He took three gold louis from his pocket and gave them to the maid who was almost speechless with delight. “Thank you, mein herr, thank you,” she managed to say at last, curtseying as she did so. She would have gone from the room, but, as she turned round, the Marquis stopped her. “Listen,” he said, “I want you to go back to the hotel and pack all Mademoiselle’s clothes as quickly as you can.” “Some of them are already packed, mein herr, and I think perhaps she’s going away.” “Pack what is left and see that all her luggage is taken downstairs,” the Marquis said. He paused before continuing, “If you will do exactly as I tell you without letting anybody know, you will be amply rewarded for your trouble. ” “Thank you, mein herr, thank you,” the maid said again. Then, as she left the