Chapter 4

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Cordelia was roused from her memories of four years ago by Anita's huff of annoyance. "What's up?" You sound slightly frustrated." "Well, we are currently stuck in traffic just past Morris Pond. And we are between Nelsons Landing Blvd and Wyatt Road. So we can't take an alternate route. We are stuck here until traffic starts moving again." "I wonder what the problem is. Maybe we should turn on the radio to the local news station. They might have an update." Cordelia fiddled with the radio until she found CityNews 95.7 as it was the first to broadcast any breaking news, traffic and weather updates. At first there was just the usual chatter about traffic problems, and news of an impending rainstorm expected to hit the area in the next few days. Cordelia was about to switch to another station when the familiar tones that indicated breaking news could be heard. Both women listened intently, hoping it would explain the stoppage in traffic in which they were stuck. "Breaking news: traffic is backed up on Route 2, the Bedford Highway, and is expected to be at a standstill for the next few hours. Please take an alternate route if at all possible. Police and emergency vehicles have been positioned to direct traffic onto Nelsons Landing Blvd, and Southgate Drive. Wyatt Road is also blocked off by police. Any vehicle currently between those two locations will be required to remain there until directed out of the area by police. Occupants of those vehicles are asked to remain in their vehicle. Police have yet to release any details surrounding the issue, but eyewitness reports indicate the coroner is on site, along with an ambulance and the fire rescue unit. Updates will follow once more information is available." Anita reached for her cell phone. "I am going to call Grandpa and let him know we are stuck here for a while. I don't want him to worry needlessly. By the sounds of it, we may be stuck here for a while. Good thing I had stopped earlier to pick up some fruit and other snacks. We just may need them!" "I could use a snack right about now. As usual, Margaret made sure everything she prepared for lunch had seafood in it. The only thing I was able to eat was the rolls. You would think that if they are trying to get me to do something they know I don't want to do, they would at least try to butter me up by serving something I can eat." Cordelia muttered as she turned in her seat to rummage around in the grocery bags looking for something to eat. "There should be some hummus, crackers, and baby carrots in the green bag. Grab a couple bottles of water too." Anita instructed as she put the Jeep in park, rolled down the windows a few inches, then shut off the Jeep. "Might as well get comfy. While you are doing that, I am calling Grandpa." Cordelia grabbed the green grocery bag and pulled it onto the front seat with her. The bag contained everything Anita had mentioned, as well as a small fruit tray with a Greek yogurt dip. Reaching down to the gap between the seats, Cordelia extracted the large, flat tray Anita stored there for times such as this. They often went on long drives to escape the pressures of university, and would eat impromptu meals. Rainy or snowy weather dictated eating in the vehicle, so they came prepared. Anita finished her phone call while Cordelia set up their little snack buffet. "How's Grandpa? Everything okay on his end?" Cordelia asked as she munched away on a carrot stick. "I hope this isn't interferring with any plans he had for this evening." "He seemed a bit upset as he has been calling you, and hasn't been able to reach you." Surprised by that, Cordelia pulled her phone out of her purse and checked it. "My bad. I had muted all sound and turned off the vibrate feature when I was at the house and forgot to restore it. Oops." She saw there were several missed calls from their grandfather, as well as missed calls from Gordon, Margaret and Ebony. That was weird. They never called her unless they were demanding her presence at the house in Bedford. Showing the list of missed calls to her cousin, Cordelia couldn't help but wonder what that was about. "Did Grampa want me to call him back?" "He was fine once he knew you were with me. But he did say that under no circumstances are you to pick up any calls from any of the Andrews. He said something was going on that he would talk to us about when we got to the suite. He suggested that you just turn off your phone, and use mine exclusively. He would call back in about an hour, and said we should sit tight and wait for the traffic to start moving." "What the heck is that about, I wonder?" Cordelia was a little freaked out by this information. But she immediately powered down her phone and tucked it back in her purse. On impulse, she suggested they lock all the doors on the Jeep, including the back hatch. "I know that seems paranoid, but I'm just a bit freaked out right at the moment. And maybe put the windows up a bit more? You know, so we still have air, but no one could possibly get their hands into the vehicle." Anita stared at her as if she were crazy, but did as Cordelia asked. "What's the matter, Cordie? You seem really sketched out right now." "I don't know. I just have a weird feeling." A thought flew threw her head, causing her to grab her purse. Pushing the food to the side of the tray, Cordelia suddenly emptied the contents of her purse onto the tray. It wasn't a large purse, just really a small slouch bag with no extra pockets. She had left it unattended in her armchair at the house while she went to the bathroom, and now she wondered if anything had been taken. Or added. One by one, she sorted through everything she normally carried. Everything was there. Nothing seemed out of place. Yet something didn't seem right. Gordon or Margaret normally would have sent Ebony after her any time she left the house in a vehicle other than her own. Today, her vehicle was blocked in by James's car. Yet, there had been no sign of Ebony's or James's vehicle following them. Yes, she had said she was going back to her student housing, but that had never stopped them before. What was different today? After thinking it through for a moment, Cordelia picked up her empty purse and started to examine it. Seeing nothing different on the exterior, she turned the purse inside out. Rubbing her hand over the lining she discovered a small hole, through which she could feel a small round bump. She looked at Anita, who was clearly puzzled by her actions. She reached over and took hold of Anita's phone and opened her message app and began to type. Handing the phone to Anita to read the message, she held her finger to her lips with a shushing motion. Anita's eyes opened wide after reading the message. She then closed that app and opened her camera and started recording a video of Cordelia exposing a small round disc that had been affixed with double-sided sticky tape inside the lining of her purse. Cordelia pulled the disc free and raised it closer to her eyes to see if there were any words stamped on the metal case. Turning it over, she removed the remaining tape, which revealed a manufacturers mark. Anita took a close-up photo of the mark, then sent the photo, the video, and a text to her Grandfather. Cordelia made sure there were no other unwanted 'guests' in her purse before turning it right side out, and placing her items back where they belonged. After closer examination of the round disc, she was fairly sure it was a tracking device with no audio capabilities. But without confirmation of this, she decided to keep the conversation light and chatted solely about the project she had to finish for her finals. Cordelia knew how desperate the Andrews family had become. She wasn't taking any chances. It was much better to err on the side of caution. She was not going to give them any chance of winning this battle, let alone the war she was waging against them.
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