Chapter 20-1

597 Words

20 Two weeks later, I'd had yet to confront Violet, delaying the inevitable. I couldn't leave her high school meddling in the past where it belonged until we'd had it out. But I felt it was something that should be done with Jack, or at least offer him the opportunity to confront her as well. I wasn't able to figure out how to accomplish that since I hadn't heard a peep from the man. I could've called. Asked after him, the progress on his case. But I didn't. He needed to focus on the Jack in Florida, not the Jack in Montana. I fell in love with Montana Jack and I felt I didn't have a place in Florida Jack's life. I wasn't sure if I really wanted one. Besides, I believed in the days he was with me, he’d been slowly realizing he wasn't really, deep down, Florida Jack. I think he recognize

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