"Chapter 9" The care and love for her

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" Are you sure you are okay to go?" Eva said. "Yes, don't you see me walking?" Seren round around and show her appearance, she dressed so well as she put her makeup on after so long, and all she wanted was to look sophisticated in front of Hanook, as he belonged to some royals. " But don't you think Ryan would never be pleased with this, he wanted to take you to another center, another hospital," Eva tells her. " Stop saying that name, again and again, I don't want to. hear his name, I am okay and I will decide what I need or not, isn't it convenient for everyone? All the time I saw everyone worried for me, all the time I was in the midst of tension, I am fed up bothering everyone, can't you people be happy with my return from death?" Seren was feeling such commotion between her family and her, and this was all because of that guy Ryan. Seren was talking to Eva, and Ryan came up to their home, they were in the dining room located in the kitchen, and Seren glimpsed at him, she saw him wholly mind off in her, his expression was telling her how beautiful she was looking. " Goo....Good morning," he said to her and she ignored him. "Good morning son, have a seat," Eva replied Eva was a young lady but she treated them like her kids. " Are we leaving somewhere?" Ryan asks Eva. "No, no one is going anywhere, but Seren is taking off for her college", She lets out and makes him frown. " What?" He glared at her, her body went to shiver, Ryan is a possessive and extremely aggressive person, Seren always lived under his command. " Who said you are allowed to go? We are going for a check-up again, you are not going to your college, until you get better," Ryan said. " I am going to college, no one can make me halt, if I say then I say", she gives him the same glare. " From tonight, I have seen that you are talking too much," he said. " I have a healthy clean mouth and a tongue as well, which I use for talking, this is its purpose in my mouth," Seren was answering him repeatedly. "Ryan, I want to go to college, and this is my last decision," She said. "But you can't," he said, he clutched her hand and grabbed her upstairs. "Ryan, what are you doing? Let go of my hand," she tries to resist, but she can't. " Ryan.....," she screamed at him a name. " Ryan, don't do this to her," Eva runs behind him. " Eva why don't you say something to him, you are our guardian, not he", she yanked her head abruptly to him. "My dear, I don't want to say anything, I think Ryan is doing right, don't forget he cares about you, he loves you, and you need to calm down, I think her reading is going to be high, too high, her face is showing that," Eva said. He was not giving any attention to her words, He grabbed her glucometer, took her finger then pricked it, her finger gave a spot of blood, so he took it on the glucose strip and checked her fasting. She abruptly tries to jerk off her hand, but she can't take it back. "Ahhh! What are you doing?" She said. " Taking your fasting so you can have your insulin and then you can eat", a glucometer is a machine to check her diabetes and insulin is a cure, she can't eat anything without checking her diabetes through that machine, and insulin which she takes through a syringe. "I don't need it, I don't either need insulin," she said. "It's too normal, it's 70, but how you are standing properly? I know this is reading when you are about to faint," Ryan said. "This is because I don't need it", Seren said. " This is good news thank God your fasting is coming to normal, it was going on for more than 500, and instantly it's fell," Eva gives a brilliant smile to them. " I should make some delicious sweets for my darling," Eva said and left for the kitchen. "Eva....", she tried to stop but she was gone away. " I should call your doctor, Oh your new doctor, I just wasted my all-time over those useless people", Ryan said. "What do you people think?" Seren said. Ryan was talking to the new doctor on the phone while Seren was standing with the same grimaced face. "Okay, I am coming with her reports, she was so sick and now doctors are saying she is all fine, I think they want more money, and I can give how much it takes, but do everything for her," Ryan said peeks at her irritated face. He hung up the phone came close to him, and kissed her forehead. "You look beautiful my sugar pie, but I don't want anyone to see this beauty, only I have the right", he said and rubbed off her lipstick. "Ryan are you gone mad", she said and grabbed her face off. "You don't need any makeup," he said and stepped out of her room, he locked her inside and left. "Ryan.... open the door, Ryan", she started slamming the door, but he was gone. "Why.... Why