Chapter 29

1496 Words

"Uncle Sean, can you back up the video about five minutes? That seemed to be when Margaret and Melody's body language changed. And if you could increase the volume, I want to hear what they said. Because whatever they were talking about clearly upset Ebony." Sean was quick to adjust the video and sound as Cordelia requested. Cordelia cringed when she heard the venom in Margaret's voice as she and Melody argued back and forth. "What do you mean you were fired? They can't just fire you for no reason! Surely to god, as a para-legal, you know that!" Margaret screeched at Melody. "Well, they felt they had a good reason," Melody replied in a subdued voice. "You can appeal it to the labor board. We need you in the legal department. How else are we going to know when they schedule the audit?

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