011 Goldeneye's Name.

1820 Words
Looking at this appearance of the hot springs, it should be other mineral springs, not the common hydrogen sulphide springs, so the water was very sweet and odourless, which suddenly made her think of the man with the golden eyes, and some warmth came back to her heart, the werewolf, thinking back carefully, yesterday, Yesterday his firm arms held her, smelling only of sunshine, mixed with the scent of male sinewy spewing flesh. Zona's face suddenly flushed a little, when had she remembered someone's scent so well! But it still felt like Varg was different from all the people she had ever met, everything was unique, including the smell. She hurriedly buried her head to hide it, and took a big gulp of the hot spring water, but was surprised to find, "It's so sweet!" This large area of steaming hot spring water was sweeter than the water she had eaten in the village below the mountain! Over there, those few wolves guarding the Wolf King looked through the fifth floor window, and saw that the woman who was tainted with the scent of the Wolf King's brother Varg, with her eyes glowing, lying down by the sacred spring and drinking furiously! And giggling, so they turned their eyes away with wooden faces and decided to focus on something more meaningful, like the Wolf King's injuries. Whether it was Zona's stitching yesterday that did the trick, or Varg's green herb medicine was strong enough, or their midnight prayers to the moon were answered by the Wolf God, the Wolf King opened his eyes and began to regain his sanity by noon. * Zona had had enough of the water from the hot springs and she was feeling progressively more hungry, so she thought she would walk around to see if she could find some wild fruit, so she headed for the woods that backed away from the castle. As she walked she suddenly heard a howl of wolves coming from the distance but under the beams of the mountains, Zona followed the sound and saw a large group of young men and women following around the golden eyed men with blood more or less stuck to their mouths, stocky and wild, huffing and puffing their white breaths, it was the same werewolves that she had seen yesterday returning from their hunt. The wolves dragged the three majestic buffalo up the beams of the hill, and immediately someone from the castle came out with a cart and loaded these up, taking them straight to the kitchen for cutting and storage. Varg glanced at Zona under the trees and said nothing, but headed straight for the castle, having heard from the messenger birds on his way here that the wolf king had recovered. He arrived at the stone platform and saw that the wolf king was actually able to start eating, so he could see that the woman's tactics were really effective, and it was true that he still had to close his open stomach to make it work. He lowered his head and touched noses with the Wolf King to each other. Then he was relieved and sat directly beside the wolf king, taking the cut off cow leg that the servant brought over and started to gnaw on it, his sharp teeth tearing at the cow leg, the braid of hard black hair that he ran at the back of his head sticking to the blood, and he looked very ferocious. This is the scene that Zona saw as soon as she entered the house, she stood by the side for a while, but still gathered courage and muttered in a low voice in the direction of the golden eyes, "That, I want to go back to the tree house, can you point the way." Her voice was weak and shaky, no one knew whether that person heard it or not. But Zona watched the bloody scene of the buffalo being gutted and eaten, she really didn't dare to breathe. Varg's dark gold eyes glanced at her, his ears twitched slightly, look, that female beast has started to use that kind of "tactics" again (instructing weakness to make herself soft, he stubbornly thought that this was one of Zona's survival tactics), Varg used his cold fangs to tear off a piece of sinew with great force, and flung it to the nearby white wolf, speaking to it in the language of the wolves, which Zona didn't understand. The white wolf swallowed the meat happily, then turned its head and ran painfully towards Zona, crouching its cow-sized body to the ground and gesturing for her to ride up. Zona had been a little tempted to dodge, she wasn't familiar with this wolf, but saw Golden Eyes waving his hand at her, so she could only grit her teeth and ride on the back of this wolf with constraint. Before she could sit still, the wolf "whoosh" leaped out, straight to the forest, scared Zona also do not care about anything, "ah", tightly gripped the white fur underneath her. The wolf carried her towards the forest and sped towards Varg's tree house. The white wolf was extremely fast, and after a few moments of bouncing around, the terrain eased and the trees thinned out, but suddenly the wolf braked, and Zona, who was on its back, lurched forward, missed, and tumbled off the ground. Falling between the snow and the dead leaves didn't hurt, but