Chapter 71 Her Flexible Hand

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Gu Yunxi leaned on Leng Qingtang's chest, blushed. She tried to calm her breath and reminded in a soft voice, "Master, you haven't extinguished the candle..." "Take it easy. I want to have a good look at you... Girl, do you miss me? We've been apart for a long time." Leng Qingtang asked tenderly. He tilted up Gu Yunxi's delicate chin with his big hand to set her sight on him. She was so close to him that his beautiful face took up the entire field of her vision. "Do you miss me?" Hadn't got her answer, he repeated his question, accentuated, hankering for her approval. It seemed that there were sparks splashed from their intersection in the air when they met each other's eyes. Tides of emotion that was hard to put into words surged silently in the man's and the woman's eyes. Gu Yunxi blushed at the sweet affection in his words. She darted her eyes away and equivocated, "I do miss you, of course. If not, why am I here..." Then her mouth was shut. His face in her view was enlarged to the limit. Leng Qingtang just wanted to give her a peck, but when his lips touched hers, he was unwilling to leave. Something sprang from his mind. Then one more kiss... He kissed her in silence and fell on the bed with her. Lying on her back, Gu Yunxi's lips swollen from the tender kiss. Her cheeks were even redder than before. She panted rapidly, with the exquisite curves of her figure undulated like water waves. Leng Qingtang nestled up. With an arm supported on the bed, he gathered her hair aside on the pillow lest he pressed on her hair and hurt her. His hand paused as he saw something surprising, "What happened to your hair, girl?" "Nothing happened..." Gu Yunxi didn't understand what he was asking about. She answered with confusion, "Here..." Leng Qiangtang lifted a lock of hair with his slander index finger, "You cut it?" Gu Yunxi was perturbed. She remembered that Lu Qiange had threatened her to cut a strand of hair when she cured him. Now, cautious Master discovered this unusual change. "Oh... Well... I burned it when I was drying my hair with a charcoal brazier in the Master's Mansion, so I cut the charred part..." Gu Yunxi lied to Leng Qingtang out of fear. Leng Qingtang looked at her deeply, thinking that her nervousness, which looked like she wouldn't say boo to a goose, was so cute. Her beauty aroused his desire. He was more willing to put this delicate little creature under his body and caress her. A girl changed fast in appearance from childhood to adulthood. In his eyes, Gu Yunxi indeed had changed a lot. The outline of her eyes and brows was more beautiful than before. Leng Qingtang couldn't help gazing at her. An uncontrollable wave of infatuation submerged him when he held Gu Yunxi's hand and kissed her. While Gu Yunxi was tortured by a complex feeling that she both enjoyed Leng Qingtang's caress and felt guilty for her deceit. Should she tell him the truth? What a ridiculous thing she had done that she spent days in a room with a man who abducted her! No, she couldn't tell him, let alone tell him at this time. After an intense struggle in her mind, Gu Yunxi closed her eyes and made up her mind. "I can't say that for the life of me!" She splayed her fingers to grip Leng Qingtang's hands, moving her lips to respond to his kiss, rusty and clumsy. It suddenly occurred to her that she could make up for the regret to him in this way. Leng Qingtang was surprised that he lifted his head to smile at her. He entwined his fingers with hers, held up her head with a palm, and deepened his kiss. They finally separated as the air was almost running out. Gu Yunxi opened her eyes slowly to meet Leng Qingtang's bright eyes. As if he was not enough, his eyes sparkled with tender love, glowing and dedicated. Gu Yunxi flushed from cheeks to ears. Her eyes settled on the handsome man in front of her with obsession and then moved onto the edge of his clothes. After a series of caresses, the laces of his nighty were completely loosened, leaving his clothes open. Part of his delicate collarbone and fair chest were revealed in the air. Very well-maintained, his skin was smoother and silkier than most women, but the firm and broad pectoral displayed the bold and conspicuous characteristic of a man. "Isn't Master a eunuch?" Gu Yunxi's eyes locked on his chest for a while. Then her face burned. She couldn't restrain her curiosity from touching his smooth fair skin. She reached out her hand but paused halfway, hesitating to touch. Leng Qingtang lifted his lip corners. He caught her hand to place it on his chest, gazing at her with attractive eyes. Ah! His skin was so firm and warm. Gu Yunxi held her breath, blinking nervously. She was pleased to keep stroking, but she was too shy to do so. Hence, she retracted her hand from his chest and hid it in the quilt. "Good night. I'll put off the candle." Leng Qingtang stopped playing with her. He went off the bed, blew out the candle, and got back to the bed. He stretched out his arm from behind Gu Yunxi's head to let her sleep on his arm. The night was silent and boundless. Gu Yunxi lay wide awake. She looked at Leng Qingtang with her shining bright eyes. It was not the first time they had slept together, but this time she was sober instead of drunk. She could see his fair face in the incomplete darkness. Although the features weren't clear enough, the outlines of his brows, eyes, and bridge of the nose were fine, making his whole face stereo and dashing. Their eyes locked in the darkness. In Leng Qingtang's view, Gu Yunxi's eyes were as attractive as two stars in the night sky, or two lakes of flowing light. She moved closer to Leng Qingtang, burying her head in his chest, but not willing to sleep. Her soft hair rubbing his bare chest led to unbearable itchy. Unable to hold back anymore, Leng Qingtang turned over and covered her, dropping one and another kiss on between her eyebrows, on the end of her nose, and on the places downward her face. Cold fragrance permeated in the air. Two breaths mingled together. In an ambiguous and warm atmosphere, their