"Chapter 1" All the miseries

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"Seren stop! Why are you running from me? I said stop," the boy pleaded for his answer, that strong groomed boy, amassing heroic features, square jaw, thin lips, prominent straight nose, and his gape complete with hazel shiny eyes, having such an attractive personality, but chasing a girl, who doesn't want to listen to him, The boy's name was Ryan Hendrick, and the girl's name was Seren Valentina, Ryan and Seren have been together since childhood, Ryan and Seren grew up together, as well as their love was built firmly. Seren was suffering from multiple diseases, and her condition was getting worse day by day, she had no such symptoms but her body was dying day by day, she was referred for kidney dialysis, but Seren didn't want to spend her life in the bed, as well she knows that dialysis patient can live hardly for two to three year, she decided to go through surgery if she has to die after two-three years while spending them in misery then she wants to die rapidly cause she doesn't want to endure the pain. As she was diagnosed with diabetes millites type one she can't survive through operation, she has an opportunistic attack of multiple chronic diseases, which were taking her to death, Ryan is Seren's best friend and her love, she loves him so much, Eva her aunt Jason his brother, Ashely who is her best friend and Ryan who is his love and with her from their childhood, in their life there is no such place where Ryan left her, he was with her through her whole life, and he will be forever, she wanted to finish herself and for this, she was running with teary eyes, she tried her best to run faster but then he caught her, he clutched her arm, then pulled her against his chest. She hides her eyes under her other arm. Ryan can feel her crying, her trembling body becomes startled. She turned her, and pull out her arm from her face, that innocent girl was staring at him, with big teary eyes, he smiled and pulled her chin up with his thumb, she tried to look down but she couldn't, that girl was Ryan's life, she was the most beautiful girl in this world, he stumble his hand into her long silky hair, her big doe eyes were pleasing him to leave, she opened her trembling luscious plumpy lips, and try to say something, but Ryan absorbed her Dark Brown glistening eyes into his hazel bright eyes, he smiled but she moves her pointed jaw away, but he clenches her jaw and makes her look at him. He rubbed her chewy cheeks gently, and she again tried to run, but he held her closer. " Why are you running from me? You know you are not allowed to get off your bed, so what do you want to do?" He asked and she sneaked her eyes. " Cause my life is finished, and please let me go, I beg you I'm not feeling okay, please," she said and started to cry. " Hey, stop this, Seren you know your tears make me irritated, don't cry, and you know your condition.......," he said and she abruptly stared into his eyes. "What do you mean by my condition? I'm suffering from all this, not you, so please don't tell me what to do, let me go please," She let out, he cupped her face and made her look into his eyes. " That's not your fault listen to me Seren, it doesn't matter this is a modern era, and you know there is a cure for it," she stops resisting and looks deep into his eyes. " Yes, it has a cure but can you give me my parents back? They left me all alone, I don't want to live," she said and Ryan grabbed her close to his chest. Her parents died when their house burned by fire, and her mother was accused that she helped some girl who was spilled with some black magic, but her mother protected her by saving her from those armed people who came to kill her, That girl was indicted that she is a witch but her mother try to protect her, but those bizarre folks killed her mother and father, cause they hide that girl into their house, they burned their house and with that her mother and father burned in. But her mother saves her and her son Jason from all this she sends them to her sister's house where they will be safe, but they are killed with such cruelty. After this, the whole town apologizes to them for that, but she can't forgive anyone that's the reason she had such few people in her life, whom she cared about. " Don't say that, I'm yours, I'm whole yours," Ryan said he was mad at her, he loved her as no one did, but there was one thing in Ryan, he was so outrageous, Seren was shocked at how he is controlling himself, she knows he got angry on simple things, Ryan belongs to the ancient family of Hendrick Goltzius, they are the protectors of werewolves history, and all the ancient stuff were secured by them, as he is the billionaire of that town and protector of his family culture. " No, you are not mine, I don't want to be with you, just leave me please, I will die, doctors said that I need a transplant, it's too late, go find someone else, I will not stay much longer, I don't want you to cry for me, just be strong, and don't worry about me I'm okay," " Just shut up!" Ryan said and picked her up into his arms, she hissed in pain and closed her eyes. " I'm telling you please stay away, I can't.....," she tried to say but then he saw the anger burning in his eyes. She takes her words back and looks down away from his face. " If you try to get off your bed and try to run, then I shall be so bitter," Ryan said and took her to the bed. He sits near her and her expression shows the pain she is having. Ryan was so troubled, she never said from her lips, but he could feel everything she felt. Ryan let her take insulin, dinner is ready, Eva said, Eva is a 30 years woman, who is taking care of her sister's children after her sister and his husband passed away, she is a beautiful and red-headed woman, a young and strong, her features were always gentle for Seren, cause of her condition, suddenly she was diagnosed with six chronic diseases, doctors was stunned to see that she is walking on her feet. Seren was a self-conscious, and active girl, she was a fitness girl, but one day she fainted and was in the hospital, she was diagnosed with type one