
1024 Words
Justin POV Once inside my penthouse, I showered, changed clothes, and sat in silence, contemplating how I assertively branded my mate with my mark. My intention was never to hurt her in any way. It was completely against my nature to mark her without permission. The look of horror in her eyes haunted me. Leaving her alone for a few hours was the best thing I could do right now. I was going to win her forgiveness, but I knew very well that may take time. In an attempt to relax, I closed my eyes and sat in a chair, brainstorming ways to earn her forgiveness. Allowing Several hours to pass, I suddenly felt intense fear and pain. "Mate, mate is hurt," my wolf howled. As I fled my penthouse, panic overwhelmed me when I arrived at the hospital and saw the doctor barely clinging to life. "It was Erik, my Alpha," he said with his last breath of life. My beta, Erik, has taken my mate captive. I fell to the ground, grasping at my chest. Anger took over, and my wolf was clawing at the surface for blood. Erik, the person I trusted the most after myself with my mate's life, betrayed me. I suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice in my head. "I am a great knight spirit; you must rescue and mate Amber before it is too late; you must finish sealing the bond." I was dumbfounded. I did not know what was happening, but would do anything to save her. "What can I do? I'll do anything," I begged the spirit "Justin, Amber is the dragon of destiny; you are her protector and have the power to find Amber in the dream world." The spirit stated. "Dragon, Dreamworld," I mumbled. I was baffled. The Spirit spoke again, "Amber is a hybrid; she has both a dragon and wolf spirit. The dragon is controlling her body currently. The dragon is a curse and will destroy Amber if her mate does not complete the bond by her 22nd birthday." The news was overwhelming. I knew Amber's birthday was approaching, and I also knew of a dragon myth. Erik was obsessed with it when he was a child; he used to speak of the power a wolf could gain from controlling the dragon. He stole my mate for control. Pure rage was taking over me. "I have to save her," I yelled at the spirit. "You have the power to enter her dreams. You must convince her to fight. Your touch is just as strong. You can feel her, and she can feel you the same as in the real world. You must help your mate gain the strength to fight the dragon. If Erik reverses your mark, he can mark and mate Amber to gain control." The spirit advised me. I scoured the entire medical office until I discovered a tranquilizer that would make me unconscious for a few hours. I then called my army and had them search for Erik. While I slept, I had my guards present to watch over me. Without delay, I injected myself with the tranquilizer. I was out within seconds. Waking up in a dark cave, I could feel Amber's presence. I was in her dream. The cave was wet, cold, and dark, with jagged rocks lining the walls. I caught Ambers sent in a small tunnel ahead and picked up my pace. I finally spotted her against a large boulder in the cave; she was hugging her knees with her head down. My mate was naked and cold. I kept my distance as I did not want to scare her. I froze when I saw dried blood on her leg, trailing downwards. Amber was assaulted. Erik was going to die for this. I swallowed bile and tried my best to keep my anger at bay. I soon lost control of myself, running to her and scooping her bare body into my arms. Amber lifted her head in shock and tried to escape my grip. "Shhh," I whispered, trying to calm my mate. "You should have let me die," Amber spoke weakly. My heart shattered. "I know I failed you, Amber; I would do anything to fix what happened. I did not mean to force-mark you. My wolf recognized you as his mate when I think the dragon took over ... I lost control of myself." I shuddered. "You know I'm a hybrid," Amber asked, looking into my eyes for the first time. I nodded my head. " I know. I'm sorry, I could not control the need to mark you. Please, Amber, please let me fight for you." Amber looked at me once more, and instead of anger or fear, the only thing her eyes showed was sadness. I could see tears trying to break loose, but she was fighting them back and hiding her emotion. I held onto her tighter, hoping my touch would help her. Amber finally allowed her feelings to break loose, sobbing in my arms. "Amber, stay with me. Please stay strong. I love you and have loved you since the day we became friends," I whispered as I held her in my arms. Amber slowly calmed as I rocked her body against mine. "Can you tell me where Erik has you in the real world? Can you tell me what happened?" I asked her cautiously. "I'm in a cave, similar to this dream. It is some sort of dungeon," Amber spoke. "I'm going to get you out of there, I promise." I said, trying to soothe her. "My dragon spirit took control when he started to," amber started crying again "What did he do?" I snarled. "when he raped me," she finished. "I'll rip his throat out," I growled as Amber moved in my arms. The moment I tried to talk again, Amber placed her soft lips on mine. My entire body filled with sparks as I savored the taste of my mate's breath and lips against mine. The two of us may just be in a dream, but the feelings we as if we were in the real world.
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