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"Alex!" Alexandra turned her head just in time to see her mother and father flying through the emergency doors. They looked worried and obviously had been pulled out of their classes because of her emergency. She did not want the fuss but, it did feel good to see them rushing over. She did not mind not being rich because she had the best parents in the world. "Hello, Mr and Mrs Carter. I'm Dr. Bruner," the attending physician met the husband and wife just before they could reach Alexandra. "Good news! She doesn't have a concussion although, there might be a little bit more swelling; a mild compress and some pain reliever will do the trick." "Unfortunately, she has a dislocated shoulder and her arm suffered a minor injury. We don't have to put the entire thing in a cast however, I advise that she does not move it or does anything strenuous for at least a couple of days or a full week." The doctor beckoned them to come closer and Alexandra was already starting to feel highly inconvenienced with her right arm tightly bandaged and placed in a sling. "We've decided to just tightly wrap it and put the arm in a sling so that she won't be able to move it" the doctor continued. He gave Alex a smile and patted her on the other shoulder and she tried to give him a smile in return. "You're a lucky girl, Alex. There's going to be some pain for a couple of days while your shoulder and arm heals. If the pain is intolerable, then you can take some pills for the pain. But only if it's too much, okay?” Dr. Bruner turned to continue talking to her parents. "Normally, serious injuries from vehicular accidents that are will take at least a year to manifest. From what I've been told, the impact was mild. Still, if there's any vomiting or black outs, send her to the ER immediately. " Alex tuned everyone out as the doctor added a few more details to her parents. Soon, Dr. Bruner left and she was being carefully hugged by her mother. "Oh honey, when principal Turner told me that you have been in an accident I was so worried."  "I'm okay, mom. I'm just pretty bummed out because how am I supposed to take notes in class now?" She looked down on her arm. She tried to imitate holding a pen and moved and a searing pain raced through her whole arm then body which made her whimper in response. "Don't move it, Alex. The doctor said so," her father hastily chastised her before he kissed her on top of her head after "I know it sucks but hey, you can even miss class without having to worry about being marked absent. The doctor can give you a free pass for a couple of days." "God forbid Alex misses a class! Think of the tragedy, Martin!" her mother replied with enough dramatic flare "the world will cease to exist as we know it!" Alexandra rolled her eyes at them "stop it! You two are such big bullies. I don't like missing classes, you know that. Besides, I need a perfect record for-" "College" her father finished for her and he exchanged a look with his wife. "We know, honey. We only heard it from you a trillion times. But, you have to give in to us on this one. You need to rest and let that shoulder heal. The more you force yourself to do stuff, the longer it will take to get better." "Besides, maybe this is the universe's way of telling you to take a break. Be a delinquent student" Sandra Carter added and smiled encouragingly to her daughter before Alex could protest in response. "We all know you're working hard but you are still a teenager. You have to go out with friends and have fun, party, get detentions once in a while." Alexandra blanched. "Mom, if I agree to stay in the house for a whole day and miss one school day, can we go home?" "At least 2 days” her dad replied. "Dad? Come on! That's hardly-" She bit her lip because she already knew the look that both of her parents were giving her.  Most of the time they would argue with diplomacy since Alexandra had always been an obedient daughter but, there were times when the Carter parents had to put their foot down and no matter what intelligent reasoning their daughter threw at them, they would not budge from their decision. "Fine. 2 days." She replied with defeat knowing full well that it was pointless to argue. Alexandra was never oblivious to their attempt of trying to make her act like the typical, normal senior high student. While most parents wished their kids had good grades and stayed at home on weekends, hers were a little bit eccentric. They wanted her to have fun and be normal. She was rewarded with another kiss on the head from her father.  "So, who's the guy who backed up on you with his car? I need to talk to his father,” Martin Carter announced. And as if on cue, the emergency doors opened and a tall, distinguished looking man in a suit and tie came marching in.  Alexandra noticed that he looked a lot like Travis Johnson. She sighed, her head was starting to pound in pain again. She just wanted to go home and rest. It did not matter anymore if she got hit by the car, it was an accident and she knew she should have been more careful. "Hello, my name is Ethan Johnson. I'm really sorry about what happened this morning with my son. I took care of the hospital bill and if there's anything you need, please, don't hesitate.Is your daughter all right?" Alex did not have time to respond as the effects of the painkiller was working on her body. She yawned and fell asleep in her mother's arms. Travis was waiting anxiously inside his father's Volvo. He wanted to go down and see Alexandra Carter just to make sure he didn't do any huge damage. But, his father was adamant that he stayed behind to avoid any more conflict.  Travis was surprised that he got a scolding from his father. It had been ages since he really saw any kind of true emotion from him. The past year, it was all about being lenient and sensitive towards Travis. He could get away with almost anything during the height of his parents' divorce. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why he had turned into such a devil-may-care guy. It was going to be a pain in the butt when his dad decides to start being the regular father again but Travis was willing to pay the price if only to get some sense of normalcy from both his parents. He sighed. He was tired of feeling like he did not care about anything. He truly wanted to have inspiration again. He got out of the car and leaned against the door, waiting for his father to come back with news. He tried to recall who Alexandra Carter is in middle school. Surely, she wasn't as nerdy as she is now.  He had grown up in Richmont and almost knew everyone as childhood buddies. Although, most of them have developed amnesia and forgot that they all played in the schoolyard as kids. He frowned and tried to remember Alexandra Carter. Travis suddenly had a vision of a small quiet girl with long reddish hair sitting by the steps of the public library. He frowned and thought of common friends they might have had in the past. It was funny because he could not think of anyone.  That was weird. It was like Alexandra Carter flitted through the town, invisible among the growing up teens. He straightened up and realized that his father was already by the driver's side of the car. He opened his door went inside, asking his father about Alexandra's condition. His heart was hammering in his chest but he still tried his best to play cool and unaffected. "Thank God she only had minor injuries. The girl's going to be fine but she won't be doing anything with that right arm of hers. It was extremely lucky that both of you are okay. I mean, there won't be charges pressed or life destroyed." Travis stiffened. "I'm sorry, Travis. I didn't mean-" He looked out the window while muttering that it didn't matter. As his father pulled away from the curb, Travis saw Alexandra emerging from the hospital with people he guessed that were her parents.  She looked a little out of whack, dazed as she sat in the wheelchair. But a laugh from her father and smile from her mother made Travis breathe a sigh of relief.  He noticed the sling on her right arm and hoped that it wouldn't hinder her from doing anything in school. He might not remember her much from his early memories of the town but he was pretty sure she was a nerd through and through.
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