Chapter 53 Call Her Mother

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"How dare you break our box?" Seeing Gu Yunjin knock over the food box, Qinger was angry and impatient. Her Lady, Gu Yunxi, spent four hours in the morning making the food. Wouldn't it be a pity to be ruined by others? Qinger had a good command of martial arts. She was rather inclined to lose her temper. As she was about to beat Gu Yunjin, Gu Yunxi raised her hand to stop her. Staring at Gu Yunjin who was across the square table silently, Gu Yunxi's dim eyes were filled with anger. "Gu Yunjin, eat the food on the ground!" She pointed to the trampled wintersweet flower cake. Her cold voice indicated an imposing manner. Gu Yunjin didn't listen to her. Instead, she pointed to herself and said maliciously, "I will not eat..." All of a sudden, Gu Yunxi's eyes were filled with grimness. Gu Yunjin trembled under her sharp gaze. She finally didn't speak out the rest of her sentence. Lvning stood up slowly from the chair, also shocked by the intense atmosphere in the room. Petrified, she looked at Gu Yunxi who was overwhelmed by wrath. "Pah! i***t, you are really not the same as before!" After being stared at furiously by Gu Yunxi for a while, Gu Yunjin found she didn't take any other action. So she couldn't help but utter more offensive words. A cup of hot tea was poured on Gu Yunjin's face. Her elaborate make-up was thus messed up. She covered her face and cried hysterically, "Help! My i***t sister disfigured me! Help, Nanny Gu." Gu Yunxi came nearer and kicked Gu Yunjin over on the ground. She herself leaped to her body so that Gu Yunjin couldn't move. Lvning's face paled with fear, and she ran out, screaming. The other people in the room, who wanted to reconcile them, were all stopped by Qinger, who said to them harshly, "Let's see who dares interfere!" Gu Yunxi now was like a furious panther riding on Gu Yunjin and whipped her face. Her beautiful face was what Gu Yunjin relied on to be so arrogant. She also made use of it to oppress others and put on airs. Gu Yunxi really wanted to destroy it now. She only blamed herself for being too timid in the past. During her stay in the Eastern Depot for a few months, she also learned some martial arts. Living with those captains and fighting against wolves, she cultivated a much stronger character. She wouldn't hurt others unless someone hurt her. If someone had hurt her, she would have paid back double. "Gu Yunxi, are you mad? Let me go." Gu Yunjin had never thought that Gu Yunxi, the once timid i***t, could lose her temper like this. No sooner had she began to shout than her mouth was stuffed with a piece of trampled wintersweet flower cake under compulsion. "Umm..." Gu Yunjin waved her arms to struggle, but her thin and weak wrists were tightly grasped and buckled on the ground by Gu Yunxi, who vacated the other hand to continue stuffing the wintersweet flower cake into Gu Yunjin's mouth. "No spitting out! Swallow it! Swallow." Gu Yunxi's eyes turned red, appearing as crazy as a devil. Ten years of torment in this room was enough to make her desperate to destroy everything here. Mouth filled with the cake, Gu Yunjin felt difficult to breathe. Worse still, due to Gu Yunxi's pressure on her body, breathing was even harder. She slowly freed one arm from Gu Yunxi's control and took a piece of the broken teacup secretly to cut Gu Yunxi's neck. "Lady." Qinger stared beside with her arms holding her shoulders. She was too nervous to blink her eyes. Gu Yunjin's domineering personality made her unbearable. It was fine for her Lady to punish Gu Yunjin. She didn't worry about whether Gu Yunxi could defeat her. She just hoped her Lady wouldn't get hurt. The moment Gu Yunjin raised her arm, Qinger realized the danger and lunged forward instinctively. She raised her right hand to fight against Gu Yunjin. She felt severe pain on the back of her right hand. Blood flowed from the wound. Qinger's face turned pale due to the pain. Her facial features convulsed, and sweat soaked her small round face. "Qinger, what's wrong with you?" Rolling down from Gu Yunjin's body, Gu Yunxi ran to Qinger to care about her. Gu Yunjin stood up from the ground and slapped Gu Yunxi at full tilt, making her feel dizzy. "Lady!" The clear sound of slap frightened Qinger. She forgot the pain of her hand and spread out her arms to protect Gu Yunxi to go back step by step, afraid that Gu Yunjin would come back to hurt her Lady. "You currish b***h! How dare you hit me." Gu Yunjin's hair was disheveled. Her small face was full of finger marks. As she stared angrily, her features, red and purple and pockmarked, looked rather ghastly. "Gu