#Chapter 2 The Letter

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Anila POV “Mate?” My voice came out as nothing more than a whisper. Xaden, this incredible werewolf Alpha, stood in front of me pouring his forest green eyes into me like I was some kind of precious gem. “I have been waiting a while for this moment,” he said, taking hold of my hand and bringing it to his lips. “What is your name?” My face immediately warmed from his touch alone. “Anila Montgomery,” I whispered. “Anila…” he spoke softly, testing my name on his tongue and I loved the way it sounded coming out of his mouth. Then his eyes narrowed, and he looked at me with recognition. “Montgomery?” I nodded, not trusting my voice. His brows furrowed and then he reached into his pocket to grab a folded piece of paper. He unfolded it and scanned it momentarily before meeting my eyes. “You received a letter this morning inviting you to Lunar Academy. Have you thought about accepting it?” I nearly choked on my saliva. I didn’t see any letter besides the acceptance letter for college. Except I didn’t actually see that letter. As my thoughts started to run wild, Xaden caught my eye. “Did you not receive it?” He then asked. I shook my head, my mouth going dry. Had Claire lied to me? “How is this possible? I’m just a human girl…” I asked, still shaking my head in disbelief. “You are not a human,” he told me. “Despite you living in this human town. Who are your parents?” I thought about it for a moment; my father died when I was 6 years old, and my mother died when I was an infant. I didn’t remember much about either of them, but I knew my father loved me more than anything and wanted the best for me. “My father was 100% a human,” I told him. His brows furrowed together. “Was?” I broke my eyes from him and stared at the ground. “He died when I was 6,” I explained. “I’m sorry to hear that,” he said, and from the hint of sadness in his voice, I knew he meant that. “And your mother?” I was quiet for a moment; I didn’t want to bring the mood down like this, but I also didn’t want to lie to him. I stared at the ground sheepishly. “She died when I was an infant. I don’t know anything about her,” I admitted. He placed his fingers under my chin, lifting my head so my eyes would meet his. There was something in his eyes that I was unfamiliar with because I had never seen it in the eyes of anyone who had spoken to me before. But I knew what this look was. It was understanding. “The only way you could be my mate is if you were a werewolf too,” he explained. “A strong one at that for them to accept you into the academy automatically. Your mother must have been special.” I shook my head, a bitter laugh escaping my lips which seemed to have surprised him because his brow arched. “I have lived my whole life feeling lesser. There’s no way I’m a werewolf.” I hadn’t meant to say that, but as soon as the words left my lips, I pressed my mouth shut and felt heat rising into my cheeks. His brows furrowed together. “Lesser? Who would make you feel lesser?” I opened my mouth to answer him because I wanted him to know everything about me and not lie to him. But then the thought of Claire finding out that I was speaking ill of her invaded my mind, silencing my words. Realizing I wasn’t going to say anything more, he took hold of my hands again. His thumb caressed my knuckles gently and sent a wave of tingles through my entire body. It was a strange reaction for my body to have; I just met this man and he had already captured my heart. Could I truly be his mate? “When do you turn 19?” He surprised me by asking. “In a little over a month,” I told him. “When you turn 19, that is when you’ll get your wolf and shift for the first time,” He explained. “We don't have much time left. Leave with me tonight.” “Leave where?” I asked in a whisper. “To the Lunar Academy,” he answered, pulling away from me. He handed me another piece of paper I hadn’t realized he was holding, and my eyes widened when I read the first line. Congratulations, you have been invited to attend the Lunar Academy in Stardust Valley. I continued to read the invitation, holding my breath. “Is this real?” I whispered, still in disbelief over the situation. “There’s a private plane that is leaving tonight at midnight,” he explained, taking a step away from me. “I will come to get you and we will leave together.” I stared at him as he continued backing away from me. About a million questions were running through my head but the only thing I could think to ask was, “Do you need my address?” He smiled and his smile was radiant. “I’ll just follow your scent, little mate,” he said and then he winked at me, sending my heart into turmoil. I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off him and when he turned and went back to the small group he was there with, I couldn’t will my legs to move. I knew I had to get this letter back to Claire and tell her that I was leaving tonight. I was going to the Lunar Academy. This letter in my hands was my ticket to freedom. I was finally able to pull my eyes away from Xaden who was now busy speaking to others. I rushed in the direction of my home. Excitement filled my body, and it took everything I had not to jump and cheer. When I stepped into the house, Claire was sitting on the couch, flipping through the TV. A surge of anger and betrayal rushed through me. I knew she was awful, but to hide this acceptance letter from me? “Did you know?” I found myself asking as I stared at her from the doorway. She turned and pressed her lips together in a thin line. “Why aren’t you at work?’ She asked, narrowing her eyes at me. I held up the acceptance letter. “I was accepted to Lunar Academy. Did you know about it?” Her eyes grew round as she quickly stood to her feet and rushed toward me. She ripped the paper out of my hands, nearly cutting my flesh in the process. Without a single word, she ripped the paper in half, making me wince. I was brought back to this earlier when she ripped the acceptance into pieces. “It was the same letter you ripped up this morning… wasn’t it?” I asked, realization dawning on me. She let out a bitter laugh. “If you think you are leaving here, you are mistaken. You are never going anywhere,” she seethed, a fire burning in her eyes and making me shudder. My heart was shattered by her words. I shook my head, taking a step toward the door. “I’m leaving and I’m not coming back,” I said through my teeth. I went to turn, but soon she was grabbing my arm with so much force I whimpered. “Think again.”
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