Preparing Lara

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Lara stepped out of the bathroom, having finished bathing. She walked into the room where Janet was already dressed in a skimpy pink gown. When Janet bent, her buttocks were clearly visible from behind. Lara asked, "Are you going out tonight?" Janet responded, "Yes, what do you think I want to do, sleep?" Janet laughed, but Lara frowned and slowly walked to the exquisite bed. She sat on the bed, admiring the silk bedspread as she felt relaxed on it. Janet said, "That's your dress on the bed. Madam asked me to lend you some of my clothes as you will be going out with me tonight." Lara frowned, "Going out where? I'm not going anywhere with you." Janet ignored Lara, stood by the wall mirror in her room, and applied her makeup. Janet said, "I don't have time to argue with you, Lara. Honestly, you nag a lot." *Frowned.* Lara replied, "You caused all this. Even if I were in the village drinking garri, it would be better than coming here with you to the city and doing nonsense." Madam Alora walked towards Janet's room door, knocked, pushed it open, and entered. She saw Lara seated on the bed while Janet was already dressed in a short pink gown. She shifted her gaze to Lara and asked, "Why are you still seated on the bed? Stand up now and dress up quickly." Lara frowned as she stood up and walked towards her tattered traveling bag. She opened the zip while Madam Alora stood staring at her. Madam Alora watched as Lara brought out a torn pant. She gasped, "What's the meaning of that nonsense?!" Lara shuddered in fright, stared back at Madam Alora, and asked, "Me? My pant?" Madam Alora replied, "Yes, you! Your pant. You cannot wear that torn pant and bra to go out. Jeez! You're going out with a prominent billionaire, not some cheap local village client. Janet!" Janet responded, "Yes, madam." Madam Alora said, "Give her one of your pants and ensure to buy new clothes for her and pants tomorrow." Janet replied, "Okay, madam." Lara frowned and watched as Janet walked to her wardrobe door and pulled it open. Janet brought out a pant that looked too transparent and tiny. Lara gasped, "What's this? I cannot wear this nonsense" *Frowned.* Madam Alora stared at Lara in disbelief; she knew she had to do a lot of work on Lara, even though Lara looked cute, her locality was still evident. Madam Alora yelled, "Shut your stinking mouth and put it on. Did you even brush that gutter of your mouth to utter such nonsense? Look at the kind of pant you want to wear to meet my client." Madam Alora picked up the torn pant with only two fingers, raised it up, and said, "Look at the pant you want to wear and go out. It even has holes and has been sewn in several places. I cannot believe a beautiful young lady like you would be comfortable wearing this nonsense you call a pant." Madam Alora sniffed the pant and threw it to the floor. She picked up the pant that Janet had brought out and raised it. Madam Alora said, "Look at the kind of pant beautiful ladies like you are supposed to wear. A classic pant that will bring out your curvy shape, not some local, dirty pant." Lara frowned. She didn't like the beautiful pant in Madam Alora's hand and said, "Why should anyone care about my underwear? Isn't it under my clothes that I wear it?" Madam Alora replied, "Enough! Now put this on." Lara frowned as she collected the new pant from Madam Alora's hand. She turned around and wore it. The pant hugged tightly to her buttocks, not covering them properly. Madam Alora said, "Now, this is what we call panties. Janet, let me see the gown you've brought out for her. Does she need a bra to wear with it?" Janet walked towards the bed, picked up the short red sexy gown she had selected for Lara, and handed it to Madam Alora. Madam Alora said, "Perfect! Now put this on! You don't need to wear that torn bra either." Lara's frown deepened. She couldn't understand why she had to dress so provocatively if she was meeting a client. She refused to accept the red gown or wear it. Madam Alora asked, "Are you wearing it or not? Or do you want me to call Jack? You've seen my guards at the gate. I will throw you outside, and you can find your way back to your village tonight. I don't care." Lara frowned and finally collected the red gown from Madam Alora's hand and wore it. Lara was sad. She had no other option but to put on the red gown. She cursed Janet in her mind as she put on the red gown, which hugged tightly to her body, accentuating her curves. Madam Alora said, "Perfect! Now you're good to go. Go brush your teeth properly so you don't irritate my client with bad breath. Janet, once you ladies are ready, please come and meet me for dinner before you leave. You're going to Billionaire Mike Ernest's new house. I've already contacted him and told him about Lara. You should take her along and ensure her safe return." Janet responded, "Okay, madam. But why didn't Mike send his car?" Madam Alora said, "You know Mike. He has refused to send a car and only receives massages. I guess you know what I mean. He will like Lara, and her payment will be triple." Janet said, "Okay." Janet looked back at Lara as soon as Madam Alora left the room. She saw Lara sobbing again and walked up to her saying, "I'm sorry." Lara responded, "Don't you dare touch me! You want to take me to a man's house and yet you cannot lend me money to go back to the village?" Janet frowned, "Look, Lara. He's not just anybody. His father is a billionaire, and he's the heir to Ernest Hotel and Suites. Their hotel is one of the biggest here, and he has other entertainment houses. If you see him, you will like him. He's a handsome, wealthy man. Oh my." Lara yelled, "Shut up, Janet! I hate you! You are no longer my friend starting today. I can't breathe in this tight dress." Janet apologized, "I'm sorry." Lara said, "Just leave me alone. Where's the toothbrush and toothpaste since your madam said I should brush my teeth?" Janet smiled, went to the bathroom, brought a new clean white brush, put some paste on it, and handed it to Lara, "Here, be quick." Lara snatched the toothbrush away from Janet angrily and started brushing her teeth. Lara had naturally white glowing teeth, whether she brushed or not. Yet, Madam Alora had insulted her, claiming she had bad breath. Lara frowned. She promised to deal with Madam Alora when she got her freedom. She wouldn't allow herself to be exploited for money by men. After brushing her teeth, Lara walked out of the bathroom into the room and saw Janet was not there. She sighed and reflected on her life, walking to the wide wall mirror. She was beautiful, cute, and every man's dream. She blamed her mother for their suffering, for choosing to marry an older man when she had many suitors in the village. Lara wondered what her mother saw in her father to marry a poor older man. She vowed never to get involved with a man until she was ready for marriage. As a young adult, Lara hadn't taken any relationships seriously. She only wanted a suitable bachelor for marriage, avoiding mere relationships. But because of her mother's s********e village women discouraged their sons from marrying Lara, fearing she might follow in her mother's footsteps, choosing an older man and abandoning their son for wealth.
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