Chapter 18 A Timely Rescue

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It was the end of August. On the Training Field in the Eastern Depot. Gu Yunxi was standing under the canopy of the observation deck, watching the squad soldiers below sweating like rain. Today was the Eastern Depot's annual military exercise, the most spectacular event of the year. Wearing a brand-new azure Commander-in-chief suit, the Master, Leng Qingtang, ascended the towering observation deck very early. He was seated on the front fauteuil. Chiliarch Cheng Wanli, the close guard Xiao Xiaoshen, Gu Yunxi, and a group of servants were behind him. Three new faces were present as well. They were the chief eunuch Ming Lan of the Yongning Palace and his two guards. The Western Depot was under construction, and Ming Lan was about to become the Master of it. From the service center as he might be, he was under the service of Noble Concubine Wan. So despite his ineptitude in martial arts, he still came for the drill to learn how to command, and also, on a more inconspicuous level, to gauge the power of the Eastern Depot. The two bodyguards who came with Ming Lan were standing on both sides of his chair. One could tell by their posture and vigor that they were both highly skilled in martial arts in the Imperial Court, regardless of being under twenty years old. One guard looked femininely beautiful, while the other was handsome and dashing. Gu Yunxi glanced at the two, pondering, "Lord Ming does have a peculiar taste. Looking enchanting himself, he is also quite picky in terms of selection and employment. Judging by these two guards, the rumor must be true that he prefers men with fair skin and good features." Under the observation deck, the exercise had reached the c****x. As far as eyesight could reach, black and purple banners were flying high, on which golden words were embroidered: Under the Service of Imperial Ceremony Office and His Imperial Majesty Be the Eastern Depot. The drums were booming, and ten phalanxes of troops came up in turns. Thousands of riders and chariots shuttled back and forth. Their war cry was so loud that it shook the observation deck. Inspecting closely, a hint of shrewdness appeared in Ming Lan's eyes. "Is this the true strength of the Eastern Depot? If there is no reservation, I can really not overestimate such a powerful army...." Leng Qingtang stayed calm, but he had caught the subtle expression changes on Ming Lan's face out of the corner of his eye. Whatever was going on in that despicable man's mind could not escape his eyes. Leng Qingtang knew it better than anyone from the very beginning. Once the imperial court had the idea of setting up the Western Depot, it will be difficult to obtain the absolute trust from the Emperor, no matter how the Eastern Depot behaves. Like today, Ming Lan was sent to spy. Instead of concealing his strength, he might as well reveal it completely. Thus Ming Lan would be staggered and inhibited from picking faults. It was high noon. In late autumn, the sun was the fieriest at this hour. The drill ground was barren and flat, and the burning sun was blazing down on the people like roasted meat on an iron plate. Sweat broke out all over their bodies, but there was no single shady spot. The air was windless, curdled in hot dirt and smelly dampness. Gu Yunxi had never stood so long in such a harsh environment. After a whole morning, she was thirsty, sweaty, dirty, and particularly unwell. Fortunately, there was around canopy above her head, she thought. If she had stood under the hot sun like the soldiers below, she would not have made it within an hour. Master Leng Qingtang in the oblique front, on the other hand, was sitting so straight on the fauteuil like a tall cliff, as if he could not unlearn the posture after a long period of specialized training. It only took a glance at his back to make Yunxi's heart beat fast, where ripples of happiness and fondness would spring up. A wave of dryness rushed into her face, along with a faint cool fragrance that could only be from him. Gu Yunxi sniffed it quietly, and her eyes were occupied by the azure figure of his. At this moment, she no longer found the hotness unbearable. It seemed that wherever the Master was, it would turn in to a flourishing garden for her that was possible to endure. Ming Lan's seat was next to Leng Qingtang, with only a small corner tea-table in between. Ming Lan was young but was accustomed to the life of respect and superiority in the Palace. Therefore, it was hard for him to stand long hours under the drill ground's suffocating weather. Although he was under the shady canopy, he still pulled out a fragrant handkerchief to frequently wipe his face and cover his nose. Squad Ten had finished their exercise, and Leng Qingtang turned his head to look at Ming Lan. Full of contempt as he might be, he must hide it and asked the graceless man with a smile, "Master Ming, how do you find the Eastern Depot troops?" Hearing that he was called "Master", Ming Lan was ecstatic but managed to keep his face straight. He tried his best to restrain his expansively mad desire, waving his hand with his pinky tilted upward, "Oh, dear Master Leng, I am not worthy of that title! Although the Western Depot will be established sooner or later, it is up to His Imperial Majesty to appoint the Master, isn't that right? With all due respect, it is under your wise command that the Eastern Depot can grow so strong