Chapter 3-2

151 Words

I called Goldie and told her about the boys and the patio umbrella stand before she heard it somewhere else first. “They’re boys,” she replied. “This is only the start of the shenanigans they’re going to pull.” Great. “Oh! I forgot to tell you. I heard from Mary Trapp’s sister who is the hair dresser for Carl Winkler’s first wife. She’s the Fire Marshall’s godmother. They were at church together on Sunday and she found out—” Huh? “What are you trying to tell me?” “I’m getting to it,” she scolded. “Well?” “Ty doesn’t have a girlfriend.” The Bozeman grapevine at its finest. No girlfriend, significant other, attachments. I felt elated and petrified all at once. Just one look or a casual touch of Ty’s hand sent me into heart palpitations. What would it be like to actually kiss him? An

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