All That's Left

2023 Words

Morgan braced himself for his change, but it never came. What did was pain in his shoulders, which he clearly embraced as over use. He sighed heavily, clutched the item in his hand, then pushed it into his pocket.  “Let’s just see if it does anything at all while we’re closer to the light,” he murmured.  Their group made their way through the depths back towards where Liia and Albion pinpointed the citadel. The place didn’t look any different at the sea floor. There were still shards of life settled around it. Man made reefs were built up and coral took root. Tropical fish swam in schools, reflecting light like hundreds of tiny mirrors. Their motions blinded his sensitive eyes, forcing him to look away.  “Morgan?” Liia called for his attention, but he could barely give it.  “Hey man,”

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