Yunjin, you insult me, and I won't quarrel with you, but I won't allow you to criticize Master Leng!" Gu Yunxi covered her swollen cheek. Her eyes were still like the cold sword, quenched with the intention of killing. She stared straight at Gu Yunjin, who was now extremely ugly. "Gu Yunxi, stop daydreaming! With a eunuch, do you really think you are noble with superiority? No matter how powerful he is, he has to raise his daughter as a son. Why doesn't he give you a title if you are in his heart? Instead, he makes you look like a man! Growing up under his eyes, you can humiliate yourself, but he, the castrated, still cares his image in others' eyes!" "..." Suddenly, as if something had dawned on her, Gu Yunxi felt shocked. As the curtain was moved, four or five small eunuchs filed in, leading their Master into the room, just like a myriad of stars bending towards the moon. "The yard seems really busy during the Spring Festival!" Leng Qingtang, saying and smiling, unwrapped the cloak of black fox fur outside his official coat and threw it into the hands of a young eunuch. He looked at Gu Yunjin eye to eye in coldness. Gu Yunjin, who was making a noise just now, seemed to turn dumb instantly. She opened her mouth without making any sound, trembling continuously. In her eyes, the Master's handsome, free smile gave her an indescribable feeling of strangeness, which made her frightened. When did he come? Gu Yunjin lowered her head with a guilty conscience. Just now, she repeatedly made bad comments on him and mentioned his physical defects. As the saying went, you shouldn't publish one's shortcomings even if there were deep hatred. She wondered if he had heard all her malicious words. Nanny Gu went into the room in a panic, followed by some maids and servants. She went straight to Gu Yunjin. Lvning and two other girls who had just entered the Garden were also present. As soon as they came into the room, they fixed their eyes on Leng Qingtang. Was such a handsome person really a eunuch? "Nanny Gu, Yunxi hit me. She even splashed me with hot tea! Look, I'm going to be disfigured by her!" Gu Yunjin pulled Nanny Gu's brocade sleeve, crying out. "Yunjin, apologize to Yunxi!" Nanny Gu gazed at the wounds on Gu Yunjin's face. Although her dim eyes showed the same pain, she had to control her emotions and shouted an order to Gu Yunjin. "!" Gu Yunjin suddenly realized something, falling into silence. As she expected, Leng Qingtang had been in the Garden for some time. After a night's heavy snow, Leng Qingtang worried about Gu Yunxi after he finished the morning ritual. So he ordered his followers to drive the carriage to the Garden so that he could pick her up. However, unexpectedly, as soon as he went into the Garden, he heard Gu Yunjin was creating a disturbance in the room. He deliberately didn't allow others to stop her, just to see the performance of Yunxi so as to know how much progress she had made since she entered the Eastern Depot. Indeed, he was satisfied with her performance. It would have been better if she had been stronger and hadn't given any chances to Gu Yunjin for a backhand attack. Seeing the Master arrive, Qinger finally felt at ease. She raised her right hand, which was wrapped in the handkerchief, to Leng Qingtang, crying, "Master, finally you came! That lady was so ferocious. She not only slandered you and slapped our Lady as she argued against her, but also cut my hand with the broken teacup. You see, what if our Lady was hurt?" Qinger was smart. She knew the Master cared for Yunxi. Now he saw her maid was seriously hurt, and he must have imagined how terrible it would have been if his beloved Yunxi had been hurt like this! Sure enough, seeing the blood-soaked handkerchief on the back of Qinger's hand, the Master's deep black eyes suddenly shrank into two small dark points. "Qinger, it's very loyal of you to protect your Lady. You can go back to the ledger to get one hundred pieces of gold!" "Thank you for your reward, Master." Qinger was obviously happy. Leng Qingtang strode to Gu Yunxi and held up her small face to have a closer look. Half of her delicate cheek had swollen out of its shape, and the tender skin of her face shone brightly because of the bruise. Leng Qingtang was anxious and grieved. Gu Yunxi was not that kind of naughty girl. She was so beautiful and lovely that he wasn't willing to do her any harm in his daily life. How could he allow others to beat her like this?! Leaving Gu Yunxi, Leng Qingtang went to Gu Yunjin step by step without saying anything. His handsome face turned gloomy. Gu Yunjin knew she couldn't escape. Her legs went limp with fear, and she collapsed at the foot of the table. Nanny