Zona looked forward and immediately froze. Ahead of them were three strong leopards, circling them with the clear intent to attack, looking like they were here to pick a fight. They let out a low roar, and with a leap of their hind feet, they all pounced on them. The white wolf blocked the front, instantly pouncing on the two leopards, while the other leopard saw a gap and went straight for Drona's throat. At the moment of crisis, Zona subconsciously shouted, "Golden Eyes!" She was trembling and closing her eyes and swinging her fists to block, but she suddenly felt that there was no movement around her, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a robust figure with a light on his back, standing like a mountain in front of her eyes. Broad shoulders and strong waist, behind the hair on the cow's blood has not been wiped clean, still knotted into blocks, but the man's right hand is stretched into a harsh claw, clamped down hard on the leopard's throat, arm muscles contracted and exerted force, only to hear "Gera" a sound, has snapped the leopard's throat. The leopard only struggled for a moment, then softened its body and was thrown aside. Zona froze, but saw the man look back at himself silently at his feet, his dark golden eyes streaming with light, his eyebrows handsome and straight, he spat out a few words slowly in a deep voice. "Varg." But after a moment's thought, he rephrased it. "Varg Greymane." * Zona looked up into Varg's dark eyes as they locked gazes, and it took her a moment to realise that the golden eyes had just told her his name, his name was Varg! Zona's mind would always remember, in the sun dappled forest, under the trees surrounded by cheetahs, this man in front of her with his face stained with blood, spoke towards her in earnest - Varg Greymane. It was a scene she always saw later in her dreams. The two leopards that had been fighting with the white wolves in front of them, when they saw Varg coming back, immediately ended their fight with the white wolf, shrugged up their fur and turned to run, but the white wolves bared their teeth and pounced on them with fierce ferocity. Varg rushed up to the fleeing leopard, one of them had encroached on his territory and was spared by him, but now he came with his own kind to seek revenge, such beasts should not be shown any mercy in Eastern Hill. So when Varg had pounced and killed the fleeing leopard with a single bite, and the white wolf had settled his own battle, with only a slight bite on his ear, which's not a serious injury, he, still proud of his valour, went up and rubbed his head against Varg's strong thigh. A wolf as tall as that would only come up to Varg's thighs, whereas it was almost taller than Zona's waist, and she struggled to even climb onto the white wolf's back. There was no longer any danger in this part of the territory, so Varg left with the white wolf, knowing that Zona had her own things to do, the woman kept herself busy every day, always having some strange ideas and methods. Zona wasn't scared when she saw them dragging the leopard's carcass away as she now thought the territory was under Varg's control. Zona was getting over her panic and palpitations and crossed her arms under a tree for a while, then she decided to look for some more fruits or edible plants to use for dinner, Zona dragged her tired body covered in blades of grass and snow froth, she searched everywhere and collected hazel mushrooms and fungus, chestnuts and hazelnuts, wild dates and sweet persimmons, and then as she was trying to leave, she suddenly smelled a strange aroma, and she followed the scent, and to her surprise, she found a lot of American ginseng.! It was the first time she had seen Wild's ginseng in her entire life! It was such a big bush, and she didn't pick any of the remaining small ones, but only remembered the location in case of emergencies. Along the way, she carried them back alone, so tired that her face was red and she was sweating, but she wasn't cold at all. Varg was lying on the tree, watching Zona carry all the "plants" back as if she was fleeing from a famine, and no longer tried to understand that weak female's thinking which was very different from himself, just rolled over and faced the setting sun. Zona unloaded her belongings, took a few breaths, and set up the stove, but the first thing she did was not to cook. She had already eaten plenty of wild fruits and dates and wasn't very hungry. Instead, she took out a stone pot, smashed the American ginseng into pieces, and slowly simmered it to create a bowl of brown ginseng juice. She filled it with a bone bowl made from an animal skull from the treehouse and brought it to the platform. It stood for a few moments before she uttered, "That, Kim, ah no." She bit her tongue, inwardly forcing herself to forget the name Goldeneye! "Varg, this is American ginseng juice, it's anti-inflammatory, boosts the immune system, er, I think the injured wolf king needs it."
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