Chapter 73 Seemed Like Stubble

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Outside Yongning Palace, Ming Lan waved in panic and grievance at Wan Li, who stood aggressively in front of him. "Your Lordship, you wronged me. How can I not be considerate after the long years serving Her Grace? I beseeched His Majesty for the Jiangan's food relief job, and I almost got it. Yet Her Majesty came out of nowhere and recommended the Eastern Depot Master Leng Qingtang as the imperial envoy. There was nothing I could do..." Frowning at his explanation, Wan Li cast his fiery eyes away from Ming Lan's pale face towards the distance and muttered to himself. "Empress Qian... Hasn't she been claiming to be sick for a long time? When did she come out again? Showing such favor to the Eastern Depot, does she intend to join forces with Leng Qingtang?" Standing by Wan Li's side, Ming Lan heard every word of his monologue. He took the opportunity to move closer to Wan Li and whispered, "Your Lordship, that sounds reasonable. As the saying goes, you can never be too cautious. Leng Qingtang has served long in the court, and he's also the seal keeper of the Imperial Ceremony Office. He is a bossy man that even looks down upon Her Grace..." "How dare he! Is this true?" Eyes wide opened, Wan Li burst in anger and roared fiercely. It took only a few alienating words for Wan Li to bite the bait. Ming Lan chuckled to himself and waved Wan Li to come with him. As they avoided a crowd of servants, Ming Lan retracted his hands into his wide sleeves, lowered his eyes, and spoke in a low voice, "Your Lordship, you have been away from the capital for too long to know the news in the court. Concubine Xu from Chuxiu Palace became pregnant again a while ago..." "What? Again?" Wan Li let out a scream in surprise. For fear of unwanted attention, Ming Lan had to wave him repeatedly to stop. Wan Li calmed down and turned his head to Ming Lan. In a dull voice, he inquired, "That slut... is really pregnant again?" Throwing his head back, Ming Lan's face wrinkled helplessly when he clicked his tongue. "Oh, My Lord, who would joke about this!" "Then my elder sister's going to have tough days again?" Wan Li's smooth face darkened instantly as if covered by black clouds. He moved his gaze to the side, frowning so hard that a deep wrinkle appeared on his forehead. Ming Lan put on a worried look and curled his lips bitterly, "True. Who could say it!" Speaking of Wan Li, he and Xu Yuanjiao from Chuxiu Palace once had a story. Several years ago, Lord Shen intended to win over Defense Minister Xu, so he proposed a lucrative marriage between his son and Minister Xu's only daughter, Xu Yuanjiao. However, Xu Langxuan was a proud man of letters who knew the motive behind the proposal and was unwilling to aid this political animal. Although Xu Yuanjiao was kept in her boudoir, she had heard about the character of the only son of Lord Shen. Relying on his elder sister Wan Yuyao, who was favored by the Emperor, Wan Li was an uninhibited man who ran wild in the capital. Consequently, Minister Xu and her daughter rejected the proposal. Now Xu Yuanjiao became a concubine of Emperor Jingxiao, but Wan Li still held a grudge against her because of the refusal. Every time the Xu family was mentioned, Wan Li would be disrespecting and call Concubine Xu a "s**t". Ming Lan had served in Yongning Palace, so he naturally knew about it. Seeing that Wan Li was filled with righteous indignation, a plan suddenly occurred to Ming Lan. He continued to fan up the flames. "Argh, destiny always makes fool of the people. Her Grace is honorable as Imperial Noble Concubine and has always composed herself." "Empress Qian was incapable of the imperial harem affairs for many years. Everything has been kept in an orderly manner thanks to Her Grace's hard work." "It's unfair that Concubine Xu eclipses Her Grace and has His Majesty's favor easily with her pregnancy." "And Her Majesty is a peacemaker and fence-sitter. I figured that Her Majesty recommended the Eastern Depot Master to Jiangan because she wanted to unite with Leng Qingtang. If Concubine Xu gives birth to a son and they join forces, will there be a place in the court for Her Grace?" Ming Lan said slowly as he stared at Wan Li with his foxy eyes, carefully observing the changes in his expression. Listening to Ming Lan's manipulative words, Wan Li's expression