Chapter 465 : Distraction

2027 Words

*Olivia* After hours of her insistent begging, I finally caved into Dahlia. The scent of baked bread, melted mozzarella cheese, and the fresh tomato-based sauce was unmistakable. Gio strolled into the kitchen and Alessandro and Dahlia's eyes locked onto him and the pile of four cardboard boxes that had just been delivered. “Food!" Dahlia cried, her eyes misty as she stretched her hands across the table. Gio took his sweet time as he strolled over to the table and I laughed at the teasing look in his eyes. In his high chair next to me, Elio whined, “Dada!" “Okay, okay." Gio chuckled, finally setting the boxes on the table. I breathed in the scent, realizing just how hungry I was. Gio sent me a smirk from across the table as Alessandro and Dahlia dove into the boxes and the scent hit

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