Chapter 9-2

1344 Words

I came to with Ty’s face looming over me. Not a bad image when returning to consciousness. But the concern I saw there was something I wouldn’t soon forget. He was so close I could feel his warm breath on my skin. I noticed the scent of peppermint. I blinked. “Jesus,” Ty whispered before closing his eyes briefly. I started processing other things besides Ty. I saw the small crowd that had formed around us, heard the engine noise from the derby, smelled sausage and peppers from the fair’s midway. “I remember a derby car trying to run me over.” Ty nodded his head. “I remember that, too.” His voice was grim and angry, his jaw clenched tight. I sat up. “Don’t. Just lie there until the paramedics come.” “I’m fine. No little birdies flying around my head.” I carefully stood up but Ty kept

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