today!" Ming Lan gave a thumb up to Leng Qingtang, and his sword-bearing and good-looking guard stepped forward to salute Leng Qingtang, "My name is Qin Zhong. I heard that Master Leng is also skilled in swordsmanship, so I want to challenge your lordship to a fight!" "Qin Zhong, how dare you!" Before Leng Qingtang could reply, Ming Lan, with his face distorted by anger, snapped at his guard. Then he changed into an apologizing tone to speak to Leng Qingtang, "Master Leng, please forgive the rude boy. He is a peasant who has yet learned court manners. Should he offend you, please forgive him." Leng Qingtang replied with a slight smile, "None taken." Xiao Xiaoshen saw through the provocation, so he saluted indignantly, "I am rank-fourth sword guard Xiao Xiaoshen. I'm willing to duel with you, using my broadsword. Would you come with me to the ground?" "Tsk!" The handsome guard raised his eyebrow, looking down on Xiaoshen, "The broadsword is crude and can't compare to my graceful sword. Why should I waster my time?" "You!" Xiao Xiaoshen pointed his finger at him in anger. He was so angry that even his nostrils were flaring. "Halt!" The comely boy standing by Qin Zhong had two hammers hung on his waist. He glanced past Leng Qingtang and fixed his eyes behind him, smirking, "I heard that your lordship recently took in a protege. I don't know what weapon he's using, but still, would you duel with me?" "..." Gu Yunxi felt uneasy under that sharp gaze. She knew little about weapons, not even their classification or names. Ming Lan turned to gaze at embarrassed Yunxi, trembling with laughter, "Yun Guaner, you must have learned a lot following such a good mentor. It really made my boys envious. I plead with to teach them some skills, would you?" "..." Gu Yunxi was dumbfounded. Lord Ming's words were saccharine but also carefully planned so that she could not refuse. It seemed that she was bound to disgrace herself today! What should she do. Gu Yunxi sweated anxiously and glanced at Leng Qingtang, but his back remained unmoved in that fauteuil. She then peeked at Cheng Wanli and Xiao Xiaoshen, who also stood silently with a long sullen face. They dared not to speak without the Master's order. "What? Think it's a dishonor for the protege of Master Leng to fight us?" It was the boy with the sword again. He was hostile now that Gu Yunxi was daunted. "I don't know how to do martial art..." Gu Yunxi's pressed her lips together in embarrassment, lowered her head with a whisper. Although her voice was light, everyone heard it clearly. The hammer boy immediately shouted with a twisted face, "What? Can't do martial arts? How is this possible! The Eastern Depot people are known by their combat prowess, whether being an Imperial Court master or the top of Imperial Guards. You, the protege of the Eastern Depot Master, actually told everyone here that you couldn't do martial art?!" "An Hong, don't be rude!" Ming Lan raised his eyes and sneered, "He's only being humble as he doesn't want to show his skills in front of outsiders. You are so stupid to make assumptions!" The words were meant to mock, and his two guards were even more presumptuous after hearing it. They came up and caught Gu Yunxi in between, ranting relentlessly, "Are you really the protege of Master Leng?" "We sincerely ask you to duel. It's rude of you to decline like that!" "I did not mean to...." "You don't know how to fight with a hammer or a sword. Certainly you can hunt on horsebacks?" "No... No..." "How is that possible?" "How did you get into the Eastern Depot?" Gu Yunxi could not defend herself against the continuous interrogation. Aggrieved and ashamed, her eyes were red, and she was on the verge of tears. "Yun Guaner, I'm quite hot. Go fetch a face towel." At the moment of despair, she heard the command from the Master. Gu Yunxi did not dare to neglect. She quickly responded, circled around the two pestering guards. Then a servant held a serpent pattern octagonal washbasin in both hands and came over to Gu Yunxi. Immediately she picked up the hint, submerged the brand-new face towel on the copper lotus-leaf-shaped basin edge, washed it, and finally wrenched it half-dry. "Master..." Gu Yunxi walked to Leng Qingtang and stood respectfully, with the towel raised towards him. The Master looked to her wordlessly, with a smile unfolded between his lips. Gu Yunxi realized that the Master was asking her to clean his face. She dared not delay and stepped closer to him. The black gauze cap had been removed by the close guard Xiao Xiaoshen. Gu Yunxi took hold of the towel and gently rubbed Leng Qingtang's face from his forehead down to his nose bridge, lips, and cheeks. Soaked with warm water, his comely face was as beautiful and clear as a mellow jade covered with vapor. Under his dashing eyebrows slanting towards his temples, his deep eyelids slowly opened once the towel was taken away, revealing two starry and delightful eyes that were fixed on Gu Yunxi's soft little face. Compared with other eunuchs, the facial features of him was more masculine and chiseled. Their eyes were locked in such a close distance and for such a long time. In his dark pupils, Gu Yunxi could see two inverted small reflections of her face that were stricken by panic and shyness. She froze for an instant and lowered her gaze anxiously. Blushed, her heart was pounding increasingly fast with an inexplicable and complicated feeling.
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