Chapter 3: New Experience

1040 Words
Six years later... "Mama, it's almost time!" "Okay, okay. Hold your horses..." I quickly jot down to the kitchen and pour some orange juice in her cup, next to her plate of toast and eggs. Since we've brought Caroline home, she's been a very persistent little lady, but who am I to argue about someone that's so adorable? "You are getting to be a handful, little one." I pinch her cheek playfully. "Well, that's what I am!" She smiles with pleasure. "Yes. Yes, you are." I kiss her on the cheek and return to the sink of dishes. "Now, hurry up and eat. You don't wanna be late for your first day of first grade, do you?" "No. Today's gonna be awesome!" I chuckle at her.  " I'm sure it will be." "Thank you for the juice, mommy." "Oh, you're welcome baby,"  I tell her. "Andrew !" No answer from upstairs. "Andrew!" I call out to him again. "Coming!" He says finally. I can hear his footsteps rushing down the staircase. "So, Caroline. Are you ready?.." I ask her. She looks at my outgrown stomach, which is the size of a pumpkin. "Totally! I can't wait to get a new baby brother... or sister." She exclaims with the eggs in her mouth. "Well, we want to keep it a surprise and especially for you." I look at the clock on the wall. "Looks like it's time for school." "Sure looks like it," Andrew says, coming into the kitchen as he straightens his tie. "You ready, kiddo?" She nods ecstatically with a grin. "That's my girl." He tussles her hair and comes from behind the other side of the counter to mine. "And how's my other beautiful girl doing today?" "Excuse me, but I am a lady, sir." I joke with him. "You're both my ladies." He says. I and Caroline let out a chuckle. I peck him on the cheek as he hugs me from behind. "Alright," he picks Caroline up and sets her on his shoulders. "Let's be on our way! Shall we?" They head out toward the door. "Bye, mommy! I love you!" Madeline tells me. "I love you too!" I replied. "We love you more!" Andrew says. "I love you even more!" "I love you, plus infinity!" I chuckled at this little game me and him played each morning. I and Caroline took favor in it as well with each other. While I was finishing up the dishes later that morning, I heard the phone ring so I went and answered it. "Hello? Hello?" I said. There was no one answering so I hung it up. Then it rang again. "Hello?" I said. "Good morning, Madeline." An elderly man's voice said with an ecstatic tone. "Dr. Fletcher! How are you doing this morning?" I asked him. "Very well. How about you?" "Fine." "That's good to hear. How is little Caroline?" " Besides being an absolute angel in my life, she's doing perfectly," I told him. "That's great to hear. I'm just calling to make sure you show up tomorrow for your appointment." I paused for a second and resumed back to talking. "Tomorrow? I thought that it wouldn't be for another three weeks." "You're in your third trimester, aren't you?" He asked. "Experience of cravings, frequent urination?" "Yeah." "Well, this is the time closest to your pregnancy and that means you need to have your checkup sooner." Well, that made sense. "I understand," I said with a slightly surprised tone. "Just wanted to clarify." He said.  After we finished talking, I heard a knock at the door and went to answer that. As soon as I opened the door, I stood there with a smile on my face. "Hey, big sis!" "Oh my gosh, get over here girl!" I hugged her with such gesture and stood back to get a good look at her.  "Wow, you got even slender than the last time I saw you." "Well, that's what food from Paris does for you." She laughed. This is my sister, Deborah. She had just come back from Paris a few weeks ago and much to my surprise, she's become very influenced by the city. "Oh my..." she said as I let her into the house. "I love what you've done with the place. It's very chic." I see that spending a month in Paris has also turned her into a critic. "Well, if redecorating the floors with hardwood is very chic, then I guess I'll take your word for it." I said. She smiled and we went into the kitchen where we chatted for a few minutes. "So..." she said in a delayed voice. "So... what?" I asked her. She poked at my protruded baby bump. "How long until baby number two arrives?" "I'm hoping very soon because I am getting sick of these cravings." That came off as ironic since I enjoy food so much that I'm the one cleaning my plate and complaining that it's my fault of putting on weight. "Ah, you'll get used to it." She said. "Pregnancy may be hard for you but I got used to it." "Oh, please." I told her. "I'm not having anymore children after this one gets born." I held my hands to my stomach. She came over and hugged me. "Uh, what was that for?" "I just missed you, that's all."  "I would've thought that you missed Issac more." "Ugh, please." She said. " I'm over him. In fact, I'm over all the men in this world." "Are you sure you didn't get hit on by at least one Parisian guy?" "Girl, what'd I just say?" She chortled. Deborah places her hands on my abdomen and smiled at me. "To be honest, I'm happy that you're gonna have another bundle of joy and love in this house." "I know, and Andrew is excited too." " I'm sure he—" She stopped when we both suddenly gasped at the same time. "Did you feel that?" "She kicked." She said. " I know, oh my god." We both chuckled.  "Looks like you're gonna have a little bundle energywith this one." I smirked at her and looked down at my bump. Fourteen more weeks until I gave birth.
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