Chapter 26

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I missed him. I miss him so much! It's hard to believe. Stupid Nick for getting into my head. Unfortunately, after our date on Friday , we were back in NY on Saturday at 11 after leaving at 2am. I slept the whole plane ride in the room while he got some work done. When he dropped me home, he told me he's actually traveling for a business meeting and will be back Monday morning. I wanted to eat his head off for not letting me go with him but he just laughed and told me to 'relax and have a good weekend.'. He kissed me on my cheek and forehead and left. And he hasn't freaking called! And I won't be the one to call him anyway.  Okay, I tried calling him 6 times. Desperate much? It's my job to seduce him. After the 6th, I didn't try anymore. I spent the Saturday and Sunday with Tyler and Melanie. It was pretty cool despite Mel's s****l comments about any male specimen including Nick. It was so annoying.  She also made Tyler and I bake 200 cupcakes which was tiring to say the least. I don't know how she managed to get Tyler off work. He's quite busy lately. "If you're coming , you can be sure he's gonna come too. " She told me when I had asked her. I didn't want to push it or dwell on it so I just let it go. After our baking, we watched a movie and I was so tired, I couldn't wake up for church on Sunday. Instead we played card games, talked about anything and everything and played in the rain. Yes. We played in the stupid rain.  And now, on Monday.. here I am with a freaking cold and a massive headache. Nothing serious, really. To say the least, I got a scolding from Tammy. But I was just sneezing then. Now, it's like I'm in Blazing Sands in Temple Run. Great analogy missy. I wore a black  dress to work today and sandals. I was in no mood for heels. "Hey sweetie, are you okay?" Suzie asked me and gave her a fake smile. Yeah I feel like I walked through a tornado. "Good. Just a little cold." I told her going to my office. It was still a little early, I didn't think Nick would be at work. After putting my bag down, I took a sip of my coffee. It's so cold in here... "Ariane." I heard a baritone voice and I looked at the six foot man in his dark blue suit standing in front of me. He's already here! I wanted to hug him but my body hurt and I got so mad at him. He left me and didn't return any of my calls! He didn't even text me. "N-Nick" I muttered unsure of whether it's because of the cold or because of his effect on me. Probably both.. "Aren't you going to hug me? I missed you." "S-so did I." I said coming closer to him. Weren't you mad at him? Silly girl. He walked towards me and gave me a hug and pulled away immediately. I looked at him weirdly. Actually my vision was a little blurry.  I think I smell nice. I took a shower today. Why did he pull away? "Are you okay? You look sick." He asked looking worried and I smiled.  I'm really dizzy. The world is spinning. Why? "Yeah. I'm good." I said holding onto the table for support.  He touched my forehead and looked at me disapprovingly.  "You have a temperature Ariane! What the hell!" He yelled causing my head to ache even more. Why's he yelling? The world is spinning.. I want to throw up.. It's so cold.. "We're going to the doctor right now." He said holding my waist. That was the last thing I heard before darkeness consumed me.. *********** I woke up in a bed that's not mine. Whose is it? What am I doing here? I wanted to sit up but I was too lazy. But as soon as I did, my whole body hurt especially my head. I felt myself being pushed back to the lay down. I opened my eyes. Nick. He looked pissed. What happened? I looked around and I was in a huge room. The curtains were dark blue and the room looked very masculine. Was I in his house? In his room? "W-What's going on?" I asked and that's when I noticed another man in the room with a white jacket. A doctor? "You fainted." Nick said and I looked at him like a deer in headlights.  I did? I thought I was just napping for long.. "You have a fever Miss Rodstein. And you haven't been eating well. When did you start having these headaches?"  "Y-yesterday.." After drying off from playing in the rain , I thought to myself. "Did you do anything strenuous?" He asked while jotting on a book or whatever. "N-no.." I started "B-but, I-I played in the rain.." I said and Nick faced me. "You what?" He almost yelled and I looked at him. "Tamara let you do that?" He asked cautiously. "N-no" "Then?" "I-I spent the weekend w-with Mel and T-Tyler..but it was-" "Excuse me? Did you say Tyler?" He asked in a dangerously low voice and I nodded my head. He turned and faced the doctor. "Is it anything serious?" He asked and the doctor shook his head. "Not at all Mr DeMorgane. In a few days your girlfriend will be perfectly fine. She Just needs to take her medications daily and eat healthy." He didn't even bother correcting the doctor about me being his girlfriend. "Thank You Doctor Meyer. Means a lot." "It's a pleasure Mr. DeMorgane. I'll leave her medicine here. I have a surgery in 20 minutes. I'll see myself out." He said with a smile. "Thanks again . Have a good day." Nick told him shaking his hand. Dr Meyer left and Nick shut the door behind him. He had lost the jacket and was just in his shirt and pants. "T-Thank you Nick. I-I'll just go home now." I