Gu stopped Leng Qingtang, knelt and prayed, with her forehead kowtowing against the hard tile floor, banging, "Master, Yunjin is too young and naive. If you want to beat or punish her, just let me replace her! Please be gracious to forgive her this time." "Young and naive?" Leng Qingtang repeated in a grim tone, squinting at Nanny Gu sharply, "Anyway, she is cultivated by you." He stretched out his hand to pull her out of the distance. Then he walked a few steps to Gu Yunjin, leisurely squatting his body. As he looked at her face-to-face, a light smile emerged on his face, showing unspeakable complexity. "Master, please forgive me! I didn't mean to do that! It was Yunxi who kicked me first. She disfigured me with the hot tea to prevent me from entering the Palace! She also blocked my mouth. She wanted to suffocate me!" Gu Yunjin said incoherently, keeping scolding Gu Yunxi. Some cold fragrance wafted on the face, carrying an imposing sense of anger. He was only a short distance away from Gu Yunjin. With a slightly tired and casual look on his handsome face, he looked like a noble deity in heaven. "You aren't dead now, but Yunxi, my girl, was wounded by you! How should I deal with what you did?" "..." Eye to eye, Leng Qingtang finished his words unperturbedly. Only the reflection of Gu Yunjin's astonished face was in his calm eyes. Nanny Gu flung herself at the feet of Gu Yunxi, hugged her thigh and cried hysterically, "Lady Yunxi, my dear lady Yunxi, please say something! Please ask the Master to let Yunjin go. I spent the whole ten years cultivating her. If something bad happens to her, I can't live, either! Please, I beg you." Meanwhile, beside the table, Gu Yunjin rushed into the arms of Leng Qingtang. Her sweet cry was like the song of a nightingale, arousing others' sympathy. "Master, please forgive me. I really didn't mean that. Your Lord doesn't care about petty people's faults! You raised me, and you have been my foster father from now on. Please care for me, your daughter, and forgive me this time! Please, father..." "Your father? Your goodness is more than I, a eunuch, can bear!" Leng Qingtang hated her more and more. He pursed his lips. There was no tenderness in his enchanting smile. Instead, only severe coldness was left, making others too frightened to look at him directly. He suddenly reached out and grabbed her neck. His white fingers tightened around her throat. Gu Yunjin's face turned blue, and her eyes were bulging. She stared in horror at Leng Qingtang, who was rather calm. Her hands held his palm, trying to pull it away from her neck. His hand was so strong that she could not get rid of it however she struggled. Gu Yunjin felt more difficult to breathe. Some saliva flowed out from her open mouth, dripping to the hand of Leng Qingtang. "Master! My dear lady Yunxi! I beg you. Please, as I have served in the Garden for so many years, be gracious." Nanny Gu kept kowtowing at the feet of Gu Yunxi. Considering Nanny Gu's age, Gu Yunxi felt this was truly hard for her. Out of compassion, she raised her eyes to Leng Qingtang and whispered, "Master..." At last, Leng Qingtang loosed his hand. Gu Yunjin crawled on the ground without any strength. She breathed heavily, never thinking that the invisible and untouchable air could be so precious. Nanny Gu rushed to her at once, helping her up and massaging her to make her get over her breath as quickly as possible. Leng Qingtang stared at them indifferently, took out a handkerchief to clean his hand, and then discarded it. Suddenly, he turned back and looked around the room at the crowd. His eyes were as sharp as a blade cutting the throat. His whole body gave them a feeling of suffocation. "As all of you are here, let me make it clear. It was me who took Yunxi out of the Garden. From now on, she will always be my wife. I will take her to my Mansion with a marriage contract. Anyone in the Garden who doesn't show respect to her is disrespectful to me, and is doomed to be killed without any exception." It was extremely silent both inside and outside the house. All the servants lowered their heads and even didn't dare to gasp. Gu Yunxi stood beside him, shocked. Qinger supported her by her side. Despite the penetrating pain from her hand, her face still lit up with pleasure. The Master's words just now meant that he had given her Lady a title in public! Leng Qingtang lowered his eyes, showing a commanding posture. With his two dark eyes staring at Gu Yunjin coldly he interrogated her gloomily, "Gu Yunjin, you have recognized me as your father. Shouldn't you call Yunxi mother in the presence of the others?"
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