Chapter 113: DID YOU MISS ME?

1152 Words

BELINDA A lot has been happening for the past week. Damon and I have finally gone to Luna Janelle to announce our date for the marriage and mating ritual. So, a lot has been going on that literally occupied my mind and Reina isn't there to help me through it. Where is Reina, then? You may ask. Well, she has been shuffling between her spiritual training of being a dreamer, her physical training of being a dreamer, and her medical checkups now that she's with her child. Yes, Hayley confirmed already that of the truth, she has a little wolf growing in her. I may be excited for her, but I'm also a bit worried about how she's handling everything. She comes home looking so exhausted most of the time and has to leave for training so early. She keeps on reassuring me that everything will be oka

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