changed rapidly. He went from being surprised to being shocked, and finally, he put on a malevolent face. He squinted his eyes ferociously and questioned, "What did you do for my sister? Don't you know how to use your brain and hands without your master's order? Haven't you done it before." "Oh! My Lord! This time is not like the last time. Her Grace is too kind. She trusts the Eastern Depot and has let Lord Leng handle the matter, only to be misled by Lord Leng's obedient appearance. But he had other plans and had not taken action for quite long. Now Concubine Xu is about to give birth and under Her Majesty's protection in Kunning Palace. It is all too late!" Ming Lan clapped his hands resignedly as he finished. Wan Li gasped in rage. But then at a turn of thought, he could not stop laughing. "Ming Lan, you should know that my sister did not leave the matter to you because she favored you and would not let you involved. After all, you have risen to a higher position now and you are from her palace. It's best not to be caught red-handed..." Ming Lan was stunned, and his flattered look was especially exaggerated. He bowed to Wan Li and said, "Your Lordship, you are right. How could I not know Her Grace's favor to me? I want to return the favor so much that I could not sleep tight at night. But Concubine Xu's belly is growing bigger and bigger. If we stall longer..." Ming Lan swallowed the second half of the sentence down his throat and fixed his wicked eyes on Wan Li's face. Hitting his fist into his palm, Wan Li snorted, "What's the hurry? Now I am back. How can I stand by as my sister is upset? We must find a solution to kill two birds with one stone..." ... After lunch, the Eastern Depot convoy set off for Fanyang County. The next inspection was relatively easy. After Lieutenant Zhao escorted the relief food to Fengyuan, he only rested for half a day after unloading the allocated amount supply before he hurriedly led the convoy to the other five counties. So, when Leng Qingtang completed Fengyuan's trip and went to the next destination, he would no longer need to worry about food shortage. The convoy had just set off when they saw Prefect Guo, with the county folks, waiting by the snowy road. When the Master's carriage passed by, they immediately bowed and saluted to express their gratitude for the day-and-night cooperative work between the government and the citizens fighting against the snow disaster. "Sister, sister!" Outside the carriage came a boy's call. Gu Yunxi swiftly flung up the thick curtain and looked. It was Prefect Guo's son, nicknamed Huer. Followed by Feiyi, he chased the carriage all the way, raising his chubby little hand to the window. "Huer, Feiyi, you came. Are you cold?" Gu Yunxi smiled brightly, her eyes glittering. "Sister, when will you come to Fengyuan and play with me again?" Gu Yunxi was taken aback by his question for she didn't know when she would come to Fengyuan again. The disaster brought her to meet the family of Guo. As the separation approached, she was reluctant to leave. "Don't be sad, Huer. I promise to return to Fengyuan again when I have time. Do as your sister and mom say, and grow up quickly so you can go to the capital and play with me in the future." "I promise!" Huer was very happy. Gu Yunxi looked at his frozen face which was red as an apple and hurriedly ordered Feiyi, "Don't run after us. Take Huer back quickly, and don't catch a cold." "Madam, take care. Please do come back to us when you're free." Feiyi held her younger brother with one hand and held the carriage window frame with another, unwilling to leave. "Master, Madam, please accept my whole family's gratitude!" Forwardly, someone kowtowed loudly. Gu Yunxi looked in the direction of the sound. It was Le, his mother, and his grandmother kneeling in the white snow. "Master, it's the Tian family who was sent to North Town to see the doctor by you last time. They are kowtowing by the roadside!" Gu Yunxi withdrew her head and told Leng Qingtang excitedly. Leng Qingtang ordered to stop the carriage and sent Xiao Xiaoshen and Yuan Qian to help the family up. Mrs. Tian insisted on kneeling again and bowing her head in the snow, not afraid of the icy cold. Leng Qingtang and Gu Yunxi both got out of the carriage. Standing upright in front of the carriage, Leng Qingtang smiled warmly as he looked at Mrs. Tian. "You don't have to do this, Mrs. Tian. As