's almost over." Gianni continues to talk to me like he always does. It helps on some degree, but he knows just as I know that it's a matter of riding it out, hoping I make it out alive once more. I will, as long as someone's here with me, I'll be fine. "Just a little longer, then it will all be over." I wish I could say something back, I wish I had more than a fraction of a second before I'm again no longer myself. My head hurts, it feels like my brain about to explode, if it hasn't already. I feel the violent jerking of my arms and legs. f**k, I hate this part. It hurts and I'm cold. "s**t, it's 10 minutes already. Settle down Franco, it'll be over soon." I scream, I scream loud, and a part of me is embarrassed, but another is enraged. I try hard to control my body, yet I can't as I am merely trapped in this defective body with an even more defective brain. The sound of rustling and the feeling of being almost naked is triggered in me. Gianni is changing my clothes, I have lost control of my bodily functions again. I hate it when this happens, this is not living, it's torture.  The big guy is quick in changing me, making this as least embarrassing for me as humanly possible. He has done it hundreds of times, and it helps that he's big and strong enough to lift my shaking body and manoeuvre the clothes and wipes in a matter of seconds. "12 minutes." He announces for himself. I know he's timing everything and he's ready in case of an emergency. "It's almost over, Franco, settle down, you can go back to sleep soon." He tells me. I can feel it, the painful surge of energy slowly dying down and allowing my brain to start functioning somewhat normally again. I slowly come back to it, but my eyelids feel so damn heavy, it's hard to stay awake. "14 minutes, almost 15. You're OK, Franco. Go back to sleep. You're OK." Is what I hear last before I allow myself to go back to sleep, cursing the shitty hand that I was dealt in life. --- I wake up and look at my phone, seeing that it's so late that all my classes must be over by now. I notice a few texts, people wondering where I am, like it usually happens when I don't show up for classes. Alaric is the only one's that I read. A - 'Rough night?' His text asks me, and I know that my friend has already figured out what happened. F - 'Yeah. I just woke up. Where are you?' I send the text as I coax myself into getting out of bed and jumping in the shower. Gianni might have cleaned me up last night before he put another pair of pants on me, but I do need to take a shower and wash the traces of sweat and urine off me. This is not living. A - 'Having lunch. Are you coming?' I read my friend's text after I showered and made myself look and feel more human again, and less of a cripple. I don't bother texting Alaric back, instead I make my way towards the cafeteria, after passing Gianni and silently thanking him for making sure I got through last night. --- "So I guess that last night really fried your brain, huh?" Alaric says, making me glare at his to make him shut up. Fortunately, we are alone, with no chances of anyone eavesdropping on our conversation. We walked Lucille back to the girls' quarters, in an attempt for me to shake off Cinthia. Out of all the people in the cafeteria, Cinthia was the only one that dares to voice her displeasure upon hearing that I will be Lucille's date to the stupid ball. Well, me and Alaric, apparently. But I had to get away from her before she blew a fuse and jumped on Lucille, trying to rip her hair out. It wouldn't be the first time she gets all territorial, Marissa, a girl I hooked up with straight after the first time that Cinthia tasted my c**k, would know. The poor thing ended with with a bald spot after Cinthia got her hands on her, but Marion sought me out after the incident that landed the three of us in the headmaster's office, and said that it was well worth it. Unfortunately she wasn't as good for me, as I was for her, so I wasn't interested in seconds. Cinthia on the other hand, well he gives great head, so I can't bring myself to firmly tell to her to back off. The truth is that I didn't plan on asking the new girl to be my date to the fall formal, or as Alaric so crudely put it, stake my claim on her, but it happened. Sure, I wouldn't mind tasting those sweet lips and adding her to my portfolio, but I know that would upset my best friend, as he seems to really have grown close to her.  I would be lying if I didn't admit how much I enjoy Lucille's company since she started here. She is incredibly smart and funny, and frankly, she's girlfriend material, if I could ever get the luxury of having one. I know that's completely out of the question at the moment, as my parents would flip and Gianni would most likely lose his job because he failed in keeping me from becoming too close to anyone that could potentially discover my secret and subsequently my biggest weakness. I think it's safe to safe that Alaric finding out about my illness is another well kept secret from our end. As my parents see it, and as how they bluntly put it numerous times, I am not allowed to have any girlfriends or serious relationships until I finish school and the women I might be interested in are old enough to sign a contract and a non disclosure agreement that would prevent them from ever telling the world about my condition. Because it would be impossible for someone to spend their nights with me and not witness the violent seizures that ripple though my brain and body on a regular basis. What a catch I am. I'm lucky that I'm rich as f**k, otherwise I would have been the one bullied worse than Lucille ever has.
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