"Chapter 49" You tasted the laugh, now taste the death

2025 Words

" Zelda speak to me? Where are you?" Victoria tries to make a connection, but she was weak, as well as Zelda. " Victoria.......," Zelda whispered she was dying, by the reason she needs blood. "No! She doesn't take blood, because of the spell, she feels gross about having human blood," Victoria strick her fist on the wall. " αφήνω μου ακούω o ψιθυριστής ( Let me hear the whispers)," Victoria let out and that moment her eyes glow white, and instantly her hair turned on floated in the air, She closes her eyes and heard every whisper, and every sound coming from the palace. "Let me die, let me die, let me die," these words distracted her, and that was coming from Clovis the queen room. "No, you will live, I need you," Victoria says and wide her fury of listening. She heard many whi

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