Chapter 1

2958 Words

1 I was late. The clock on the dash of my Subaru wagon read ten after. But this was Montana, and no one was in a rush in Montana. Especially after a foot of snow had fallen overnight, leaving the roads covered. Most side roads had yet to be plowed. But Main Street was getting another pass. I knew this because I was stuck behind one of those behemoth dump trucks with the big plow on the front, snow shooting off to the side of the road about fifteen feet in the air. Pedestrians and parked cars beware. With blinking yellow lights on the roof, chained tires and sand being spread from the back bed like corn to chickens, it was best to give it plenty of room regardless of my tight schedule. Violet didn't really care, but I only had so much time over lunch. I had to get a job to the printer bef

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