entwining bodies under the embroidered quilt became more and more relaxed and comfortable. In the silence, Gu Yunxi closed her eyes to feel the passion that her Master gave her and to feel his hands wandering on her soft body that led to uncontrollable trembling. Nerves all over the body were awakened by his caresses. She responded to him. A strange feeling, like ants climbing on her, invaded her body and mind with itch and pain, excitement and empty, as well as shame and addiction. Gu Yunxi panted and groaned. Light glinted in her half-opened eyes. She rose her arms to hook on his firm back like supple willow twigs. Suddenly, she felt that something was wrong. There was something hard against her thigh which made her uncomfortable. She opened her eyes wide and frowned. "Master..." "Relax, it's alright..." Her charming tone pushed Leng Qingtang into a more demanding state. He had forgotten all about his secret identity and answered her during the gasps. "Master, what's that on your waist? It's uncomfortable..." Gu Yunxi asked in a trembling voice. The inquiry came all of a sudden like a basin of cold water splashed on Leng Qingtang's body. His movement stopped, and he came back to reason. Moving backward, he sank in silence, unpleased. Damn it! He had gone beyond himself too much to notice his physiological reaction! He faced Gu Yunxi's confusion with a serious complexion and didn't know what to say. A drop of cold sweat trickled down his forehead. "Master..." Gu Yunxi realized that she had put her foot in her mouth by being aware of the completely cooled atmosphere. She hurriedly approached him. "Master..." She held an arm of him behind the quilt, trying to please him. She found that Leng Qingtang was alarmed by what had happened just now. Every muscle of him was stiff and tight. "It's too late, girl. Let's sleep." To avoid embarrassment, Leng Qingtang turned around to face outside, leaving his back towards Gu Yunxi and closing his eyes. "Master, what treasure do you hide around the waist?" Gu Yunxi couldn't fall asleep. She went on asking behind him with curiosity. Treasure? Well, to him, that could be called a "treasure". Just like a dumb person who had tasted bitter herbs, he couldn't express his trouble but remain silent. Unexpectedly, he felt a small hand wandering on his waist. The hand was warm and smooth and flexible like a fish without a bone, stroking towards his unspeakable part. "Girl!" Leng Qingtang grasped that soft hand in a growl. Shocked by his sudden growl, Gu Yunxi's complexion froze. He used so much strength that her thin wrist was hurt. Leng Qingtang sat in the dark, eyes locked on her sad face. Gu Yunxi could vaguely see his face puckered up as if he was brewing rage or some sort of contradictions and helplessness. "I, I was afraid that you don't feel comfortable, so I..." Gu Yunxi seemed nervous as well as innocent. She got up slowly, hesitating in her speech, "If you don't feel well... don't put up with it... I, I can... As long as you can let it off... I can do... anything!" After all, she knew something about s*x and guessed that Leng Qingtang acted like this because he couldn't let off in time due to his disability. The expression of embarrassment gradually subsided in silence. She wasn't the one to blame because she didn't know he was a fake eunuch, let alone the secret of his body. His large hands came slowly together to clasp her trembling, cold hand. "Rest assure, girl. I, I'm fine. It's just that I'm used to hiding a dagger around the waist even when I sleep in case there're accidents. You know I've experienced a lot so I'm sensitive to this..." "Oh, it's fine. I, I'm worried about you..." Gu Yunxi was very confident in Leng Qingtang's explanation. Then she relaxed and got into bed again, smiled. "I'm relieved since you're alright. Master, let's go asleep." "Fine. Good night!" Leng Qingtang squeezed out a smile and secretly let out a sigh of relief. He tucked the quilt for her, and they fell asleep calmly. In the wing-room, lying on the bed, Qinger was worried about her Lady. The scenes of Gu Yunxi bathing in hot water occupied her mind. Her thick black hair got wet in water, stuck to her snow-white neck and shoulders, and winded down in casual curves into the hot water, rocking from side to side. Qinger was standing behind Gu Yunxi. As she helped to rub Gu Yunxi's back, she scanned Gu Yunxi's pretty face through the water's reflection. Gu Yunxi had already cleaned her tiny face. Misty water vapor moisturized her jade-like face and made it look pink-and-white. Through the ripples in her shining eyes, one could see a brilliant spring. Thinking of Gu Yunxi's immature beauty, Qinger sighed in the silent night. Her Lady was only two years older than her. If she had not been an orphan, she must have come from a family of status, just like the daughter of the Guo's Mansion. Then she won't be picked up by a eunuch as a blooming girl because of her beauty. Although the Master bought her and took her into the Master's Mansion, she naturally took Gu Yunxi's side because they were both women. Qinger hadn't served other masters except for Leng Qingtang, so she didn't know what other eunuchs in the Palace were like. However, in the Master's Mansion, she had heard from the servants' gossip that the eunuchs in the Palace were usually self-abased and moody because they were castrated. Therefore, those Lords with wives would t*****e their wives with a variety of ways for fun to satisfy their abnormal minds. Unable to bear those inhuman abuses, many wives either fled or died. Few eunuchs divorced with their wives. Her Lady was pure and kind, and her Master was gentle and polite as well. Now that they were lying on the same bed, would the Master, who used to pamper Lady, t*****e Lady like those eunuchs? If so, how could that tender girl withstand this? Qinger was frightened with an overall cold sweat. She kept praying on the bed, "Oh God, please bless my Lady with happiness and longevity, with the Master's true love to her, and with their pure love to each other..."
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