The Beginning

1066 Words
A couple weeks after Novah gave birth, Melissa went into labor and had beautiful twin girls. They were perfect and everyone loved them. Their father decided that it was best to give full custody to Melissa so his wife wouldn't leave him. Melissa was fine with that and happily moved in with her friends. Novah and Max decided to move so everyone could have their own space. The new place had 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Novah and Melissa loved how big it was. Plus, it was still close to the city that they wouldn't have to drive far for work. Max enjoyed that because he could easily drive to see Novah on her breaks but they soon noticed Melissa was looking depressed. "Melissa, what's wrong?" Novah asked her friend with concern on her face. Melissa kicked herself for letting it slip to where Novah was concerned. Sighing, Melissa looked Novah in the eye. "If you want me to be honest, I'm jealous of you." Novah's eyes bugged out of her head, as she gasped in shock. "What?" Melissa shook her eyes as tears began to form. "You and Max have each other. Plus once your little one comes home, your family will be complete." Melissa looks down ashamed. "I only have my girls. I don't have anyone to love me and my girls like a real family." Novah pulled her in for a warm hug as they both began to cry. Max comes into the kitchen as he hears the girls crying. He quickly rushes towards them. "What's wrong? Are the babies okay?" He asks, making them look at him. They slightly giggle and smile. Novah walks forward and kisses his cheek. "The babies are fine and we can go pick up our little bundle of joy later this afternoon." Max sighs, feeling himself relax. "Then why were you both crying?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at them. He was waiting for them to try and lie to him but he couldn't help but notice Melissa look away and blush. Max walks over and puts a finger under her chin to make her look him in the eye. "Melissa, what's wrong?" Melissa sighs in defeat. "I was telling Novah how I, shamefully, felt jealous of you guys." She says, as she finally looks him in the eye. Max was slowly smirking. "Melissa, you don't have to be jealous. I'm sure if we all sat down and talked we could work something out. It's not like we haven't all slept together already." he says, while laughing at the end. Melissa just looks at him dumb founded. Did she really hear him correctly? Before she could say anything, Novah walks over and puts a hand on her shoulder. Melissa turns to look at her waiting for her to be mad, but instead comes face to face with a smiling Novah. "Melissa, Max has a point. You're more than welcome be a permanent part of our family." Novah says sitting down next to her. Max nods in agreement, as Melissa turns to look at him for confirmation. Melissa begins to cry for another reason. She never thought her or her kids would be this accepted by anyone. The thought of her kids having a real family just made her heart want to explode with joy. After crying together, for what seemed like forever, they all went to the kitchen to figure out dinner. None of them felt like cooking, so they ordered take-out instead. So Max picked up his phone to order them Pizza with wings, bread sticks and a desert. They all laughed at how much food Max had ordered. Once he was off the phone, Novah leaned in to give him a kiss and thank him for dinner. As she kissed him, he looked over to see Melissa looking away. Max reached out a hand to her and pulled her closer. Melissa slowly walked over and Max leaned over to kiss her. Novah pulled Melissa to her first and kissed her instead. After she was done kissing her, Max repeated what Novah did and kissed her too. They all sat there in silence, with smiles on all their faces. They all looked flushed with excitement, like school girls with a crush. Melissa never felt like this before and she couldn't help the attraction towards Max and Novah. It felt a little weird but she wasn't going to question anything. She was just going to go with the flow of whatever came next. She just hoped that she could explore everything with them more. Hopefully they both felt the same as she did because she didn't want to put their friendships in danger if this didn't work. As she thought it, the doubt crept in, and it made her want to cry again. Instead she gulped down the panic before it could be read on her face and continued to look at them with a warm smile. All Max could think about was getting Novah and Melissa alone in a room with him. All the naughty thoughts racing through his head made him blush hard. As he looked up to see if anyone had noticed, he locked eyes with Melissa. She blushed instantly and looked away from his intense stare, blushing as well. Max smirked, liking how his stare made her react in such a way. He reached a hand over and began to rub Novah's thigh which mad her look up with a smile. Max motioned towards Melissa with his eyes. Novah slowly turned to look at Melissa and giggled. She was blushing so hard that her neck was even red. "Melissa, can you go into the other room with me for a bit?" Melissa looked up in shock but smiled and nodded as she got up from her seat. Novah walked over and took her hand leading out of the kitchen towards the bedroom. As they reached the door, Max quickly walked over to join them. Novah turned and looked at him with a huge smile. Melissa frowned, confused on what was going on. Novah looked her in the eye as she reached and turned the handle to the bedroom, pulling her inside. Max followed as and closed the door behind them. He looked over as Novah led her friend towards the bed and all he could do was smile as he go turned on.
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