said getting out of bed. "Sit your ass down." He said coming closer to me and I went back to bed like a little girl. "Tyler? Tyler! I leave you for two f*****g days and you run into his arms! And you come back sick!" He yelled. "I-it wasn't his fault.." "And you're supporting him!" He yelled again and I felt a tear fall from my eyes. I didn't want to cry! He's just been yelling and I have a headache and... He looked at me and closed his eyes taking a deep breath. He looked at me sympathetically. "I'm sorry cara. It's just , you're sick and it's all his fault. I don't like seeing you like this. For a second, I thought you were pregnant." He said and I almost rolled my eyes. Dude always has something stupid to say. "Don't cry okay? Please." He said wiping my tears with his thumbs. "I can't stand seeing tears on your face.. please" he said softly and I nodded like a little girl. "I'll have your food brought up here. Just rest a little okay? You'll take your medications right after." He said kissing my forehead. "I have to call Tammy.." "I already did. She'll be here soon." Oh no! I'm gonna have another scolding! I thought as I remembered how much scolding I had as a kid for getting in trouble. She was also a mother figure in my life. My best friend.  "Okay. I'll sleep now."  Well I didn't sleep for long until a knock on the door woke me. I figured it was Tammy do I pretended to be asleep. I'm in no mood for another last out. Whoever was at the door got in, and indeed, it was Tammy. Judging by the smell and her awesome bathing gel. "There you are, balled up like a kitten after playing in the rain. Gawd, you've got to wake up so I s***k you. Making me drive all the way here in this cold, girl I'm gonna whoop yo' ass." She said to my sleeping form. I was trying hard not to laugh and keep my composure in tact. "I know you're feigning whatever it is your doing there. Open up those eyes missy." I could no longer hold it in. I giggled as I slowly open up my eyes and looked at her through my lashes. "I'm sorry momma. " She seemed unfazed. "Yeah right." "For real Tammy, I am sorry. Didn't mean to get sick. You know I hate being sick and hate it even more when I have to take medicine." I told her as I scrunched up my face in disgust. "They always have an awful taste and smell." She chuckled and made her way to me, pulling me into a hug. "You got me worried, you know?" I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sorry too, Tam. I promise it won't happen again." She pulled away and flashed a mischievous smirk my way. "In all honesty, it happened for a good cause. Look at where it landed you. Girl this is some fine house. And look at you, all sitted in a hot billionaire's bed. I tell you what, fall sick again." She joked as she wiggled her brows playfully. I couldn't help but laugh at her cockiness. Just then, Mr.Perfect got in with a tray of food in his hands and smiled at us. "What got you two laughing? I could get your laughter from a distance. Care to tell me?" I shared a look with Tammy and we both burst into another fit of laughter. Tammy looked at him and just smiled. "Never mind Mr. DeMorgane. We were just talking about some random girl stuff." "Please call me Nick."  The hunk said and winked. Just perceiving  the aroma from the food was enough to make my stomach  growl. Nick chuckled. "You must have been really hungry, I presume. " I just giggled and shrugged. "A girl needs some good once in a while." "Not once in a while missy, all the time." He corrected me and I blushed. Tammy who was standing at the other end of the room cleared her throat, causing us to look at her. "Uhh, Nick,  we'll be going once Ari  is done eating." Nick looked at her, then at me, then back to her. "Ariane's going nowhere." "What?" Tammy and I asked in unison. Nick looked back at me. "You heard me baby girl, you going nowhere. You need some rest,  You got to take your medicines and I need to be sure you eat healthy." I rolled my eyes. "Nick, I can do that back at my place. Plus Tammy's there to make sure I take my medicine." I told him, groaning at the thought of swallowing  those awful pills. "You see, that's the main reason I'm not letting you leave. You won't take your medication  seriously.  You're staying here and that's final. If you really hate the idea, that's your problem.  Don't mind sweetheart,  it's just a four days treatment. " He said in his usual  bossy tone. "And before you say anything,  my decision  is final." I face-palmed. Look at how genuinely sweet he is  to me, and to think I have to break his heart. I'm such a monster. "Tammy, my driver's gonna take you home, please do pack up somethings for your sister." He told her, flashing his trademark  smirk. "Don't you worry, I'll take good care of her." Tammy  looked at me and winked. Then she looked at Nick.  "I can tell you will take good care of her. I'll get going now. " She walked over to me to give me a hug but whispered  in my ear. "Dang it girl, this dude is hooooottttt. Please if you gonna loose it tonight, be sure to give me the spicy details." By the time she pulled away from her 'hug', I was blushing hard. I guess inlooked like a beet root. Man, I got the craziest sister. She walked to the door with Nick trailing behind her. "Good night Ari, and don't forget what I told you." She said innocently  and I mentally groaned.  