the imperial envoy, it's my obligation to represent the court and help the people. When people are in trouble, I ought to extend my hand to help. Please stand up." Mrs. Tian was moved to tears. She repeated, "My whole family thanks the Eastern Depot Master, the imperial envoy. Thank His Majesty for the great kindness!" Suddenly, the crowds were boiling. All people knelt on the ground and shouted, "Thank the Eastern Depot Master, the imperial envoy. Thank His Majesty for the great kindness!" Maybe because their voice was so powerful that it pushed away the clouds as it reached the sky. Immediately, thick clouds went away, revealing the sky of a solemn and pure blue color, just as sacred and clear as Leng Qingtang's official robe's color. The sunlight warmed the white land, filling it with good omens. Gu Yunxi's eyes were bright, and her heart was greatly touched as she looked around the kneeling people. Even faced such a harsh disaster, the common people still remained their nature and simplicity. They were not demanding. All they asked was enough food and warm clothes. The most basic and bottom-line charity was enough to make them cry in gratitude. Gu Yunxi's eyes were warm and moist. When she looked at the Master, she found that he was also astonished by everything in front of him. Time was late now, and the convoy must continue on their way. The guards dismounted and helped the people up. Everyone was either emotional or teary as they watched the Eastern Depot convoy leave the Fengyuan County. Sitting in the carriage, Gu Yunxi held the hand warmer and smiled mischievously, "In the past, the people said that the Eastern Depot was a scourge feared by the world. This trip to Jiangan rectified our name. In some way, we should thank this disaster." Leng Qingtang pulled her over. Raising his sharp eyebrow, he smiled playfully. "I really should thank the disaster. Had it not been for it, I would not have known that you like children so much. You not only feed Le medicine with your mouth but could hardly say goodbye to Huer just now." Gu Yunxi tilted her head. "It is even more surprising that you are so jealous, especially to children." Leng Qingtang swayed as the wheel bumped. He glanced at Gu Yunxi's proud face with a somewhat crooked smile. "I'm not only jealous... I'm also fond of your small talkative mouth!" As soon as he said it, Leng Qingtang kissed Gu Yunxi on her sweet lips. He tasted them carefully and gradually explored deeper inside. "Bang..." The hand warmer thudded from her. Gu Yunxi was caught unprepared as the Master's arms engulfed her body. Shyly, she pretended to refuse but gave in to his gentle flirt at last. She circled her arms around his neck to kiss back. There were only she and the Master in the carriage. With the windows covered by thick curtains, he could do whatever he wanted. After some minutes, Leng Qingtang hugged Gu Yunxi on his lap and helped to wrap her cloak tightly. He spoke softly, "If you are tired, take a nap in my arms. We'll arrive in Fanyang before noon, and then we'll go directly to the post house." "Okay..." She mumbled obediently with her heart full of sweetness. The Master's embrace was so warm. Gu Yunxi let him hold her as she rested her head on his shoulder, admiring his face. The Master's face was stunning. It was lean and chiseled, the skin of which was fair to amaze a woman like her. Suddenly, something halted her lingering eyes. What were those black dots on the Master's delicate and smooth chin? Leng Qingtang noticed Gu Yunxi's eyes. "What's wrong? You find something interesting again?" "Master, you missed a spot when you washed your face in the morning. There was something dirty on your chin." Before Leng Qingtang could react, Gu Yunxi had wet her index finger in her mouth and rubbed it on the Master's chin. How could she allow the face of such a handsome man as the Master to be stained? "What are you doing?" Leng Qingtang didn't know if he should laugh or cry. He didn't dislike her saliva, though. The black dots were too stubborn to be wiped away, making Gu Yunxi frown with an upset. They also felt a little prickly as she touched them with her fingertips. Bewildered, Gu Yunxi leaned toward the Master as close as she could. After a while of careful observation, she suddenly screamed, "Ah!" "Master, the dirt on your chin seems like stubble."
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