"Chapter 23 The story of rebellion werewolves

2028 Words

"From that day the trait of pure blood commenced to suicide, but it was not enough, on one side the pure blood trait was fading, and on the other flank werewolves raise their voices for insurrection". "Fenrir, who was the leader of the werewolves instigated their people to stand against the vampire king, they wanted freedom, and the werewolves were devoted to building castles and buildings where people of our work, but they wanted to get off all this and make stand their own Emperor who will rule over werewolves, congregation," "But the king refuses, and it brings that great war between vampires and werewolves, they just cheated on us, those animals attacked us when the originals and royals were the weakest, they were not getting enough pure blood to survive, and human blood was not the

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