Chapter 1: A Whole New Experience

1137 Words
"We're almost there honey! Just hold it in a little longer!" "OOOOOHHHH!!!" I moaned in unbearable pain as Andrew drove faster through the rushing cars past us. I held my hands to my belly, trying to breathe as calmly as I could. It was the middle of August and I was due to give birth to my baby any minute now. I just prayed that I wouldn't do it in the car. Actually, I didn't expect myself to give birth today! We soon arrived to the hospital and Andrew got out of the car and took me out of the car carefully and walked me to the entrance. We walked in and Andrew captured one of the nurse's attention. She came over asked what was wrong. "It's my wife," he said, "She's about to give birth!" "Okay, follow me," she said, grabbing a wheelchair and setting me down in it very carefully. She then began to lead us down the corridor of the hospital to the delivery room. I was nervous and anxious. My hands were shaking, but Andrew held them as the nurse rolled me down to the delivery room. He looked at me with a smile and said, "Everything's gonna be okay, baby." I smiled back and soon stopped shaking. We reached the delivery room and the other nurses carefully took me to the bed. I adjusted my position and spread my legs apart. I continued to hold Andrew's hand and breathe at the same time while also hoping that the doctor would come in anytime soon. My neck was tense and my back arched in a curved position painfully as I laid in the bed bent over. A few nurses came in and out of the room every minute or so. As far as I could see from my view was their light-colored uniforms and white gloves on their hands. One of them came over and hooked up a bag of morphine onto the IV and inserted it into the vein on my wrist. I could immediately feel it pushing into my bloodstream, delivering a calming sensation to the pain in my body. "Okay, ma'am," the nurse began to say, "How far would you say your contractions are?" "Uh... I'd say about 5 minutes apart." I said in moaning discomfort. "Okay, do not worry." she assured me, "Dr. Fletcher will be in here shortly." I calmed down even more. I looked at Andrew and he gave me a guaranteeing look. Undeniably, he made me feel positive and dispelled my doubts. "I can't believe it," I said to him ecstatically while also panting, "We're gonna have a baby." He returned a gleeful emotion and smile. " I know, the greatest day of my life." he chuckled. The doctor later came in and immediately focused his attention on us. He came forward to us. He seemed to be an old man of moderate height with a white beard and dark eyes, along with large, structured eyebrows. "Hello there, ma'am," he said to me. I noticed a southern accent from him. "I'm Dr. Fletcher." "Hi, um..." I groaned with more discomfort as I spoke. "I'm Madeline and this- this is my husband, Andrew." "Well, nice to meet you," he said in a nice tone, "I understand you're having a bay today." He smiled politely. I and Andrew chuckled lightly as we looked at each other. "Yes, sir. We are." "Alright, let's get started," he said as he walked to the end of the bed and squatted in position between my legs. The nurse pulled thew bottom portion of my gown over up my knees. "Madeline, I want you to lay back and relax while also taking long, deep breaths." Dr. Fletcher instructed me. "Can you do that?" I nodded to him and laid back against the soft hospital pillows. I continued to breathe and suddenly closed my eyes unexpectedly. "Okay, Madeline. You ready?" "Madeline?" A voice I heard say drifted away as I had my eyes closed. Pretty hard to hear someone speak when you're passed out as I am. The first thing that came to me was my wedding day. I was thinking of how sunny t was when my father walked me down the aisle. His face was sweaty from the heat but had an honored expression as I saw how happy he was to give me off to my partner. The next thing I remember was my mother crying tears. But they were tears of joy to the sight of me getting married. I also remember wearing the wedding dress she gave me when she got married to dad. Next was the faces of everyone who was there. The distinct emotions of happiness that was bearable overwhelmed me. Now, I remember looking at Andrew when he stood at the altar smiling at me with an evoked sense of tender love for me. When I walked up to him, I felt butterflies in my stomach as he looked at me with such an overwhelming sight of hope and happiness. The moment when we said our vows was exceptional as it brought tears to my eyes. What I remember coming next was the encompassed meaning of the words, "I do" as we both kissed. I loved the way he swept me off my feet spun me around. Whispering in my ear how he never wanted to be away from me again. That gave me the glad result of him always promising to be by my side, always. I thought about something else too. How we've accomplished our mandatory goals. Building a life, a home, and now here we are. Having a baby. A vision came across me. Making a nursery room for the bay a few weeks ago. The delicately painted walls, the soft, brittle texture of the carpeted floor, and the white crib the middle of the room as it's surrounded by plush decorated artifacts and pillows. A mother like me, looking over her in her crib as she's sound asleep. I'd pick her up and cradle her in my arms, truly so boundless that this would be the reality I've hoped for. How lucky we're to be. Me- a mother to someone that I'll hold dearest to my heart no matter what. Andrew- becoming a father to someone who he'd swear with the benefit to protect out of harm's way. Sensitive and supportive, yet also nurturing and accepting. When I open my eyes, I hear my name being called by a familiar voice apart from my husband's. "Hello, sleepyhead," my father says as I see him and my mother looking over me. "Dad?. Wait, where is..." "Don't worry honey, Andrew's in the nursery with your darling little angel." he said, "She's beautiful, you know." I paused. "Wait, you mean..." He nodded. "It's a girl."
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