
982 Words

Amber POV Upon awakening, I was met with an overwhelming presence of pure evil, but surprisingly, I still felt secure. I looked up at my vampire mate, who was carrying me through a Gothic city surrounded by darkness. “Where are we?” I asked, startling him. “You’re awake,” he whispered with a smile. “Amber, I apologize for taking you against your will.” he started was I puffed my face in frustration “Lord Aldridge, tell me what is going on.” I demanded. My mate sighed. “Amber, please call me Daniel,” he said, frustrated. “Not until you tell me what is going on.” I demanded. Feeling defeated, Daniel lowered his head in a bow. “Amber, you were poisoned when Erik stabbed you. It is not your lack of control over the power within you. It is the poison causing your power to leak

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