Destiny, (n) A determinant of the next heartbeat. Geo and Rama stared at each other. There was Abith who also stared at him. Abith was curious. Lots of guys who didn't like this sweet curly. In fact, judging by his appearance he was not the type to be hated. Looking for attention to girls? No. Geo was not that shown. Being sissy? Ah, that is the reason why boys are bullying someone! They were called sissy, even to the point of being tried and laughed at. Geo is not so. He did not too girly. Although his body is small, thin, short, and very sweet ... but that was not the reason Geo is labeled as a sissy guy. Abith tried to find the lack of Geo. Ah, arrogant geo? No. He never even boasted that the famous Geomeka and Geomedwi were his siblings. Geo was the type of person who is low profile,