
1599 Words

Asher This has literally got to be the most unromantic proposal ever. Ivy’s eyes were wide as she stared at me and, even after minutes passed away, that was all the response I got from her. A plain, blank stare. “Will you marry me?” I repeated and inwardly kicked myself for not bringing a ring. But then again, this wasn’t really a proposal. It was more like asking her to help me out. Dad was going to ride my ass non-stop if I didn't find a Luna before the reawakening ceremony. A mating ball was definitely not an option because first this wasn't the thirteenth century, and second, I didn’t want to end up a laughing stock. Plus, it wouldn’t be right to Ivyanka, regardless of her sentiments towards me. Or mine towards her. After giving this an entire afternoon and evening of thought, the

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