Unwelcome Memories

1946 Words
Chapter 7 Cara’s POV Brenna was awake and sitting on the row behind us, watching over us both. Her back was against the side of the train, with her legs across the seat. She was vigilant, watching out for anyone coming from either direction. She saw me when I sat up and looked around. The dreams that I had every time I closed my eyes were taking a toll on me. I could see that she was exhausted. It was written all over her face. She was able to calm down a little now. She was very anxious while we were in our parent's SUV. She was worried that they would be able to track it. I was sure that her gut instinct was right. I wouldn’t put anything at all past Paxton. He was willing to imprison both Lisa and me to get what he wanted. We couldn’t take the chance of it being traced. Luna sat up a few minutes later, rubbing her eyes. We were all exhausted by this point. Running from Paxton and his goons was much more stressful than we originally believed. Once we left, reality set in. We knew what they were capable of, and if they had to chase us down, there would be hell to pay. This attempt would be our only chance. We were all aware of it, even though none of us mentioned it. If we were caught, there would never be another opportunity for us to leave again. We knew the risks involved, but we had no other choice in the matter. There was no other alternative for us now. We had to get away. We all knew that we would be dealt with severely if Paxton caught us. They thought that since they were the ranked wolves, they could get away with doing whatever they wanted to do to us. They were wrong. We will not allow them to use us as their own personal playthings. We deserve an opportunity to find love. Everyone deserves to be cared for and valued. That wasn’t too much to ask from a mate. The only thing we had to look forward to if we got caught was a lifetime of abuse from the biggest jerks we knew. We would be looked down upon by the whole pack all because we dared to try to escape. I didn't even want to imagine what our lives would look like. I couldn’t allow it to happen to my sisters. None of us wanted to sign up for that kind of life. “Brenna, go ahead and get some sleep. You have not rested at all. Luna and I will watch over you. There is only one other person in this railcar, and I doubt that elderly lady is going to want to take us on. You will burn out if you don’t get some rest,” I told her. She took a minute to consider it before finally nodding and laying down on her bench seat to sleep. Luna sat across from her to keep a closer eye on her. I sat on the row behind them to watch, facing the other direction so that anyone suspicious could approach us. Since we had some time now, my mind relived the last few days before we were on the run. The last two days had been the worst. The guys were clearly making plans for us and were not trying to hide it anymore. Remembering my injury reminded me that I needed to clean and re-wrap my leg again. It was still bleeding, and I could feel the blood trickling down my leg. It was starting to ache pretty badly again, and I knew I needed to get some water and take the pain meds that they had bought me to take the edge off of it. I held my tears at bay, looking up at the ceiling of the railcar. I wished to the Goddess above that I was a wolf. I wished I had been able to slap that smug smile off of that jerk’s face. They hadn’t even tried to hide their lecherous looks from us. Making eye contact and licking their lips as if we were interested in them. We weren’t. I was willing to die protecting my sisters before I allowed either of them to touch them. They probably figured what could we do to stop them anyway? They had gotten even bolder as the week progressed. It seemed they got bolder as it got closer it got to when they planned to expose their intentions. They were even more convinced that we felt the same way about them. In fact, over the last two days, Paxton had used his master key to get inside my room. Both times just happened to occur while I was in the shower. He was absolutely disgusting, as we both knew that he could tell I was in the shower. It was not an accident. I had barely managed to wrap the towel around myself the first time it happened. I knew something was wrong when I stepped back into my bedroom. He was sitting up, propped up against the headboard, acting like he owned the place. My frightened cry of fear seemed to amuse him even more. He ran his eyes all over me before getting up from the bed. The way he licked his lips as he stared down at my body had really creeped me out. I could tell that he would not take no for an answer. Thank the Goddess for Lisa. To be fair, I never thought I would be uttering those words in my lifetime. I saw her name pop up on his cell phone. He declined the call, but she was nothing if not persistent. She kept calling, and he reluctantly turned to leave my room before answering the phone. He was walking out my door as he impatiently snapped, “What the hell do you want, Lisa?” Oh, too bad. I guess there’s trouble in paradise. The next night, the same thing happened, but I wouldn’t be saved by his phone this time. I had locked my door and slid a chair up under the handle to keep it from opening. Only then did I feel safe enough to take my shower. I didn’t want a repeat of what had happened the night before. I was convinced that he wouldn’t be able to get into my room. I was wrong. The first thing I saw when I walked into my bedroom was the chair lying broken apart on the floor from the force he used to get into the room. “Are you trying to stop me from entering your room? You know this is my pack. I can go anywhere I want to, Cara. Do you honestly think that you can keep me away from you? Don’t you already know that no one will ever be able to stop me from getting what I want? There is nowhere you can go to escape me. You need to face facts. You belong to me. I will always find you, no matter where you try to hide. You are an enchantress, and I am already under your spell. There is no way that I will ever be letting you go,” Paxton told me as he approached. I had backed up, returning to the bathroom to try to get away from him. He put his foot in the door to prevent me from trying to lock him out. “Oh no, my little sorceress. You will not be able to escape me tonight. I left my phone in my room. No matter how many times Lisa calls, she won’t be able to stop me,” Paxton said as he continued to stride towards me. I opened my mouth to scream, and he bent down and covered my mouth with his, effectively silencing me. I can feel his lips moving over mine, begging for entry into my mouth. I felt sick, and I stubbornly kept my mouth closed. Does he honestly think that I am going to accept his unwanted advances? Not without a fight. I can still feel his hand on the small of my back, pressing me closer to him. He was tugging at my towel with his other hand to try to get me to release it, but I was holding onto the top of it with both hands. I am not going to let that happen. I knew what he was planning now, and I was shocked that he would have the nerve to try it while Lisa was still here in the pack and could show up at any moment. I thought that he would surely wait until she left in two days. It was also the very reason that we were leaving tomorrow morning. “I cannot wait to take you, Cara. I have wanted this for so long. I will protect you from Lisa. You no longer have to fear her. She may have the title, but you have my heart,” Paxton breathed into my ear before inhaling deeply at my neck, where a mark would go. I can feel his c**k pressing hard against my stomach. He is seven inches taller than I am, with his 6’4” frame. He is not planning on stopping tonight. I could see that he had locked my door back after entering my room. I heard pounding on my door and both sisters calling out to me, “Cara, are you OK? I can tell you are upset. Open the door right now? Is someone in there? I am going to go get help.” That last comment was the one that got Paxton to freeze in the middle of the kiss he was giving me. He couldn’t take the risk of someone catching us together yet. He was going to probably take me to his room and keep me there until I was pregnant. Then, he would announce it to the pack. They would be more receptive to me if I were already carrying his pup. He wasn’t ready to be exposed just yet. He broke off the kiss and said, “I guess you got a reprieve tonight despite my best-laid plans, darling. Get used to seeing me in your room. Warn your sisters to stand down, or I might have to find something, or someone, to keep them both busy. I will make sure I get time alone with you.” I knew what he was threatening, and I was so glad he left my room then. Brenna had run off to get help, but Luna stood there when the door opened. He told her, “If you need to find something to do, I could always help you find Mr. Right. You and your sister seem to have too much time on your hands. You certainly don’t know when to mind your own business. Cara is mine, Luna. To do with, as I see fit. Don’t try to stop me again, or you and your sister will be punished.” We decided last night that we would make sure we left this morning. We would not wait for him to come into my room a third time. He would not take no for an answer again, as we could all feel his anger radiating off of him. We all knew it would not end well for me. He was getting more erratic and uncontrolled the closer it got to Lisa leaving. I didn’t want to discover what would happen if he ever lost control.
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