Chapter 29 Stay Away from Beauties

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Next, Leng Qingtang would soon begin a crucial step called "masculine seal", which meant using qigong to block several points on the body with internal force. Only in this way could he seem like a castrated eunuch, showing no visible male signs in appearance. In addition, to stimulate the meridians around the body and the high-speed operation of blood flow by exerting internal force could also make that pot of medicine that had just been swallowed unleash its best effect. The bowl of medicine was a secret recipe for adjusting the body and improving appearance. It was another method for him to disguise as a eunuch. This routine could make his skin smooth and delicate and his face clear and beautiful without any harm to the body. Leng Qingtang sat cross-legged on the couch and closed his eyes. His palms naturally covered on his chest, and his internal strength was raised from the lower belly. His palms reversed against each other, and both arms pushed forward before falling slowly after a while. At the same time, he adjusted his breath. The color of his handsome white face gradually turned red, and dense sweat permeated from his forehead. After another 30 minutes, Leng Qingtang recoiled his internal strength, opened his eyes slightly, which was covered with a sense of exhaustion. Cheng Wanli offered a wet handkerchief to the Master, watching him sit on the couch and hold the handkerchief while wiping his forehead slightly. "Master..." Cheng Wanli put his hands down in front of the couch, his muscular back bowed slightly. He turned his eyesight sideways a second after glancing at him, seeming to hesitate to say something. Leng Qingtang had long noticed the rare hesitant expression on the big black face beside him. "Wanli, you are not an outsider, so just speak up." "Master... I should not interrogate your personal affairs, but I have something that I must ask... because I promised Old Master to protect you at any cost..." "Go straight," Leng Qingtang repeated it in a weak look. In fact, there was no need for Chiliarch to explain. Being smart and wise, how could Leng Qingtang not know what was the thing that could worry and trouble this rough guy who had always been sincere and temperament. "Master, I can tell you care about Yun!" Cheng Wanli swallowed hard, tried to pour out what he wanted to say, so he stared at the floor to continue with a muffled voice, "The girl is very delicate, smart, and pretty. She's indeed adorable. But, but ... the Old Master repeatedly emphasized that the biggest taboo of the masculine seal is sex." "So?" Leng Qingtang sat on the couch with his face handkerchief supported by his hand. He looked straight at Cheng Wanli without resistance with offish eyes. His question and reply was too simple to feel any mood. At the second, the strange and sharp eyes made the loyal Chiliarch panicked. "Thump!" He kneeled down in front of the Master's couch. He explained in a hurry, "I should have my mouth shut! Please punish me! But there's no denying that I'm sincere and loyal." Today he behaved so anxiously only because when he entered the Southern Residence, he saw a scene he shouldn't have seen from the half-open door. At that time, his Master and Yunxi sat close to each other, holding hands. The romantic sweetness overflowed from their hearts to their faces. As Gu Yunxi grew up gradually, her look became even more delicate and adorable. The Southern Residence of the Easter Depot was occupied by her and the Master plus the depot worker. He was panicked by the worst-case scenario that the two might burn with desire one day when he neglected so that the consequence would be disastrous. Masculine seal relied on internal strength more than the external adjustment. Once his Master made out with the girl, it would be hard to hide his male signs no matter what panacea or peerless magic was applied. By that time, not only would all his plans fail, but it was afraid that the Master's life would also be threatened! "Rise." On the couch, Leng Qingtang put on a casual dress and ordered Cheng Wanli to rise gently. His chilly and handsome face did not have much expression. Seeing that he, whose black face was seared with panic, still knelt on the ground and dared not get up, Leng Qingtang sighed and reached out a hand to support him to rise. For so many years, it was not himself alone who had been acting with the utmost caution. Sometimes, when he occasionally felt about to lose control or he felt unbearable, Leng Qingtang would always say to himself that he must continue the cause, simply for those who had been following, accompanying, and protecting him with loyalty. "Master..." "Wanli, I know you are loyal to me, and I never doubt about it..." He rose from the couch, took a few strides, turned his back to Cheng Wanli and looked up into the air, saying quietly, "I admit that I am smitten with Yunxi, and I don't know when it started. In short, when I am with her, I will be very relaxed and happy. I can feel that my body is not numb, and I can even be sure that I am still Hua Nanhe. But given our total twenty-three years of friendship and planning, do you think I am the kind of person who will give up his mission for the sake of his own love affair?" He turned around instantaneously, gazed calmly at Cheng Wanli, and his voice was particularly firm, "No need to worry, because I know what I am doing." "Yes! I was panicking over nothing..." As the worry in his mind was completely dispelled, Cheng Wanli unfolded the tight vertical lines between his eyebrows and bowed to the Master. "It's not a big deal..." Leng Qingtang chuckled a bit and then remembered something, "Take imperial doctor Jiang here in two days to take the pulse for Yunxi." "Okay. I will arrange it." As they just now mentioned Gu Yunxi, Leng Qingtang remembered that her menstruation was approaching, and she would suffer a lot at that time since for blood phobia! He must make arrangements early, so he asked the doctor to come over to feel the pulse in advance. . September 9, Double Ninth Festival. The annual Double Ninth Festival was an auspicious and grand festival in the Country of Dayi. A few years ago, Emperor Jingxiao would organize a trip out of the Palace at this