#Chapter 23 Training

2157 Words

Anila POV “I can’t wait to start classes tomorrow,” Sally cooed. “These look so exciting.” I hadn’t even had a chance to look at my schedule. We made ourselves comfortable on a couple of benches near the campus water fountain as we went over our schedules. I took a deep breath and glanced at the paper.     9 pm – 9:45 pm: History of Shifters with Professor Santina 10 pm – 10:45 pm: Introduction to Magic with Professor Ivy 11 pm – 11:45 pm: Werebear History 101 with Professor Tilly 12 am – 12:45 am – Lunch 1 am – 1:45 am – Mythical Geography 101 with Professor Kai 2 am – 2:45 am – Free Period 3 am – 3:45 am Tuesdays and Thursdays Only– Introduction to Combat with Professor Atlas.   “We have the same History class and Combat class,” Penny beamed, looking at my schedule. “I

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