"Chapter 105"

1080 Words

" Amarok is trying to seduce Lucian, go quick", Victoria said and Zelda runs but she got bumped into queen Clovis. "Where are you taking off?" She asks. "Let me go," Zelda try to dodge her but she stopped her again. " Please let me go, this is the reason for someone's life," Zelda's eyes were shedding tears. " Go......," Clovis heard her mind and gives her a path to leave. "Get him fast," Clovis said and Zelda turn she nods and runs at her thrilling speed. " This is all because of you, he was so hurt just because of you, you are the reason my brother got died," Amarok growls at him. "You have no reason of living, because of you your father got died", Amarok smirks, by the justification of Lucian's mind and doing. "How could you? How could you?......," Amarok growls and Lucian get t

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