The Big One – Saturday, April 30th-2

200 Words

SATURDAY, APRIL 30 12:00 noon PDST (AP) An earthquake hit the San Francisco Bay Area today, causing widespread damage throughout the area. It was felt as far north as Eureka, and as far south as far as Prescott, Arizona, and east to Reno, Nevada. Massive deaths and injuries are feared. San Francisco itself separated from anchors of the San Francisco- Oakland Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge. Large crevices are reported to have been formed in the northern portion of the San Francisco Peninsula, isolating the city of San Francisco from all roads and services. The epicenter is believed to be the Loma Prieta fault, which was also the epicenter of the last large quake to hit the area in 1989. Seismologists at the Earthquake Center in Colorado report that the quake is initially though

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