Gathering Their Forces

2049 Words

It wasn’t long before they caught up with Gwyn who resurfaced just as they made it. Her scream was horrifyingly loud. It blistered its way through the air to reach Ria. While she was no doubt the intention, the force of Gwyn’s shriek collected misfired missiles back onto their correct flight paths. Most blew up on impact, but the very ability got Morgan thinking.  The ocean churned heavily beneath her as not one, but several others joined up with her. Morgan slid his fingers to the side casting a levitation spell simply to roll out of the way of another, far larger leviathan. No matter how quickly his feet carried him, this other being was going to knock him out, Morgan worried. The soles of his shoes battered the sky’s endless staircase but it wasn’t enough, the monster was far too big. 

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