Chapter 12

2350 Words

It worked. Jamie turned to him with a faint smile. “I’m sorry.” “Did you have a good time?” Alex started the engine and backed out of the parking spot, cringing as the bottom of the bumper scraped the curb when he pulled away. “I know it’s not one of your clubs—” “I had fun.” Jamie picked at a tiny hole in the seat cover and frowned at the threads that came loose in his fingers. “I want to do this every day. Not so much the mixing stuff, and I can do without that b***h Saundra, but coming here with you and talking and just hanging out—that was fun. More fun than the clubs.” Alex laughed at that. “You’re just being nice,” he said, but part of him wondered if Jamie was serious. He glanced over but Jamie wasn’t looking at him. Does today have to end so soon? he wondered. Sure, they got

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