Chapter 1 - Brought to the city

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At Madam Alora's Brothel Janet said, "Come, Lara, let's go inside." Lara responded, "No, Janet, you didn't tell me we were going to a hotel." Janet frowned as she stood at the gate entrance to her madam's brothel home. She had previously traveled down to her village to bring Lara, all because she wanted to help Lara move out of poverty. Janet replied, "Lara, I can't keep standing out here with you. Fine, if you don't want to go inside. You can continue to stand out here alone, as I have a lot of work to do inside and my madam has been calling me since morning." Lara frowned, a light-skinned beauty, very attractive, and she wasn't foolish not to know where Janet took her. She knew that Janet's parents were poor and also in the village, but with the kind of lifestyle and beautiful dresses that Janet wore most times, she couldn't help but admire it, as she mostly wore rags. Lara replied, "I need to go back home to the village; I cannot go in there with you." Madam Alora stepped out and saw Janet standing by the gate, and she remembered that Janet had taken permission from her to travel down to her village to bring her best friend to the city, as Janet had even promised her that her best friend was beautiful and super attractive. It was 6:30 pm, and soon most of her eligible customers, whom usually patronized them, would soon be arriving at her brothel home. She had only four internal ladies who signed up to work: Janet, Sophia, Edith, and Mimi. As she didn't accept much older ladies, as they proved to be stubborn for her to handle, and also wanted to know her secrets. Besides, she mostly had young men who came into her brothel home to patronize her ladies. Madam Alora asked, "What's going on there, Janet?" Janet replied, "Good evening, ma. It's my friend I spoke to you about. She doesn't want to come inside and has been standing outside here by the gate since we arrived." Madam Alora sighed, "Hmph. Is alright. You go inside; I am coming." Madam Alora walked out, dressed in a black short-gown that barely reached her knee length, revealing her thigh black skin. She wore red slippers and walked majestically outside towards the gate. Her eyeballs grew bigger as she saw the beauty goddess standing outside there beside her gate, with her tattered traveling bag that she had brought with her from the village. Lara greeted, "Good evening, ma." Madam Alora replied, "Yes, welcome. Why're you standing out here by the gate? Come inside." Lara replied, "No, ma. Is this not a hotel?" Madam Alora frowned and forced a fake smile, and she replied, "No, my dear. Or what do you know is a hotel? Have you been to one before?" Lara said, "No, ma, but..." Lara peeped inside the gate and saw some ladies dressed in almost exposed wears, and she gulped and shook her head again and said, "Please, ma, help me to call Janet. I need to go back home to the village; I cannot go in there." Lara began to cry, and Madam Alora's eyes narrowed at her. Madam Alora had been getting calls from high and mighty rich men requesting beautiful young ladies to warm up their beds. And seeing the cute yellow lady who was standing outside by her gate and without any makeup, she shook her head and spoke, "Do you have your transport fare to go back home to the village?" Lara slowly sniffed as she stared up at Madam Alora's face. Lara replied, "No, ma." Madam Alora said, "Then you will have to work for it. Are you coming inside or not? And mind you, here's not a hotel. I actually gave Janet money to travel down to your village and bring you here, as she spoke about you disturbing her to come with her to the city. And now you just got here and want to go back to your village again! How ungrateful of you to come here to my home and to insult me first, without even saying thank you, ma." Lara held her traveling bag and apologized, "I am sorry, ma." Madam Alora replied, "Keep your sorry to yourself and come inside now, before I ask my guards to lock back my gate." Lara stood speechless for a while, not knowing what to do. She finally pushed the gate open and walked in, and she could hear the faint sound of music coming out from the beautiful mansion in front of her. She tagged along Madam Alora, who walked majestically towards the house frontage, and they walked into the beautiful living room. Madam Alora called, "Janet!" Janet replied, "Yes, Madam." Madam Alora said, "Show your friend to her room and prepare her." Lara refused, "No..." Madam Alora asked, "What do you mean by no?! Ain't you going back to the village again? Look, I don't have time to waste on you, and better be quick to move with Janet, else I will call my guards now to throw you out, and this minute." Lara gulped and stared at the rest of the young ladies standing in the beautiful living room that was decorated with golden chandeliers, golden seats, and golden curtains. As the living room was painted in off-white color, and Janet spoke to her, "Come, Lara, let's go." Lara hesitated and finally followed Janet, knowing the beautiful woman wasn't joking in throwing her out. They walked into a room painted in pink, and Janet kindly collected Lara's tattered traveling bag from her hand and spoke to her, "Lara, I know you're still finding it hard to believe this is what I do here in the city, but it's not prostitution." Lara responded, "Liar! You're lying to me. You should've told me before now. I told you I don't want to sleep with any man for money; I don't want to lose my virginity until I'm married." Janet said, "Hmph. I'm sorry, Lara, but what's the point of you keeping it? You, your sister, brother, and mother could barely feed, as your father is old, and your mother knew this before she ran to him and married him. And knowing he already has a family before, did she think about her virginity or about any of you that she brought into this world?" Lara yelled, "Shut up! And don't you dare insult my mother!" Janet responded, "I'm not, Lara. I'm only being honest with you. Look, I'm using the latest iPhone, I've a car here, and do you think I have all that by keeping my virginity?" Lara replied, "Shut up, Janet! That's you and not me. If you had told me before that it's prostitution, I wouldn't have followed you here. Now your madam said I have to work for my transportation fare to go back to the village. And how will I work for it? If it's with my Vee-J, I cannot sleep with a man for money, so it's best you borrow me the money, let me go back to the village this night." Janet burst out laughing and replied, "No, Lara, you're not going anywhere. I wish I can borrow you my money and give it to you for free, but you see. Any money I get from going out, my madam takes 70% and gives me only 30%. And it is not even enough for me to take care of myself, let alone give to you." Lara frowned, "You should've told me before, why Janet?" Lara began to sob. Janet apologized, "I'm sorry, Lara, let's hurry up and bathe before it's 8 pm, so we can eat, and have some time to prepare before we leave." Lara replied, "Leave me alone. I'm not eating or preparing to go anywhere with you. You wicked fellow." Janet smiled and walked past Lara to take her bath in her bathroom. As the room was hers, and since Lara was new, her madam hadn't given Lara a room of her own in the executive mansion. Lara continued to sob. A few minutes later, Janet stepped out, tying a white towel around her chest, with water dripping down from her body. Janet said, "It's your turn now, go in and bathe." Lara replied, "No, you leave me alone, I'm not going anywhere with you." Janet yelled, "What has come over you, Lara?! If you don't do quick, then be ready to leave as my madam is a little hot-tempered." Lara sniffed, and not having any other choices, she walked towards the bathroom door and stood by the door. Lara asked, "Where's the towel I will use?" Janet responded, "There are still about five neat towels in there; I hardly use them, although we have dry-cleaners that wash our clothes, so I'm sure they're still neat." Lara stomped her feet to the ground and angrily walked into the bathroom to bathe. The bathroom was beautiful, compared to the local outside bathroom they used in her village. As they were truly very poor since her mother actually went ahead and married an already married man with grown-up kids. Lara had step-siblings, but they weren't close, as her mother was very fair and almost white in complexion. Making her fair also white too, but her younger sister, Esther, was black like their father, while her younger brother, Amos, was yellow like her. They could barely feed in the village, as her mother later sold fruits in the village square. Since her aged father didn't care about them again, and only used her mother to satisfy his s****l urge. Even as it resulted in them. Lara knew that Janet was right, but she vowed not to sleep with any man until she got married.
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