everyone is doing this to me, why? Mom, where are you? Why does he try to possess me, I am also a human, I have my priorities and things to do, I can't live like that," Seren cries. She thinks she is alone, but someone is hearing her, and he can't control seeing the tears going through her cheeks. Hankook was meditating on the balcony, his eyes got open when he heard her crying so severely. He was listening to everything, he tried to stop and make himself oblivious to everything, but he couldn't make it. He goes to the bathroom for a shower, dresses well, and walks to her home. "How dare you make her cry? You animal, just come in your real face, then I will show you who is powerful and whom you have to show your power", Hanook was in extreme anger. Ryan comes downstairs, and Eva is working in the kitchen. "You don't think it is too much? You know when she is tense her readings go high?" Eva said. "But it is not going high", Ryan replied. "Ryan, you are doing wrong, if you show her this much harshness then she can be rebellious," Eva said. "Eva, you know why I am doing this, you know I am afraid she can harm herself, whenever I let her alone or allow her to go out she tries to finish herself, I am so afraid of this", Ryan said with his whole concern. " I know her, but this is turning too much my son, you have to be calm and show her some love, and if you don't then I am sorry to say that a new guy can make his way into her heart", Eva said and an immediate invasion appears on his face. " I don't know why are you saying his name. Who is he? I just hate that guy, I don't know why whenever I see him I feel such rage in myself," Ryan said. " And if you talk about Seren I don't know what is happening to me, now a day I feel myself much more aggressive, I know I have to control myself, I will never let this happen, Seren is mine, she is my love", Ryan got wary because of Hanook, they don't like each other as well, but the new conflict between is Seren, Hanook started to care for her, and Ryan cares for her and extremely in love with her. He can't imagine a boy around her. Seren was crying in her room, and some threw pebbles in her room from the window, she ignored it, but then another came, she got off the floor and looked down through the window, her eyes went surprised, she saw Hanook standing out there in the backyard. "Hey," he said. " What are you doing here?" Seren whispered and Hanook understood her lip's movement. " I am here to see you, can I come," he said and pointed to the door, but she remembered Ryan was there and Eva was also his detective. "My room is locked," she said and he frowned. "Why?" He moves his lips in shock. "I will tell you, wait let me get you in," Seren said and whirled to find something, so she could grab him in. Hanook could see what she was doing, she was knotting her clothes so she could grab him, Hanook chuckled and whirled his gapes, he jumped and got in from her window, and Seren's heart whacked out. " How, you.....," She went to see out of the window, but Hanook grabbed her hand he pulled her close to his chest. "How do you get in there?" She asks with a shocked expression. "Pipe, there is a pipe going down from your window, I just climb through it.," Hanook's gleaming smiles make her relax. Hanook was staring at her face, she was looking extremely beautiful. "What?" She asks. "Are you crying?" He said and rubbed her tears off under her eyes. "No, nope! It's sweat, yeah I was just sweating," Hanook smiles at her lame excuses. " It's cold enough out there, how you can sweat, who trembles on little thing is sweating in this cloudy season," Hanook said. "What do you mean by tremble?" She asks. " I see you tremble when you hear something loud, or whenever you are nervous, I think this is because of the weather, but now you are saying you are sweating," Hanook smiles and a beautiful soft smile spreads over her lips. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "I want to see you," he said, and her jaw dropped, he was not letting her body go he was holding her close. "I mean you are my first friend here, I have no one good here, so I was waiting outside for you, then I saw your friend coming, after a while, I heard you screaming, so I came back yard, to see you," he said. "How did I get here at night, I don't remember anything?" She asks. " I get you in, you fainted again, so I sneak in your home, place you on your bed, and get out of here with no sound," he tells her in hesitation. " I am really sorry, but this time it's all I can do," he said. " Never mind, thank you for doing this", she said and gasped while looking around. "Aren't you coming to college?" He asked, and she moved her head to no. "Why?" He said with shocked eyes.
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