"Chapter 34" Craving for all aspects

1865 Words

"Come here," Hanook cuddles her. He kissed her forehead, and she smiles. "So my wife doesn't want to become a vampire?" He asks. "Yes, I don't," she replied. "And you know trust me, I don't want to treat you this way, I can't see single harm to you, no matter is it equal to your fingernail, but I can't", "I don't know why I am feeling so prone to you, but I feel and I like this," Hanook said. "This is what I want," Victoria says. "Where are your clothes?" Hanook asks. she followed her eyes down, and he smiles. " I am so sorry, so sorry," he smiles. "Stay in my room, don't go anywhere," Hanook said. " Okay, I will," she said. Hanook heard a knock on his door. "Majesty, King Harold is calling you", His servant calls. " Family calls," Hanook said and goes to change.

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