“Get off me dude” I said agitated “you sleep like a drunk octopus” “I think I had a nice meal in my dreams, roasted meat…” “That was my toe you psychopath” I used my arm’s strength to push Buch from my bed We arrived late last night from Deborah’s party, about four am. I would have gotten earlier had I left Buch but since he was kind of my responsibility, I had to bring him to our place. Imagine walking with a drunk huge giant who thinks everyone and everything are worms. I had enough problems trying to convince him that I was not going to kidnap and rape him because he was a plump gorgeous white worm. I even had to ask a neighbor for help when Buch literally fell asleep down floor, before we even climbed the stairs to my place, I felt like I was carrying an aero plane. “Why does my he