Thing, (n) Something that will make you tired. Geo reached the most tiring point in his life. Geomeka went home briefly to send a letter and ask for permission to go to school. Geo still staying at his boarding house. Geomeka met his mother briefly. Geomeka didn't care anymore. After this, the mother will take care of the divorce papers, and child custody will be negotiated again. Geo had the right to decide because he is old enough, but that does not mean he has to choose one of them. Geo couldn't choose because they are both not choices. Geo will live alone. Geo didn't demand anymore. Abith saw Geomeka taking care of Geo's permission and approached. "What about Geo?" Geomeka shook his head slowly. "Still devastated. For the time being I take permission first. If it's better, I'll bri