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The Art of Erotic Spanking by Don Julian Winslow ISBN: 978-1-945648-87-8 A Pink Flamingo Media Ebook Copyright ©2018 Don Julian Winslow With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers. For information contact: Pink Flamingo Media www.pinkflamingo.com P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI In women the buttocks takes the shape of delectable curves, an irresistible appeal to the hand. To spank is not to beat. It is to caress and violate at the same time. I know of nothing more magnificent than buttocks that buck under the hand, stiffen, then beg the next blow. They give themselves and rebel in same motion…To spank a woman’s ass is better than f*****g her. — Eva Lindt ( Jean-Pierre Enard) Preface The connection between s*x and spanking has long been understood by s****l sophisticates, and one of the by-products of s*x on the internet has been a growing interest in erotic spanking. It is the internet that has had the most profound effect on people’s s****l functioning by laying bare, to present before the whole world, the many and wondrous variations of human s****l functioning. Erotic spanking is one such variation on the theme. Some call these variations perversions, but as Freud reminded us: “No healthy person, it appears, can fail to make some addition that might be called perverse to the normal s****l aim; and the universality of this finding is in itself enough to show how inappropriate it is to use the word perversion as a term of reproach.” William St. Cyr, in his novel of erotic fiction, The Headmaster, elaborates on the Freudian view. “Put in everyday words, Freud is saying that aggressive behavior is a natural component of s****l courtship. The desire to subdue, to conquer, to possess are normal features of s****l attraction, and it is only through the vagaries of the human mind that certain forms of aggression become exaggerated and have distinct erotic connotations. And in the end, there are these words of some anonymous female porn lover as quoted in Pornocopea, by Lawrence O’Toole. “Porn makes me happy. It reminds me that I’m alive.” It is in this spirit that I would invite you, Dear Reader to... Enjoy! — Don Julian Winslow Donwin345@yahoo.com Contents The Connoisseurs: The Afternoon Of The Nymphs The Connoisseurs: A Woman Of Substance The Connoisseurs: Entertainment For A Rainy Afternoon The Connoisseurs: Amelia Brings Her Pet With Her Travels With Aunt Leigh Trust Me, I’m A Doctor Wednesday With Wendy Special Delivery The Lady Judge The Image
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