festival, climbing the Yufeng mountain to celebrate the flowers and autumn. Since the crown prince died, the Emperor began to indulge and practice alchemy. He would bathe and change clothes and then meditate in seclusion in the pavilion of the Imperial Palace during the festive season. The same this year. The cold and depressing vibe in the Palace had not spread to the people. On the day, from merchants to people's houses, everyone on the street got up early to decorate the lanterns. Dogwood was inserted all over the courtyard door, and various chrysanthemums were placed. It was the coldest at dawning autumn. The sun had not yet risen high, and the high eaves and ridges of all parts were covered with a layer of damp mist. The sticky water vapor was stuck on the winding loess road and bluestone road so that it was a bit slippery for pedestrians to step on. However, that didn't affect the mood of the people in the city who went out to enjoy the autumn chrysanthemums and entertain themselves. Around 5 to 7, the streets and alleys were filled with people hustling and bustling. Gu Yunxi had long looked forward to the arrival of Double Ninth The Master went straight to the Palace before dawn. After the morning ritual, the Emperor would not meet anyone for many days, so today's morning ritual was so important that no one should be absent. As soon as the Master left the Eastern Depot, Gu Yunxi became active. A noise outside the Southern Residence told her it was Xiao Xiaoshen. Yesterday, Gu Yunxi made an appointment with him for today, and he was really on time. Gu Yunxi welcomed Xiao Xiaoshen into the Southern Residence jubilantly, and they got into the small kitchen dedicated to the Master. Gu Yunxi was going to show off the skill of making snacks today. Xiao Xiaoshen had been too excited to sleep at all, so he got up early. He was the admirer of Yunxi, so it was a great honor for him to enjoy the dessert made by her as if he had been rewarded by the Emperor's grace, so that he could even laugh and drool when dreaming. There were three cooks in the small kitchen in the Southern Residence. One was responsible for cooking, one was for washing vegetables and firing, and the other was for pastry and other odd jobs. Seeing that Gu Yunxi entered the small kitchen, the three cooks immediately showed an offish expression. In their eyes, she was just a child who was holding a medicine jar all day long, looking delicate and sickness. Last night she suddenly ran over and said that she would use the kitchen to make snacks this morning. They took a dim view of her passion. After all, they were prestigious chefs who had been studying for more than ten years. Among them, the one who cooked had learned from a master who used to work at the Imperial Kitchen in the Palace. Nowadays, they, in their forties, who had been serving the Master in the Easter Depot for dozens of years, would definitely look down upon a kid. Gu Yunxi had also spent a lot of time in the kitchen in the Garden. She learned how to cook from women cooks when she was eight years old. After practicing cutting carrots for more than a year, she was very confident of her culinary skill. At the same time, she was well aware of the temper of these master chefs. They were talented for sure, but at the same time, they were really snobs. It was typical of them to disdain those incompetent and envy those whose culinary skills outperformed them. In addition, these chefs also had a common habit, being reluctant to let others use their kitchen and utensils. Once, Gu Yunxi witnessed the two chefs in the Garden beefing with each other for the stove, even escalating the quarrel to a fight. Now Gu Yunxi understood that the three cooks in Southern Residence didn't like her at all, but simply because she was an apprentice of the Master, they dared not slap on a repulsive face. The pastry chef surnamed An, seeing Gu Yunxi and the Master's near servant coming together, pointed at a tile basin on the wooden board, "Yun Guaner, the glutinous rice flour you asked for is in the pot." "Thank you, Uncle An. Go have a rest. I will take care of here!" "This kid... is very canny..." Chef An whispered expressionlessly, with his high-tone ending sound obviously showing dissatisfaction. He exchanged eyes with the other two chefs, and then they retreated into the yard one by one, waiting for Yun Xi to lose the number. Xiao Xiaoshen looked around the three stoves. Two of them were not ignited, and there was not even a piece of chopped wood in the stove. Another stove had some obscure spark inside, which was about to go out in no time. Xiao Xiaoshen frowned embarrassedly and said to Gu Yunxi with his teeth clenched, "Yunxi, why didn't you ask the cooks to light the fire for you in advance?" Gu Yunxi lifted the cap of the tile basin. When Xiao Xiaoshen grumbled at the stove, she was looking at the waterish glutinous rice flour that was heated excessively by the hot water in the basin. Professional cooks must know that glutinous rice flour could not be mixed boiling water, which was now wasted. Gu Yunxi knew it was the three cooks who played tricks. She came last night to tell them that they were going to prepare the flower cake for the Double Ninth Festival this morning, and the cooks should have been smart enough to fire stove in advance. It was only half an hour since they prepared breakfast for the Master in the morning, so the stoke should not have been like this. "I'll go to the wood house to bring some firewood, and let's fire by ourselves." Gu Yunxi smoothed her messy hair aside her forehead and said lightly. Even if she had known what happened, she would have not been willing to mention it to Xiao Xiaoshen. It's just a personal hobby to cook. And she did not intend to grab the job from the chefs, and it was unnecessary to make a scene as she was new here. When Xiao Xiaoshen heard this girl, whom he had a crush on, was going to fetch some firewood, he hurriedly stopped her and smiled gently, "You stay here, and I will go! You are a girl!" Gu Yunxi pursed her lip with a naughty smile. Her bright eyes followed Xiao Xiaoshen's footsteps, showing some sly meaning. Ha-ha, it would always be right to ask Brother Xiaoshen for help since he's the most helpful.
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