Get yo' butt out." I laughed at her as she walked out of the door. Once they were gone, I looked  around the room. This sure is one  nice piece of place to loose your virginity. I laughed  at my own silly thought  as I pressed  my hands on the the bed. "The mattress is even soft." I said to myself  as I laughed again. Just then, Nick walked  in. He gave me a strange look. "There are two things, its either you're crazy, or there's laughing gas in my room. You've been laughing  a lot since Tammy came. " I laughed  a bit. "My sister just really  brings  out the best in me." "I can tell." Nick said. "Now finish up your food so we could do something  hot." He said wiggling  his eyebrows.  My eyes widened.  I'm really gonna get laid today? I was feeling feverish earlier but I've really started feeling better despite the headache. "Not that, silly. We could watch a hot movie." He said laughing  at my facial expression.  I laughed  at my silliness  again. He has no idea what has been going through  my mind all day. No idea. "So what movie do you wanna watch cara?" He asked and I thought for a minute and as he added: "Please don't say The Notebook. It's so boring and sappy!" He said almost looking like a petulant  I actually not watched the that movie. Is it weird?  "I haven't watched The Notebook actually.." I muttered. "But I have a feeling, you've watched it about a million times.." "Y-Yeah. I have but since you haven't watched it, we'll watch that now.." "You sure? We can watch a horror movie if you want or Avengers! Or any action movie.. I really don't mind.. "Ariane. We're watching The Notebook. Get changed it to your pyjamas. Actually, I'll help you.." He said coming towards me and I pushed him away! "Hell no! And I don't have any pyjamas here!" I mentioned and he smiled widely and started unbuttoning his white shirt. "W-what are you doing?" "Im hot." Damn right you are.. "Literally." He said with a wink and I blushed! Why? I have no freaking idea! An idea popped up in my head and I got up from the bed and walked to him. "N-need help with that?" I asked nervously with my hand on the collar of his shirt. He didn't answer and I just removed his hand from the first button. As soon as our skin touched, despite his body being cold.. I could feel the heat reverberated through my body. It was like I was burned. I continued unbuttoning his shirt looking him in the eyes that were darker than usual.. I went down to the last button and then I took the shirt off him touching his skin intentionally and slowly. The shirt fell to the floor and I touched his pecs and I felt him take a breath. His eyes remained on me and he bent down and picked it up. "Y-you have no idea what you're doing to me.." he muttered looking at me. You have no idea what you do to me too! "Wear it." He told me and i turned around so he could unzip my dress. This simple action felt so intimate. I would be wearing his shirt! With his smell.. he unzipped the dress slowly and I felt him remove the hands of my dress feeling the black dress pool at my feet while he took in a deep breath. I was shy and conscious and I think I was trembling. "I-I'll turn around so you can dress up.." he said and I peeked and saw his back facing me. I quickly took off my bra(I hate sleeping with bra and it's so uncomfortable) and wore his shirt quickly. His shirt was big and ended on my mid thighs with most of my legs exposed. I turned and his back was still against me. I hugged him from behind and placed a small kiss on his back. I have no idea why I did that but it felt so right. I picked up my dress and bra and placed it on the bed. "Can we watch the movie now? Or are you gonna stare at that poster above your bed all day?" "Y-Yeah.. lets go." He said snapping out of his daze and pulling me towards the living room.  12 minutes later we were seated in his movie room-yes,he had a movie room-and watching the movie. My head was on his chest and we were eating pop corn. The movie was so emotional! I started crying but I hid it and he pinched me. "I knew you would cry! You're such a baby!" He said laughing  "Stop! It's not my fault it's such a good movie.." i said pouting. "Let's watch another movie.." "You sure? You look tired cara mia" "Nope! I wanna watch another one.. you can go to bed if you want." "Alright alright, lets watch another one.. don't pout baby.."  I blushed and I heard him chuckle. I think he noticed how much I like when he calls me 'baby' .. We started watching and 'Captain Marvel' when I felt myself slowly drift to sleep. I tried to keep myself up but I couldn't and I think my headache is coming back..I felt myself on a fluffy bed and my eyes opened. "Goodnight cara Mia." He whispered kissing my forehead. "W-where are you going to?" I asked him since he wasn't sleeping lying down next to me. "I'll just sleep on the couch. I'll watch over you don't worry." "N-no! I'll sleep on the couch . This is your bed.." I said about to wake up. "Don't think about it Ariane. Sleep okay?" "P-please sleep with me. The night is cold and the bed is big. Don't be so far from me.." I heard myself say. It was sincere though. "O-okay.." hé said taking off his pants and getting into bed with me. He pulled me to his chest and I wrapped my arms around him. He kissed my hair and soon I dozed off.. ******  

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