diabetes miletus, everyone was shocked cause she never seemed to be sick, she was a motivation for those who don't reside active life, but later her that analyze, the disease attacked her one after one, not letting her breath, and this condition gets worst, when the doctor referred her for kidney dialysis or if she wanted she can go through transplant, but this was impossible, everyone was worried cause she is with diabetes type one, this disease is vascular compromise disease, and she knows a single cut can take her life, as well as she knows the best, but she never wants to be on a bed, she wanted to die instead of that condition, if she goes through dialysis then she will be on bed for her whole life and someone should care for her life long, and knowing that she knows dialysis patients never live more than two years or hardly five years. She takes the option of surgery, and she also knows there is only zero percent chance of her survival, if she doesn't go through one of them, then her family and Ryan will lose her forever, every passing hour was letting her see death, she knows she is going to die, and that's why she runs from her house, and try to attempt suicide, but Ryan's love makes her stay. "I don't want this", Seren cried. " You have to, believe me, you are going to be alright," Ryan whispered and kissed her forehead. " Don't waste your time Ryan, we have just entered the college you have to enjoy this stint, go please," Seren let out with crying eyes. " Seren told you don't cry, again and again, please, more stop this nonsense, we will enjoy this time together," " This will be your dream," " No, I trust in my God, don't you dare to challenge him," Ryan said. " God doesn't like me, he hates me, he wants me to die," " Shut up Seren", Ryan said and picked her in his arms, he fetched her to the dining table and then brought her insulin from the refrigerator, he filled the syringe up, took her shirt slightly up from her stomach, and injected it in and she hissed in pain. " It's okay love, it's going to be fine, Don't worry I am here," he stands in front of her and she places her face on his stomach, he brushes her hair with his fingers. "Dinner is ready," Eva said, and Ryan served her. She was not allowed to take water, and all she eats is just so limited for herself, that no human can live with this portion of nutrition, she is not allowed to take carbs, no fruits, no vegetables, or even no water, she can only drink one sip of water in her whole day. She has passed an IV line as well as a windpipe through her nostrils. She can only eat high-protein food, which can produce less waste during dialysis. She was also doing medical and she knows everything about this. "You are done," Ryan said and cleaned her mouth. Eva takes the dishes to clean, and Ryan sits with her. "Seren!" Ryan said and looked deep into her eyes. " What?" She asks she has no strength to speak that's why she whispers. "Why are you doing this?" Ryan asks. " What am I doing?" "You know there is a zero percent chance of yours to survive, why do you want to operate,?". " Ryan you know, I can't live like that, I want to be myself again, I can't be in bed for my whole life, having dialysis, again and again, feels that pain every day, you can't understand what it feels like", "Seren I can understand," Ryan let out and held her hand. " Yeah, you can understand, but do you know what it feels like?" She said and Ryan looked down. "You don't, no one can, just I, it's better for you to just pray for me, I am ready to live with this diabetes forever, but I can't live with this, I promise I will make myself like I was with this diabetes but not this, I can't," she said and cried, Ryan, hug her and place his head on her hands. "You know, I love you so much," Ryan said. " And I love you more," she answered. "Not more than me, I love you the most, till my last breath," he said. " Just call your God, tell him to take this off from me, I can't," she said and they both cried, Ryan, is a hard man but he is crying cause of his love, he wants this not to happen ever, but this has to occur, they only can pray, she can die, or she can live and this will be a miracle if she lives. Ryan takes her to the room, he gives her medicine and also all those single injections she is indicated with, Seren was fighting with this, but Ryan is his strength he learned everything, cause Seren never lets anyone treat her but when it comes to Ryan she has nothing to say in her defense, he does all this by glaring at her. "Sleep love," he said and kissed her forehead she closed her eyes and fell asleep. " Are you tired?" Eva asks, Ryan he walks to the kitchen to help Eva. " Don't do this, sit," Eva makes him sit and he looks so gloomy. He started to cry, and Eva stopped doing her work. " Oh, honey, don't cry," Eva said. "What should I do then, she is dying," Ryan responded with crying eyes. She hugs him and tries to make him calm down. "Something will happen, I know, her birth is a miracle and I know she is going to live, I am feeling this," Eva said. "Amen, God will do this for us," Ryan never believed in God's doing but from that day when Seren was diagnosed with all these he started to be so close to God, this disease changed his life, but Seren who loves her God got so far away from him. The night has come, and the darkening in the forest has fallen. the forest was bleak and dusky, but far away a fire chore burning in the middle of the forest. A lady with such a horrifying look is standing, and praying in front of the fire, she has a white plane color of skin, wearing a black gown, she has sharp and old features, a thin body, and a long height. She spots her arms in the air and then opens her hands, she opens her eyes abruptly and feels something, they are the witches of the Bellatrix family, and belong to such powerful black magic, as they want the heart of a great white witch, and they know she is hiding in that town somewhere quietly, and the magic of great white witch is protecting her, she was praying to her lord, and two more girls come but they were hiding their faces under the hood.
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